Ultra-Violet & Visible Spectros

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Seminar on

Ultra-Violet & Visible Spectroscopy

Presented by
Mounik Rout
M.Pharm (Pharmaceutical technology)
Guided by
Dr. Sasmita Kumari Acharjya


• Study of absorption of Electromagnetic radiation by molecule, atom, or ion of a sample when it
excited from one energy state to another energy state .
• Electromagnetic radiation are used in spectroscopic method as a source of radiation .

Fig2. Detailed wave structure

• 1.Wavelength(λ) - The distance in between both the crests and troughs is wavelength .
• The unit used for wavelength are - Å , nm , μm .
• 2.Wavenumber(̄) – Number of waves passing through the space of 1cm is called wavenumber .
• ̄= 1/λ
• The unit is Cmˉ¹

Fig3. Wavenumber

• 3.Frequency () - Number of waves passing through a point in duration of 1second is

called frequency of the EMR .
• Frequency = C/λ
• Value of C = 3 x10⁸ cm/sec
• Unit is Hz
Fig4. frequency
• 4.Energy(E) :- Electromagnetic radiation have some energy .
• When wavelength increases , energy of EMR decreases , & when wavelength
decreases energy of EMR increases .
• E = h (where h is planck’s constant=6.626 x 10ˉ²⁷ erg sec)
• E= h x C/λ (=C/λ)
Different EMR and their wavelength
Electromagnetic Radiation Wavelength

Gamma Ray <0.001nm

X-Rays 0.01-10nm
Ultra violet Rays 200-400nm
Visible Rays 400-800nm
Infra red Rays 0.8-200μm
Near IR 0.8-2.5μm
Mid IR 2.5-15μm
Far IR 15-200μm
Microwaves 0.01-1m
Radiowaves 1-10⁷m


200nm 300nm 400nm 500nm 600nm 700nm 800nm

Fig5. UV-Visible spectrum

Electronic Transition :-
• When molecule are excited from one energy state to higher energy state , electronic
transition takes place .

• Types of electrons involved in electronic transition ;

Type 1- Bonded electrons (e.g. )
Type 2- Non bonded electrons (e.g. n)
Types of electronic transition ;
2. n
4. n Decreasing order of energy requirement
• Electromagnetic spectrum:-
Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (LUMO)

Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO)

Fig6 . Electromagnetic spectrum

• Electronic Transition :-

1. * - When electron in get excited to * then this transition is called *transition .

• All the saturated hydrocarbons (e.g. methane , propane) comes under this .
• This transition require high energy than all 4 transition .
• so that we have to go for vacuum UV region which is below 200nm .
• Below 200nm oxygen starts getting absorb , so under vacuum UV region
it will be free from any else compound , and only the transition will occur .

2. n *- When electron in n get excited to * then the transition is called n * transition .

• This transition occur when any heteroatom is present in the saturated compound .
• This transition requires energy less than * transition .
• Heteroatoms used as solvent in UV-Visible spectroscopy because they aren’t
getting absorb in UV-Visible range .
3. * - When electron from molecular orbital get excited in * orbital , the transition
called * transition .
• This transition requires less energy in comparison of n * transition .
• Any double/triple bonded hydrocarbons are present then * transition will occur .

4. n * - When electron from n molecular orbital get excited in * orbital , the transition
called n * transition .
• It requires lowest energy as comparison of all 4 transition .
• Chromophore- These covalently bonded moieties with any compound which are responsible for
absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the UV-Visible region .
Example of chromophore : Aldehyde , Ethylene, Carbonyl .
1. Chromophore with * : ex - >C=C< , -CC-
2. Chromophore with n * : ex - -N=N-
Whenever chromophore compound will added to any compound the absorption wavelength will
increase .

• Auxochrome – It is defined as any moieties which does not shows any absorption when separated
but when it combines with any chromophore it increases the wavelength towards longer wavelength
formation of a new chromophore .
ex: -OH , NH₂ ,OR , etc .
• Absorption :-
• It is a quantitative evaluation .
• Spectroscopy is based upon absorption theory.

