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Performance Life Cycle Management

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Copyright © 2013 Tech Mahindra. All rights reserved.

Goal Setting- Finalized Goal of the year and role competency Framework

Midterm Review- Goal Evaluation period is Oct 2014 till Mar 2015

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Annual Appraisal- Goal Evaluation Period is April 2013 till Sep 2014.

Appraisee Submission
• The Appraisee Details screen displays the basic ownership information such as the Midterm appraiser, owner, BHR ,Reward Information ,
Last Promoted date , etc.
• Appraisee rates against each goal.
• Appraisee Fills The Reverse Feedback

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Performance Review Discussion
• Dialogue between Appraiser and Appraisee to dicuss the goals
• Discuss the Performance Gaps of associates vis-à-vis set standards or agreed expectations
• Applaud an associate for achieving the targets
• Discuss the career aspirations of the associate
• Identify the Training needs of the associate


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Rating and Normalization
 This is a relative ranking process wherein an owner compares the associate’s performance with others in the same band and assigns
ratings accordingly
 We strongly recommend that owners conduct an internal meeting with their reportees, and finalize on the normalized ratings in advance.
The appraisers can then submit the appraisals as per the agreed normalized ratings. This will also help reduce the time and efforts required
by owners in the normalization stage
 Owner will be able to view the list of all associates under his/her ownership along with their rating, role change recommendation, reverse
feedback and appraisal preview
 Owner is expected to submit normalization for each band under his/her ownership. S/her will be able to view the actual and expected
numbers for each rating (SMART) and can change the rating of an associate so as to meet the expected numbers (pls refer screenshot


Grievance Process- Once the final rating is displayed to an appraisee, s/he is expected to provide feedback on the appraisal. Cases that are
dissatisfied with the appraisal are considered as grievance cases.

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