Teaching EPP/TLE Grade 6 Content Through: Explicit Instruction

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Mass Training of Teachers for Grade 6 EPP/TLE

Teaching EPP/TLE Grade 6 Content

Explicit Instruction
• Discuss explicit instruction as a
strategy in teaching;
• Explain the essential ingredients
of explicit instruction; and
• Develop an activity for EPP using
explicit instruction.
Department of Education
1. As a teacher, what do you
think should be your end
goal every lesson or session?

2. What do you think should

be your consideration in
choosing a strategy to use
every lesson /session?
Department of Education
Its game
time !!!
Department of Education

Department of Education
Explicit Instruction
- is an instructional strategy that
is systematic, relentless, engaging
and success oriented.

It is used by teachers to assist

their learners succeed in learning,
mastery& applying of vital skills.
Department of Education
Essential ingredients of
explicit instruction:

 A clear goal
 Some show and tell
 Plenty of practice

Department of Education
Clear flow
of skills practice

Guided Systematic Relentless Cumulative

Practice review

Independent Teach to

Practice mastery

Focus on
Instruction Eliciting
objective responses

Constant Success- Performance

Engaging monitored

Practice to
Feedback is
Teach to Brisk provided
mastery learn lesson pace

Department of Education
• IA – compute income from sales
• ICT – uses functions and formulas in an
electronic spreadsheet tool to perform
advanced calculations on numerical data
• HE – drafts pattern for household linens
• Agri – prepares layout design of an
orchard garden using the information
Department of Education
In a nutshell:
• What is Explicit Instruction

• What are the ingredients of

explicit instruction ?
• How can a teacher use explicit
instruction more effectively?
Department of Education
Department of Education
Explicit Instruction:
• Be clear about what you want your
learners to know and be able to do
by the end of the lesson.
• Tell learners what they need to know
and show them how to do what they
need to now.
• Give your learners time to practice
what they have learned.
Department of Education
Using the Curriculum
Guide for EPP/TLE Grade 6,
choose one competency from
your learning area and
develop an activity/ies for the
lesson/session using explicit
Department of Education
EPP/TLE Worksheet
EPP sub-component
Sample Problem

Content/competency/ies covered

To do for “ I do “

To do for “ We do “

To do for “You do”

Submitted by:

Department of Education
Think about this….

With the abundance of

teaching approaches and
strategies, teachers should be
keen in utilizing appropriate
strategies to be used for specific
contents of a learning area.
Department of Education

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