Incident Radiation(Iₒ)

Transmitted Radiation (Iₜ)

• Various cases of absorption ;

• Case1 – Intensity of Iₜ = Iₒ
• Case2 – Intensity of Iₜ < Iₒ (shows that absorption occurred)
• Case3 – scattering , refraction , reflection occurs .
• To compensate scattering , Nephelo turbidimetre is used .
• Absorption laws :-

 Lambert’s Law :- when a beam of monochromatic radiation is passed through the absorbing medium
then the decrease in the intensity of radiation will directly proportional to the thickness of solution .

• Equation A Log(Iₒ/Iₜ) L
A L L= Thickness of solution / Thickness of cuvette
A= L = Molar absorptivity co-efficient (unit= l/mol.cm)

 Beer’s law :- When a beam of monochromatic radiation is passed through the solution then the
decrease in the intensity of radiation will be directly proportional to the concentration of the solution .

• Equation A Log(Iₒ/Iₜ) C
A C C = Concentration of the solution
A= C
• Beer Lambert’s Law –
• When a beam of monochromatic radiation is passed through the absorbing medium ,
then the decrease in the intensity of radiation is directly proportional to the thickness
as well as the concentration of the solution .

Equation => A = Log (Iₒ/Iₜ)L.C

A L.C L= Thickness of cuvette
A = L.C = Molecular absorptivity coefficient
Instrumentation of UV-Visible spectroscopy
• .
Exit slit
Reference Detector 1

Detector 2




Collimating lens
Radiation Recorder
Source Entrance slit

• Instrumentation
• There are 2 type of spectrophotometer used in UV-Visible spectroscopy .
1. Single beam
2. Double beam
• Double beam spectrophotometer – The instruments used in double beam
spectrophotometer are ;
1. Radiation source
2. Monochromator : Entrance slit
Collimating lens
Reflecting lens
Exit slit
3. Chopper 5. Cuvette
4. Mirror 6. Detector
7. Amplifier
8. Recorder
• Radiation source – 1. Hydrogen-Deuterium lamp (ranges from 200-375nm)
2. Tungsten lamp (ranges from 375 -800nm for uv-visible spectroscopy)
• Monochromator – used to convert polychromatic radiation beam to monochromatic
radiation .
• Collimating lens – This converts the non-parallel beams to parallel beam .
• Gratings – This is used in place of prism now-a-days because it contains 1200-1400 groves
per mm .
• Exit slit – through this the required wavelength of beam passes to Chopper .
• Chopper – It equally divide the radiating beam in 2 parts in to the mirror .
• Mirror – it reflects the radiation in to both Cuvette containing reference and sample .
• Cuvette – it is made up of Quartz and glass material .
1. Quartz is used because it have very smooth surface and it don’t absorb the UV
radiation .
2. Glass is used in visible spectroscopy & it has UV absorption capacity .
• Detector – Detector used to detect the wavelength coming through the cuvette & it is of 3 types :
1. Photomultiplier tube – It multiplies the photons rays of the radiation .

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fig. Photomultiplier tube

Amplifier connected from the cathode and anode and amplifies the radiation .
2. Photodiode Array – In this detector there is presence of diodes , which converts
radiation into electronic signal .
• It is mainly used in HPLC , and its range is up to 200-800nm .
• 3. Charged coupled diode – Silicon surface is used to catch photon from the radiation of
UV-Visible source & converts radiation in to digital signal .

• Recorder – It records the amplified wavelength and shows the UV-Visible spectrum .

 Single beam spectrophotometer – This is slightly different as comparison to double beam ,

It directly radiates the incident radiation coming from exit slit of monochromator to the
sample cuvette and then detector detects the radiation to the amplifier . Then the amplified
data recorded on the recorder as spectrum .
• Application :

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