SIP Presentation - Debasmita Bej

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ROLL NO: -BIM1520BM029 & YEAR 2020-2022

Under the guidance of

Prof. Abhishek Sinha Sir


MANAGEMENT , Bhartiya vidya bhavan, Bhubaneswar,
Odisha Batch-2020-2022

• Orientation Program is absolutely necessary for new employees in any organization. Without orientation and training many things can and do take place that have risky
and negative impact on the company and the new employee. It is essential to comprehend and recognize that orientation and training is not the same thing with each
having a different purpose and hence playing a different role in an organization;
• orientation is the process of communicating to a new employee the duties of the job and how to accomplish them. Training on the other hand is the process of building
specific skills necessary to carry out the job duties explained in the orientation .
• According to Mathias (1994), orientation is the planned introduction of new employees to their jobs, their co -workers, and culture of the organization. Most
organizations offer an employee orientation programme coordinated by the Human Resource Department (Blackwell, 1997).
• Human Resources have played a significant role in the economic development in most developed countries . It can therefore be concluded that a developing country .In
order to manage and run an organization, whether large or small, it is necessary to recruit competent personnel. The formal educational system in India does not
adequately teach specific job skills for a position in a particular organization. Few employees have the requisite skills, knowledge, abilities and competencies (SKAC)
needed to work. As a result ,many require extensive training to acquire the necessary SKAC to be able to make substantive contributions towards the organization’s
growth .
• The new recruit or new employee orientations serve many purposes and have many meanings from both an organizational and employee perspective. Researchers have
found that successful new employee orientation programmes help new employees become well-known or familiar with their organizational environment and help them
understand and appreciate their responsibilities .To effectively impact on new employees through orientation and training, one has to teach employees about the “big
picture” organizational issues, such as culture, vision, values, mission, structure, ethics, policies, and confidentiality. Every year, many organizations in the private and
public sectors face a sudden influx of employees.
• A well-planned employee orientation can do much to help make this transition as painless as possible and get new employees off on the right foot immediately. How
effective is the new employee process in conveying the big picture organizational issues? Do employees learn from new employee orientations, and is that learning
carried back to the work place? It is difficult to address these questions because of the dearth of research on this topic .
• It is significant for an institution or an organization to have a well-organized orientation which should comprise a well-organized programme providing relevant and
appropriate information and conducted in a systematic manner which will ensure that the new employee is equipped with all the information they need to succeed in an
organization. The employee should also be made to prepare a post orientation report to provide management with feedback on the entire programme.
• Most organizations meet their needs for orientation through ad hoc, chaotic, and haphazard methods while other organizations set about identifying their actual needs for
orientation and then designing programs in a rational manner in order to address their employee needs.

• Klein and Weaver (2000) attest that new employees who attended orientation training became more adaptable to the
organization, than those who did not attend the training program. As such, those who attended turned to be better satisfied at
work than the others.
• New comers are known to possess a very high level of socialization and initial positive attitude on the job, after their
orientation process. This makes their job satisfaction rate to reach the peak at the point of entry into an organization
(Boswell, Shipp, Payne & Culbertson, 2009).
• Orientation training is one facet of socialization, which facilitates interpersonal relationships, goal clarifications and
awareness to new employees about the politics within an organization. Through orientation, new employees are fully
integrated into an organization or work group, thus making learning and working in a new environment more pleasant
(Bauer et al, 2007).
• It increases job and task clarity and sets positive expectations towards the job. As such, it is realized that job satisfaction is
positively related how far an employee is clarified about his goals, expectations, work group (social relationships) and how
such an employee can bring about harmony amongst these areas (Edwards & Cable, 2009).
• In the same vein, Vigoda (2000) suggest that organizational politics have been seen as a negative influence or contributor to
job satisfaction. Orientation training becomes a good platform for new employees to be aware of these politics occurring in
an organization. This makes them aware and helps them on how to avoid these politics, while trying to navigate around it,
to achieve their required goals. Therefore orientation training positively affects job satisfaction of an employee, since
through orientation; job characteristics and certain behaviors are built within the new comer, which boost his or her
satisfaction with the new job and environment.

