Strategic Management - Ipr - Technology Management

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Dept of Strategic


Dr Rajesh Tripathi
MA Englit, MBA, NET , PhD in Strategic Management (MNNIT),
Total professional experience 14 years
Teaching experience 9 years
Area of interest
• Strategic Management
• Technology Management
UPES – The Nation Builders University

Strategic Management of
Technological Innovation

Centre for
Continuing Education
UPES – The Nation Builders University

SM :Traditional Perspective
 Origin- economics, other business disciplines and consulting firms
 View of Firm- an economic entity
 Approach to Strategy Formulation- Situation analysis of internal
and external environments leading to formulation of mission and
 Source of Competitive Advantage- Best adapting to its environment
by taking advantage of strengths and opportunities and overcoming
weaknesses and threats.

Centre for
Continuing Education
UPES – The Nation Builders University

SM : Resource Based View

Origin-Economics, distinctive competencies and general
management capability
View of Firm- A collection of resources, skills, and abilities
Approach to Strategy Formulation- analysis of organizational
resources, skills and abilities Acquisition of superior resources,
skills and abilities
Source of Competitive Advantage- Possession of resources,
skills and abilities that are valuable, rare and difficult to
imitate by competitors

Centre for
Continuing Education
UPES – The Nation Builders University

SM : Stakeholders View
Origin- Business ethics and social responsibility
View of Firm-A network of relationships among the firm and
its stakeholders
Approach to Strategy Formulation-Analysis of the economic
power and influences, rights and demands of various
Source of Competitive Advantage- Superior linkages with
stakeholders leading to trust, goodwill, reduced uncertainty,
improved business dealings, and ultimately higher firm

Centre for
Continuing Education
UPES – The Nation Builders University

Centre for
Continuing Education
UPES – The Nation Builders University

Technological Innovation
Emphasis on flow of knowledge
Exploitation of knowledge
Systems component

Centre for
Continuing Education
UPES – The Nation Builders University

Innovation challenges

Centre for
Continuing Education
UPES – The Nation Builders University

Strategic Innovation

Centre for
Continuing Education
Technological Innovation System:
• Technology Innovation Systems are defined in
terms of knowledge /competence flows rather than
flows of ordinary goods and services. They consist
of dynamic knowledge and competence network in
presence of an entrepreneur and sufficient critical
mass, such networks can be transformed into
development blocks ie synergistic cluster of firms
and technologies with an industry, Carlsson and
Structures of Technological
Innovation System
• Actors
• Institutions
• Technological Factors
Seven System Functions
• Entrepreneurial Activities
• Knowledge development
• Knowledge Diffusion/Knowledge Exchange
• Guidance of the search
• Market Formation
• Resource Mobilisation
• Support from Advocacy Coalitions
Challenges: Acquiring New
Technologies and Capabilities
• Improper documentation and implicit knowledge
• Cultural and Symbolic Independence
• Detailed Knowledge Exchange
• Management of Executives
• Transfer of technologies
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