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Saturday, May 28th 2022

H. Albirruni Siregar, Lc. M.Pd (c)
Chief of Compliance and Risk Officer of STIKes
Al Insyirah Pekanbaru 2021 - Present

Personal Secretary to Ambassador of Republic of

Indonesia in Iran and Turkmenistan 2020 - Present

Vice Chairman II of STIKes Al Insyirah

Pekanbaru 2017-2020
Personal Secretary to Ambassador of Republic of
Indonesia in Tunisia 2012-2017
Banking Staff of Bank Muamalat Indonesia in
Jakarta 2010-2012
Lecturer of Matriculation Program of STEI Tazkia
in Bogor 2007-2010

2 V = VERB



What is a Subject?
A Subject is the person or thing
that is doing an action, or the
person or thing that is the focus
of the sentence . What is a Predicate?

The predicate of the sentence is the part

that contains the action.
A verb is a “doing” word. In its simplest
form, a verb is used to describe an action,
state, or occurrence. A verb is a few basic
forms and rules that they follow, but
generally, the action, state, and occurrence
are the most common types of the verb used
in a sentence.
What is an OBJECT?
The object of a sentence is the person or
thing that receives the action of the verb.
It is the who or what that the subject does
something to. 
Adverb of Manner
 An adverb of manner modifies or
changes a sentence to tell us how
something happens, such as whether
it was quickly or slowly. They're
usually placed after the main verb or
after the object.
What is an ADVERB of
Adverbs of place tell us where something
happens. Adverbs of place are usually placed after
the main verb or after the clause that they modify.
Adverbs of place do not modify adjectives or
other adverbs. Some examples of adverbs of
place: here, everywhere, outside, away, around .
Adverb of Time
Adverbs of time tell us when an action happened,
but also for how long, and how often. Adverbs of
time are invariable. They are extremely common in
English. Adverbs of time have standard positions in
a sentence depending on what the adverb of time is
telling us.

Abraham ate the pie.
(Abraham is the subject of the sentence. Abraham is
doing the action.)

Haedar is chubby.
(Haedar is the subject of the sentence. Haedar is
being described.)

All butterflies taste with their feet.

(“All butterflies” is the subject of the sentence)

Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or

(“Only one person in two billion” is the subject of
the sentence)

We went to the market

You write neatly in your notebook.
They thought about all the prizes in the
John eats his dinner quickly.
He is sitting next to you.
Alcohol causes Cancer.
He apologized to the teachers.
Everyone likes to watch a magic show.
The sun rises in the east.
The stars shine in the sky.
(The words “went, write, thought, eats, is
sitting, causes, apologized, likes, rises, shine”
are the verbs.)

Terry carried out the trash.

'Terry' is the subject: it is the one

performing the action and the one the
sentence is about.

'carried' is the verb: it is the action

being performed by the subject.

'trash' is the object: it is 'what' is

being carried and it is 'what' the
subject is doing something to.
Adverb of Manner


He writes well.
The dog quickly ran after the ball.
She stood up slowly.
They happily ate the food.
She looked up sadly.
He asked angrily.
It was beautifully drawn.
She whispered softly.
 The cat caught the mouse skilfully.
The words “well, quickly, slowly, happily, sadly, angrily, beautifully, softly, skilfully” are
adverbs of manner.
Adverb of Place

ExampleofSentence :

She took the child outside.

Come here!
Put it there!
I have nowhere to go.
He walked towards the car.
He lived and worked abroad.
Water always flows downhill.
The words “outside, here, there, nowhere, towards the car,
John looked around but he couldn't abroad, downhill, around, around upstairs” are adverbs of
see the monkey. place.

I can hear the children

running around upstairs.
Adverb ofTime


I'm going to tidy my room tomorrow.

I have to leave now.
My mother lived in France for a year.
I have been going to this school since
I have not seen you since Monday.
I am going on vacation for a week.
I have been riding horses for several
years. The words “tomorrow, now, for a year, since 1996, since
Monday, for a week, for several years, seldom, never” are
I am seldom late. adverbs of time.
He never drinks milk.
Mention the S V O M P T for the sentences below! Please end your answers to . Thank you.

1. I listened to the news.

2. He left immediately
3. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.
4. The match ended at four o’clock.
5. John rides his bike quickly in the park every day
6. The student studied English hardly in his classroom yesterday.
7. Children resemble their parents and other relatives.
8. Blood relatives have many genes in common.
9. Exercise protects physical and mental health.
10. Chickenpox, sometimes called varicella, is a common viral infection that mostly affects young children.
11. The symptoms of chickenpox appear 10-21 days after infection.
12. A child who has measles may feel very ill.
13. Male reproductive system produces male hormone.
14. The ovaries produce hormones and eggs for reproduction.
15. Skin protects internal organs and helps to control body temperature.

Deadline: 4 June 2022

Email :
Task Answer
S V O M P T for the sentences :

1. I listened to the news.

A. Subject : I 4. The match ended at four o’clock.
B. Verba : Listened A. Subject : Young man & Young women
B. Verba : Sitting
C. Object : News
C. Object : -
D. Manner : -
D. Manner : -
E. Place : -
E. Place : Behind
F. Time : - F. Time : -

2. He left immediately 5. John rides his bike quickly in the park every day
A. Subject : He A. Subject : John
B. Verba : Rides
B. Verba : left
C. Object : Bike
C. Object : - D. Manner : Quickly
D. Manner : Immediately E. Place : Park
E. Place : - F. Time : Every Day
F. Time : -
6. The student studied English hardly in his classroom yesterday.
3. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me A. Subject : Student
B. Verba : Studied
A. Subject : Young man & Young women
C. Object : English
B. Verba : Sitting
D. Manner : Hardly
C. Object : -
E. Place : Classroom
D. Manner : -
F. Time : Yesterday
E. Place : Behind
F. Time : -
7. Children resemble their parents and other relatives 11. The symptoms of chickenpox appear 10-21 days after infection.
A. Subject : Children A. Subject : Symptoms of chickenpox
B. Verba : Resemble B. Verba : Appear
C. Object : their parents and other relatives C. Object : Infection.
D. Manner : - D. Manner : -
E. Place : - E. Place : -
F. Time : - F. Time : 10-21 days

8. Blood relatives have many genes in common. 12. A child who has measles may feel very ill.
A. Subject : Darah A. Subject : Child
B. Verba : Relative B. Verba : Has
C. Object : Genes in common C. Object : Measles
D. Manner : - D. Manner : Very ill
E. Place : - E. Place : -
F. Time : - F. Time :

9. Exercise protects physical and mental health. 13. Male reproductive system produces male hormone.
A. Subject : Exercise A. Subject : Male reproductive system
B. Verba : Protects B. Verba : Produces
C. Object : physical and mental health C. Object : Hormone
D. Manner : - D. Manner : -
E. Place : - E. Place : -
F. Time : - F. Time : -

10. Chickenpox, sometimes called varicella, is a common viral infection that mostly affects young
A. Subject : Chickenpox,
B. Verba : Viral infection
C. Object : Affects young children.
D. Manner : -
E. Place : -
F. Time : -
14. The ovaries produce hormones and eggs for reproduction.
A. Subject : Ovaries
B. Verba : Produce
C. Object : Hormones and eggs
D. Manner :
E. Place : -
F. Time :

15. Skin protects internal organs and helps to control body temperature
A. Subject : Skin
B. Verba : Protect
C. Object : Organs and body
D. Manner :
E. Place : -
F. Time :

===== THANK YOU ======

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