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ARTEMIS Mission Support

Colin Eaton Graduate Co-op, Code 595 Mentor: Mark Woodard August 25, 2010

ARTEMIS Brief mission summary Related projects P2 z-oscillations P2 L1 stationkeeping analysis in STK STK-COM automation P2 L1 ODTK simulator / Tracking schedules Maneuver calibrations GMAT testing Testing methodology MATLAB scripts/functions


ARTEMIS mission
Extension of the THEMIS mission, and a collaboration with UCB and JPL THEMIS B = ARTEMIS P1 , THEMIS C = ARTEMIS P2 First mission to navigate to and perform stationkeeping operations around the Earth-Moon L1 and L2 libration points Satellites transfer from highly-elliptical lunar orbits Lissajous Libration orbits Low lunar orbits NMDB is responsible for much of the maneuver planning and calibration, with additional emphasis on Lissajous stationkeeping operations

The P2 L1 z-component dilemma

Targeted P2 Lissajous trajectories yielded uncontrolled RLP zcomponent oscillations prior to exit Conditions must be controlled in order to capture into lunar orbit


The P2 L1 z-component dilemma

Performed Fourier analysis to derive periodicity Long-term Period: ~9 months Attributed to the equations of motion for the CR3BP


amplitu de



The P2 L1 z-component dilemma

Methods for controlling zoscillations: DV prior to Lissajous insertion Required too large of a DV to make significant alteration DV at inflection point Requires only ~1m/s down burn to stabilize Maneuver at set frequency Box method

P2 L1 stationkeeping analysis

P2 L1 stationkeeping analysis
Stationkeeping methods DV at each x-axis crossing (a.k.a. half-rev) DV at every other x-axis crossing (a.k.a. full-rev) No significant advantage over half-rev Half-rev for first 2-3 maneuvers, then full-rev Methods for DC convergence Vx=0 Gate method Give it a push method

Wrote ARTEMIS procedures section outlining the primary methodology in STK

STK-COM Automation
Had the desire to make the stationkeeping operations much more convenient Most tasks were very repetitive Became familiarized with STK-COM as per Kevin Berrys suggestion and learned the basics with Cassie Object-oriented programming using MATLAB to control the STK GUI Wrote various scripts to automate common tasks that did not require eyeballing Still exploring ways to add some autonomy to allow less user input

for i=1:3 click.m end


STK-COM Automation
MATLAB scripts COMbase.m Connects to STK and stores the threads to common objects from the stkp setup (e.g. MCS segments, DVs, etc.) into MATLAB variables for easier manipulation

COMTest_better.m Loops through all (or specific) target sequences to change settings such as: profile action, zeroing out DVs, applying profiles, DC step/pert sizes, Radial-only v etc. D i re n ti l ffe a COMTest_fordave2.m C o rre cto r Pa s Apply v Targ. params Add targ. v s STOP Fa i l

ODTK Simulator / Tracking Schedules

Wanted to perform trade study on tracking schedules for P2 at L1 using the following tracking systems: DSN (Madrid, Canberra, Goldstone) BGS (UC Berkeley) MILA (GSFC/KSC) Pu rp o se o f th e stu d y w a s to d e te rm i e h o w m u ch n tra cki g i a d e q u a te to n s yi l co n ve rg e d so l ti n s ed u o o f th e o rb i sta te t U se d O D T K ( not to be confused with ODTBX) to simulate tracking data from the stations based on custom tracking intervals

ODTK Simulator / Tracking Schedules

First studied mathematics behind the software and spent time with Mark to find the things to look for Ran results through the sequential filter and fixedinterval smoother to check convergence


ODTK Simulator / Tracking Schedules

The first step was to create the customized tracking schedules for each station Requirements provided: DSN: Alternate between N/S hemisphere, every other day for 3.5 hours/pass BGS: Two 45-min passes every day MILA: One 1-hour pass every day Created random schedules by hand at first Decided to write MATLAB scripts to make my job easier checkSched.m compares a newly generated schedule to be integrated with an existing schedule (e.g. adding my BGS passes to the DSN schedule I had to check for overlaps) makeSched.m creates a new tracking schedule of multiple stations with various types of parameters and requirements Currently includes my DSN passes, hope to add BGS and MILA in future

ODTK Simulator / Tracking Schedules

Ran into various software-related and physical problems (even some that Jonathan couldnt fix!!!) Filter/smoother position/velocity uncertainties and measurement biases sporadically explode from case to case SRP and transponder bias dont have realistic physical ties o e sn iterations converge O D T K o fte n dwhen t w o rk p ro pe rl o n m y co m p u te r u n l ss y e

J n ath a n to u ch e s th e ke ys o U n a b l to m a ke a n y d e ci ve e si co n cl si n s th u s fa r i th e si u l to r u o n m a anal s ysi A l a tte m p te d P 1 L2 si u l ti n , so m a o b u t ra n i to sa m e p ro b l m s n e


Maneuver calibration
For the majority of the summer, P1 and P2 were performing deep space and trajectory correction maneuvers P1: TCM-6, TCM-7 P2: DSM-1, DSM-2, TCM-2, TCM-3 P ro v i e d p a ra l e l a n a l si to d l y s D a v e s G M A T ca l b ra ti n s u si g i o n O D TK M o st i ra ti n s co rre l te d te o a qui w el te l A l p e rfo rm e d p re - m a n e u v e r so a n a l si y s B i se d th e n o m i a l D V s a n to a cco u n t fo r m a n e u v e r e xe cu ti n o e rro r W ro te A R T E M IS p ro ce d u re s d o cu m e n t fo r ca l b ra ti n i o




GMAT Testing
Asked to help participate in GMAT testing with Steve and Joel for December release of the software Responsible for various aspects of the Save command Finding all unique GUI configurations Creating the script and output files necessary for comparison Developing the comparator Running cases through the comparator Had fun learning how to utilize regexp() i.e. translating Joels native language


GMAT Testing
Testing Methodology:
Te st S yste m

.script / .truth file


.tc file

Saved data file

.truth file


Result (P/F)



GMAT Testing
MATLAB scripts/functions: makeSave.m Runs entire comparator process requiring only the object class and setting extension

@SaveComparator\Compare.m Extracts saved object properties from .script/.truth file Much regexping Searches for same data in saved/.data file Checks Create and property lines Yields pass/fail result Must match property name and property value exactly to pass

Mark Woodard Dave Folta Jonathan Lowe Steve Hughes Joel Parker Kevin Berry Conrad Schiff Cassie Alberding (and the LCP)


Thanks for your time!


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