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By jeana
• The aim of the brief is to create a campaign for a company
called S.I.F.T (social issues for teens) that wishes to focus
on the current issues that are affecting teenagers from ages
• The company wants me to create a print advert that will be
distributed to bus stop stand, schools, billboards etc. As this
is a print advert putting multiple copies in school areas such
as classrooms, hallways and lunch areas are essentially in
grabbing the audiences attention.
• The overall message is to portray that are seriously affecting
the lives of young teenagers as well as those around them
• My primary audience will be teenagers aged 13-19,
both genders for my anxiety advert that are in
currently being educated in sixth form and secondary

Target • As my adverts sole focus in on anxiety it will appeal

to some of the psychographic categories such as the

audience reformers, who seek enlightenment with freedom

from restrictions and personal growth as well as
explorers who seek discovery or are typically younger
demographics (students). It would also appeal the
demographic category E, containing unemployment or
• My secondary audience will be mainly focused on
sixth former students as these are the most stressful
times students will feel their anxiety levels rise
• The general aim of my advert will be to focus on
the causes and states of anxiety that cause the
person suffering to affect how it runs their lives.
• Anxiety is an issue that a lot of young people

General suffer from with only a little guidance from people,

but is really kept quiet about. Any age can feel

aim anxiety but the main focus is on teenagers as this is

the time were you stop being a child but aren’t an
adult either and that transition cause a lot of teens
pressure which then turns into anxiety.
• Anxiety can manifester from school, home,
relationships with others (friendships,
relationships, family) but also from your own mind
• In order to gain a better understanding about my
audience, I surveyed 13 teenagers from a local
sixth form
• The research results of the survey had shown me a

Primary variety of things such as the amount of knowledge

my target audience has regarding anxiety and that

some simple signs that are seen a lot in peoples
lives are not taken seriously. This survey has given
me a better idea of the possible design of my
advert as it helped me understand the views of the
audience better. It has also provided clear statistics
about those in the audience who might be already
Primary research
• One of the questioned I asked in my survey was for respondents to identify which of the following were
the best way for the advert to be displayed and 4 respondents say that having it in an area at your place of
education would a good place but also 4 people said that billboards are another good way to get
teenagers especially since they tend to be stuck to their phones.
• Some of the respondents skipped this question because they were unsure on where the best place would
be and this showed me that not even students know where people are more likely going to pay attention.
• The majority of the respondents chose 3 options that adverts are usually displayed which suggest that
these are the best places to display my advert.
Secondary research
• My primary research only allowed me to gain more understanding about my target audience so my
secondary research was focused on the actual problem ‘anxiety’. From my secondary research I was able
to understand the depth of how anxiety affects my target audience in their everyday lives.
• An example of this is from information that is available at website which stated that anxiety
can vary in different forms and sometimes can involve things a person is meant to be able to control, like
for example your bladder/bowel.
• Small statistics such as these that are also shown in my primary research suggest that my target audience
does not recognise this as an immediate sign/situation which therefore makes it so that he problems
escalate and this therefor can be spoken about in my advert
The message
• The message I wish for my advert to communicate is the importance of recognising the signs of anxiety
as an immediate reaction so that the issue can be solved earlier on. I want my advert to be a guidance for
people who cant speak up about there problems but want to be able to help themselves
• My advert will also be served as a way for people who aren’t going through it themselves but know
someone who is and wants to help.
• Using ethos advert techniques will appeal the audience to my advert as it will use statistics to ensure the
audience can rely on as well as those who provide the statistics given.
• The main style of my advert will be using the pathos advertisement skill as it will focusing on swaying
the audience with emotional representations. This will be important for my advert as the concept of my
advert will be anxiety and using this technique will make my audience sympathise and pay more
attention to it
• Distributing my advert will be done through posters that will be placed in areas within a school that most
students and teachers will pass by. For example corridors/ hallways, classrooms and assembly halls etc.
these are the most common places both student and teachers visit so on multiple occasions they will be
able to see the advert print.
• From what my primary research suggested another good place to display my advert to gain my target
audience attention is to display it on billboards outside bus stops and on busy roads to make sure that
people waiting in traffic can see it clearly.
Legal and ethical concepts
• A legal concept that could pose potential problems is the advert showing misleading to misunderstanding
information. The design of the advert could promote something different ad therefore send out a different
message to the audience which could be problematic as the idea could backfire entirely.
• Another potential ethical concept is that the advert could be faulted for typical stereotypes or common
familiarity of the way certain groups dress pr act.

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