FACULTY520 BS322 KUST 2021S L12 Concept of Leadership

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“Total Quality Management”

Lecture 12
“Concept of Leadership”

Dr. Muhammad Irshad

Institute of Business Studies, KUST
Topic: Concept of Leadership


Leadership “the process of social influence in which one

person can enlist the aid and support of others in the
accomplishment of a common task”.[Chemers MM 2002]

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: Concept of Leadership

According to the James McGregor a leader is one inspires, not one who
controls the team member by brute force.

Leaders shape the organization’s values, promote the organization’s values,

protect the organization’s values and exemplify the organization’s values. 

According to Burns “Leaders and followers can raise one another to higher
levels of motivation and morality”

… leadership becomes moral in that it raises the level of human conduct

and ethical aspiration of both the leader and the led, and thus has a
transforming effect on both.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: Concept of Leadership

Leadership is related to:

Leadership is we, not me;

mission, not my show;

vision, not division;

Community, not domicile.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: Concept of Leadership

• Leaders ensure the creation of strategies, systems, and methods for
achieving excellence, stimulating innovation, and building knowledge
and capabilities.

• The values and strategies should help guide all activities and decisions
of your organization.

• Senior leaders should inspire and motivate the entire workforce and
should encourage all employees to contribute, to develop and learn, to
be innovative, and to be creative.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: Concept of Leadership

• Senior leaders should serve as role models through their ethical
behavior and their personal involvement in planning, communications,
coaching, development of future leaders, review of organizational
performance, and employee recognition.

• As role models, they can reinforce values and expectations while

building leadership, commitment, and initiative throughout your

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: Concept of Leadership


In order to become successful, leadership requires an intuitive

understanding of human nature– the basic needs, wants, and abilities of
people. To be effective, a leader understands that:

• People, paradoxically, need security and independence at the same time.

• People are sensitive to external rewards and punishments and yet are
also strongly self-motivated.

• People like to hear a kind word of praise. Catch people doing something
right, so you can pat them on the back.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: Concept of Leadership

• People can process only a few facts at a time; thus, a leader needs to
keep things simple.

• People trust their gut reaction more than statistical data.

• People distrust a leader’s rhetoric if the words are inconsistent with the
leader’s actions.

• Give independence to employees and provide secure working


• Encourages and rewards for successes.

• Provided a working environment that fosters employee creativity and

risk taking by not penalizing mistakes.
Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: Concept of Leadership

• Leaders must focus on few values or objectives. Focusing on a few
values or objectives gives the employees the ability to discern on a
daily basis what is important and what is not.

• Employees, upon understanding the objectives, must be given personal

control over the task in order to make the task their own and, thereby,
something to which they can commit.

• A leader, by giving the employee a measure of control over an

important task, will tap into the employee’s inner drive.

• Employees, led by the manager can become excited participants in the


Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: Concept of Leadership

• Having a worthwhile cause such as total quality management is not
always enough to get employees to participate.

• Employees follow a leader, not a cause.

• Indeed, Employees like the leaders not the vision. If the leader is
liked, then the employees will participate in the total quality
management cause.

• Leader’s character is important, developed by good habits and ethics.

Effective leadership begins on the inside and moves out.

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: Concept of Leadership
Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to
making something extraordinary happen.

Leadership is the ability to successfully integrate and maximize available

resources within the internal and external environment for the attainment
of organizational goals.

Leadership is the capacity to listen and observe, use expertise, encourage

dialogue between all levels of decision-making, articulate values and
visions clearly.

Leadership is about setting and not just reacting to agendas, identifying

problems, and initiating change that makes for substantial
improvement rather than managing change.
Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: Characteristics of Leaders

Course: Total Quality Management Course Code: BS 322– Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Irshad.
Institute of Business Studies, KUST,Email: drirshad@kust.edu.pk
Topic: Characteristics of Leaders

Dale H. Bestterfield “Total Quality Management” 3rd Edition’

Sarkar, Debashis, 2001. The Managers’ Handbook for Total Quality

Management, New Delhi: Beacon Books

Brocka, Bruce and Brocka, M. Suzanne Essentials of Quality

Management, Homeword, Illinois

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