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 It came into existence in 1978

 It was decided at that the international conference which took place
at Alma- Ata in (USSR) to be precise it is situated in Kazakhstan.
 Ultimate goal of primary healthcare is better health for all.
 Primary healthcare is essential health care made universally
accessible to individual and acceptable to them, though their full
participation and at a cost the community and country can afford,
this is the definition of primary health care.
 Concept of primary healthcare was accepted by almost all countries
it was thought to be the key to attainment of health for all by the
year 2000
Element of Primary Health Care:

There are Eight Element of primary healthcare.

• Education about prevailing health problems and how to prevent and
control them.
• Food supply and proper nutrition
• Provision of essential drug
• Prevention and control of endemic diseases
• Maternal and child health (MCH),Family planning
• Immunization against infectious diseases
• Treatment of common infections
• Adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation

Main activities of PHC:

1. Safe water and sanitation

2. Food supply and proper nutrition
3. Mother and child health
4. Immunization
5. Prevention and control endemics
6. Education
7. Treatment of disease and injuries
8. Training and/or up skilling of staff
9. Lab services and essential drugs
10. Referral
• Main principles of PHC:
1. Equitable distribution:
• Health services must be shared equally by all people irrespective of their
ability to pay.
• All people must have access to health services.
• Eg: Health services are mainly concentrated in the major towns and cities
resulting in inequality of care to the people in rural areas.
2. Community participation:
• The involvement of individuals, families and communities in promotion of
their own health and welfare.
• There must be a continuing effort to secure meaningful involvement of the
community in the planning, implementation and maintenance of health
• Maximum reliance on local resources like manpower, money and materials
3. Intersectorial Coordination
• Components of primary healthcare cannot be provided by health sector
• Health sector + all related sector and aspect of national and community
• Eg.: Agriculture, animal husbandry, food, industry.

4. Appropriate Technology
• Scientifically sound
• Adaptable to local needs
• Acceptable to those who apply it and those for whom it is used
• Maintained by the people themselves.

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