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TEAM 22.7
Ashley  Teofilo, Davin Ohta, Geo Matias, Jason Lucas, Theo Proctor, & Sophia Coseo


• Intake 37 gallons of saltwater per day  Lenses
• Produce 36 gallons of desalinated water per day
• Uses renewable energy 
• Low Price (<$500)
• Purely mechanical Funnel
End-user Coils
• Household of 3 maintaining a 400 ft2 garden

Figure 1: Setting Example


In recent years, we have recognized the existence of an "energy- Figure 4: Solar Boiler Model
water nexus," which poses challenges and possibilities to
engineers in addressing the needs of society in providing a
reliable and sustainable source of freshwater for the future.
“Energy Water Nexus" refers to the fact that we require energy to WATER COLLECTION BASIN
generate freshwater, yet fresh water is also a significant
component of energy creation in many circumstances. 
Main Parts and Specifications Dimensions
The purpose of our design is to aid families in need of food • Piping​(Up to 100 meters long) • Volume = 0.189m3 = 6.674 ft3 (5 gallons)
security by helping them create their own sustainable food • Recycled Metal Barrel​ • Wall Surface Area = 2.819m2 = 30.343ft2 Figure 9: Lens Views
source.  Our team focused on creating a device to desalinate 36 • Volume: 55 Gallon • Wall Thickness = 0.0508m = 2in
gallons of ocean/sea water for a 400 sqft garden. • Diameter x Height: 35cm x 54cm Figure 5: Hand Pump FUTURE WORK
• Assumed only 40 gallons​of saltwater necessary Materials
Existing solutions • Hand Crank Drum Pump (8oz/stroke)​ • 2in x 4in x 8in bricks
• Assuming 100 strokes/minute • Copper coil Fresh Water Collection
• Approximately 6.4 minutes ​to fill with 55 • Wet cement Develop a water collection system to transport the fresh water out
• Attached to barrel • Black paint of the still and into a storage tank. 
Problem​: Hole sizing to control Mass flow rate from
the barrel to basin Problem: salt build up and heat loss Solid Salt Collection
Time (hours) Water Volume (gallons) Salt Volume (gallons)
• Assumptions 0 4.36 0.1526 Make the collection of solid salt more efficient for the user by
• Tubing will be fully horizontal 1 4.5126 0.3052 making the interior of the basin easily accessible.
2 4.6652 0.4578
• Metal Barrel will be atmospheric 3 4.8178 0.6104
• 40 Gallons of saltwater in tank Figure 6: Metal Barrel 4 4.9704 (close to overflow) 0.763 Prototype
5 5.123 (overflow) 0.9156
• Will need 4.36 gallons of salt water per hour Develop a complete prototype to test in a comparable
Figure 2: Solar Panel Boiler  • Need environment to a tropical coastal region and measure freshwater
• Can’t overflow initial salt concentration = 0.035ppt output as well as lens heat produced.
• Fully close during maintenance​
Equations: Equations LESSONS LEARNED
Leakage valve hole size from saltwater collection tank to basin k = 0.6 W/mK 
Derived from the Bernoulli Principal Q = -k(ΔT)/L * A
    = -0.6(Tin – Tout)/0.0508*2.819 W On the more technical side, we learned the difficulty
of minimizing heat loss and the required measures it takes to do
Solution Solution so. We also saw how the principles we have learned throughout
• Hole size for max flow rate: 1.45 mm Paint basin and coil black; scrape out our careers as students have played a role in creating a
• Adjustable hole size​ salt every 4 hours. solution. Along the way, we had to constantly challenge and
Figure 3: GoSun Kettle Solar Boiler  • Control​through mechanism expand our collaboration and communication skills. 
Figure 8: brick heat loss
• Allows for flow rates needed on lower 7: Adjustable
production days valve

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