1A Art & Archaeology: Homer, Hero-Cult, and The Origins of Greek Art

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1A Art & Archaeology

Homer, hero-cult, and the origins of Greek art

View of the Menelaion at Therapne, near Sparta
amphora, ninth
century BC
‘Geometric’ vase, c. 800 BC
‘Late Geometric’ amphora
(c. 760 BC: Athens NM 804)
Part of Dipylon gate cemetery (1893)
Athens NM 990:
excavated by
Gustav Hirschfield
= ‘Attic LG II’
krater, by the
Prothesis scene
‘Whoever of these dancers now plays most delicately, to him
this [vessel?]’ LG oinochoe from the Kerameikos, with
hexameter inscription
Fragment of a krater from Argos
The Aristonothos
Detail of an
storage jar,
Getty Museum
Amphora from Eleusis
Storage jar from Mykonos
(670-650 BC)
Sixth-century BC bronze
Reconstruction of the Sperlonga Group (early 1st
century AD)
Fragment with signature of Sophilos, c. 570

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