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Comp 101

Prepared: Leonid Lintag

Computer - an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory unit that can accept data, process data arithmetically and logically, produce output from the processing, and store the results for future use.

Evolution of Computer
Zeroth Generation:
Pre-Mechanical Computing Mechanical Computing

Evolution of Computer
Zeroth Generation:
Pre-Mechanical Computing

From Counting on fingers Counting using pebbles Counting using hash marks on walls Counting using hash marks on bone Counting using hash marks in sand

Evolution of Computer
Zeroth Generation:
Mechanical Computing

Abacus (3000 BCE) - China

Evolution of Computer
Zeroth Generation:
Mechanical Computing The Middle Ages

Blaise Pascal s Pascaline (1645)

Evolution of Computer
Zeroth Generation:
Mechanical Computing The Middle Ages

Joseph-Marie Jacquard and Josephhis punched card controlled looms (1804)

Evolution of Computer
Zeroth Generation:
Mechanical Computing The Middle Ages
Charles Babbage (1791-1871)
Father of Computing (Computers) Analytical Engine Difference Engine

Evolution of Computer
Difference Engine

Analytical Engine

Lady Augusta Ada Byron Countess of Lovelace

World's first computer programmer

Zeroth Generation Middle Ages

1890 Hollerith invented tabulating machine
used for 1890 U.S. Census stored data on punchcards, could sort and tabulate using electrical pins finished census in 6 weeks (vs. 7 years) Hollerith's company

Zeroth Generation Middle Ages

John Vincent Atanasoff, and Clifford Berry
Student of Dr Atanasoff


First Generation Computer

Vacuum Tubes - 1941 1956
glass tube w/ partial vacuum to speed electron flow faster than relays since no moving parts invented by de Forest in 1906

 built by Eckert & Mauchly at UPenn

UNIVAC - 1951
first fully electronic digital computer built in the U.S. Created at the University of Pennsylvania ENIAC weighed 30 tons contained 18,000 vacuum tubes Cost a paltry $487,000

Grace Hopper
Programmed UNIVAC Recipient of Computer Science s first Man of the Year Award

First Computer Bug - 1945

Relay switches part of computers Grace Hopper found a moth stuck in a relay responsible for a malfunction Called it debugging a computer

Second Generation Computer

1956 Computers began to incorporate Transistors Replaced vacuum tubes with Transistors piece of silicon whose conductivity can be turned on and off using an electric current smaller, faster, more reliable, cheaper to mass produce

Third Generation Computer

Integrated Circuits (1963-1973) Integrated Circuits are transistors, resistors, and capacitors integrated together into a single chip Operating System is introduced Getting smaller, cheaper

Fourth Generation Computer to Present

MICROCHIPS! Microprocessors Getting smaller and smaller, but we are still using microchip technology IBM introduced PC in 1980
Apple countered with Macintosh in 1984

Fifth Generation Computer

Artificial Intelligence Parallelism & Networking high-end machines (e.g. servers) can multiple CPU's


Limitation of a Computer
Cannot operate without being given a set of instructions. Cannot able to derive meanings from objects. Cannot correct wrong instructions or data. Subject to occasional breakdowns.

Types of Computers
Mainframe A mainframe is a big, powerful, expensive computer that can support many users at the same time. Large businesses and organizations use mainframes.

A PC is a personal computer Also known as micro computers, originally designed by IBM way back in 1981. Many different companies make PCs, but all of them are IBM-compatible. What this means, according to Bill Gates, is that they will all run Microsoft Windows

Developed by Apple, a Macintosh is a computer, but it is NOT a PC. Macs have a different operating system and use their own software and hardware.

Networked Computer
A network is a group of computers that are connected so that they can share equipment and information. Most people on a network use workstations, which are simply PCs that are connected to the network. A server (super computer) is a central computer where users on the network can save their files and information. It process trillions of instructions per second.

A laptop, or notebook, is a lighter and more portable version of a PC or Mac that can run on batteries and it is popular with travelers who need a computer that can go with them.

Palmtop / PDA
A PDA (Personal Data Assistant) is a handheld computer that is generally used to keep track of appointments and addresses.

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