Regression Analsysis

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Profit Salesman
20 5
25 10
30 15
35 25
40 35
55 41
65 54
Y= a + bX

Y= Profit
X= No. of Salesman
a = Constant ( Y –Intercept)
b= Regression Coefficient


R- Square
a= Y- Intercept / Constant
b= Regression Coefficient

Y= a + bX
Y= 14.96106 + 0893365 ( No. of Salesman)
Y= 14.96106 + 0893365 (5)
Y= 19.42
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.979881
R Square 0.960166
Adjusted R Square 0.9522
Standard Error 3.554282
Observations 7

  Coefficients Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 14.96106 2.53574 5.900076 0.00199
salesman 0.893365 0.081376 10.97827 0.000109
Profit Advertisement
20 5
25 10
30 12
35 17
40 18
55 19
65 22
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.910404
R Square 0.828835
Adjusted R Square 0.794602
Standard Error 7.367753
Observations 7

  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept 1.885135 7.958851 0.23686 0.822164

Advertisement 2.493243 0.506703 4.920525 0.004396

Profit Advertisement Salesman
20 5 5
25 10 10
30 12 15
35 17 25
40 18 35
55 19 41
65 22 54
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.982736
R Square 0.965771
Adjusted R Square 0.948656
Standard Error 3.683684
Observations 7

  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept 19.22081 5.883415 3.266948 0.030878

Advertisement -0.67243 0.830927 -0.80925 0.46376

Salesman 1.106564 0.276623 4.000261 0.016127

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