• It is worrying that big organizations and institutions in this country have problems with orientation programmes. Some
organizations as well as some leaders of institutions still consider orientation to be a waste for organizational Resources. A
significant problem that continues to confront our organizations in India is the lack provisions of adequate orientation for
employees to enable them deliver their optimum .In most cases, new employees are being influenced or affected by certain
factors in the Organization. This includes vision, mission, values, organizational/institutional culture and structure, policies
of the organization and others. The orientations at organizations usually Provided for their new employee appears to be
overloaded with too many details and irrelevant introduction which makes the orientation process ineffective. Although, it is
an undeniable truth that problems exist everywhere, especially where there are human interactions and activities, there is the
need for organisations to orient its staff on ways to circumvent these problems. As much as it can be said that orientation
affects or impacts one employee satisfaction, the question is ‘to what extent can orientation affect satisfaction?” This
research is therefore intended to find out the effect of employee orientation on satisfaction .
• The objectives of the study were:
• 1.To understand the induction procedure
• .2. To understand the orientation procedure.
• 3. To find out the effect of employee induction/orientation on employee satisfaction .

This study investigates the following research questions:

• How does new employee orientation training affect employee perceptions of quality management?
• What is the effect of time spent back in the workplace when examining employee perception of
quality management after the training?
In order to address these questions, the following hypotheses were tested: 1. H0 There is no significant
difference on the perceptions of trainees about quality management between Phase I and II. H1 There
is a significant difference on the perceptions of trainees about quality management between Phase I
and II. 2. H0 There is no significant difference on the perceptions of trainees about quality
management between Phase II and III. H1 There is a significant difference on the perceptions of
trainees about quality management between Phase II and III. 3. H0 There is no significant difference
on the perceptions of trainees about quality management between Phase I and III. H1 There is a
significant difference on the perceptions of trainees about quality management between Phase I and

• The following section represents that the Orientation is important because it lays a
foundation for the new employee’s entire career with the department. First
impressions are important since they establish the basis for everything that
• Without orientation, a new employee sometimes feels uncomfortable in his/her
new position and takes longer to reach his/her full potential.

Four different kinds of students are covered

by collected data, they are 1.Agree with the
effectiveness Of orientation program (80%),
2. Do not agree with the effectiveness (10%),

3. Partially agree with the program (5%) and

4. Remain neutral with the views (5%).

Agree with the orientation program Donot agree with the effectiveness of orientation program
Partially agree with the program Remain neutral

The following results I gathered regarding the Orientation by frequent analysis are:-
• Provides the new employee with concise and accurate information to make
him/her more comfortable in the job;
• Encourages employee confidence and helps the new employee adapt faster to the
• Contributes to a more effective, productive workforce
• Improves employee retention; and
• Promotes communication between the supervisor and the new employee.

• The study concludes that, the induction program procedure in Tata Technologies Ltd. is found effective. The study on
employee induction highlighted so many factors which will help to satisfy the employees. The study was conducted among
236 employees and collected information through structured questionnaire. The study helped to findings which were related
with employee induction programs which are provided in the organization.
• The presentation delivered by every department really play a significant role in satisfying the employees of the
organization. They are major factors that make an employee feel good in his work and results in his satisfaction too. The
organization can still concentrate on specific areas which are evolved from this study in order to make the induction
programs more effective. Only if the employees are properly satisfied - they work well and only if they work well the
organization is going to benefit out it. Steps should be taken to improve the induction programs procedure in the future. The
suggestions of this report may help in this direction

• The suggestions for the findings from the study are follows-
• As only one induction is conducted for the FT, CONTRACT, C2R and PROJECT TRAINEE it results in time consuming
for the PROJECT TRAINEE as their documentation is less compared to the others. So induction programmes for the all
four category should be different.
• The documentation part should be completed in the starting as it is time consuming and lengthy procedure.
• The company already has a happy culture but there is scope for better transparency in the organization. This can be
achieved through better communication between employees.
• Better career development opportunities should be given to the employees for their improvement.
• Employees should be given opportunity to travel abroad for work; it helps gain knowledge and exposure. This plays a
pivotal role in enhancing their motivation level.
• A Growth map should be created for employees and adequate training should be provided which helps one see him-self/her-
self inching towards his/her mission.
• Corporate Retreats should be held to enhance better coordination and Team Spirit amongst employee

• As per Literature review of Klein and Weaver (2000) attest that new employees who attended
orientation training became more adaptable to the organization, than those who did not attend the
training program
• As per Literature review of Bauer et al, 2007 Orientation training is one facet of socialization, which
facilitates interpersonal relationships, goal clarifications and awareness to new employees about the
politics within an organization
• As per Literature review of Boswell, Shipp, Payne & Culbertson, 2009 New comers are known to
possess a very high level of socialization and initial positive attitude on the job, after their orientation
• The books refered for understanding the orientation program are :-
Human resource management-K.Ashwathappa
Research methodology-C.R.Kothari
HR Review Magazines

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