Human Embryology: Presenting By: Ms.G.Nivedhapriya M, SC ., Nursing Sripms-Con Coimbatore

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Every human being spends the first nine month (266 days or 38 weeks) of its life
within the womb (uterus) of its mother . during this period it develops from a small
one celled structure to an organism having billions of cells . numerous tissues and
organ are formed and comes to function in perfect harmony. The most spectacular
changes occurs in the first two months . During these two months we calls the
developing individual an embryo, From third month until birth we call it as
fetus .
1. Embryology is the study of the formation and development of the embryo or
fetus from the movement of its conception up to the time when it is born as an
infant or newborn.
-Inderbir singh.
2. The branch of biology and medicine concerned with the study of embryos and
their development.

During the first two months we call the developing individual as an embryo .
• Fetus :
The rest of the 8 months we call it as fetus.
• Testis:
The testis is the male sex organ or male gonad.
• Ovary :
The ovary is the female sex organ or female gonad. it produce gametes.

• Spermatozoa:
Male gametes produced by the testis are called spermatozoa . The process is
called spermatogenesis.
• Ova:
Female gametes produced by ovary is called ova. The process is called Oogenesis.
• Gamatogenesis:
Spermatogenesis and oogenesis are together is called gametogenesis.
• Fertilization:
Fertilization takes place when one spermatogen enters an ovary. The fused ovum
and sperm form the zygote.
• The first 8 weeks of development of
the three primary germ layers give rice
to all structures and shapes.
• Remaining of the 8 months or 30 weeks
Fetal period , Structures and organs continue to grow
and develop.

1. Fertilization
2. Embryogenesis
3. Mutation.

1.Encounter of spermatozoa and ova

2.Capacitation and contact
3.Acrosome reaction and penetration
4. Fusion of the sperm with the egg
5.Activation of ovum

During the fertile phase , millions of sperm travel

from the vagina to the uterus and into the fallopian
Chemotaxis-a chemical substances is found in the
cortex of egg.
In general interaction is through special devices or
particular forms of behavior.
The primary need is a fluid medium for the act of
fertilization and delivery of sperm to the eggs at the
right time
2 types of fertilization
• Occurs outside of the body of the female .
Ex: Invitro fertilization.
Mature eggs are collected (retrieved) from ovaries
and fertilized by sperm in a lab.
What Is In Vitro Fertilization?

• In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a type of assistive reproductive technology (ART). It

involves retrieving eggs from a woman’s ovaries and fertilizing them with sperm.
This fertilized egg is known as an embryo. The embryo can then be frozen for
storage or transferred to a woman’s uterus.
• The success rate of IVF varies. According to the American Pregnancy Association,
the live birth rate for women under age 35 undergoing IVF is 41 to 43 percent.
This rate falls to 13 to 18 percent for women over the age of 40.
• The entire process of development of the child takes place inside the uterus.
• Fewer number of eggs are produced
• Increased parental care ensures special survival.
• Several thousands of sperm reach the egg and only one will fertilized it.
• when the sperm initiates a series of chemical changes that prevent any other
sperm from entering .

• Sperm undergo capacitation (further maturation) with in the female

reproductive tract.
• Occurs in the female vagina
• Vaginal secretion cause a molecular changes in the sperm
plasmalemma (removal of decapacitating factor)- semen proteins ,
results in increased membrane fluidity.
• It takes 4-5 hours in humans.
• When the acrosome reaction occurs , a number of proteolytic enzyme are exposed
to released.
• One or more of these enzymes are responsible for digesting the zona pellucida
through which the sperm enters the private line space.
Zona pellucida

The thick transparent membrane surrounding a ovum before

The zona pellucida (plural zonae pellucidae, also egg
coat or pellucid zone) is a glycoprotein layer surrounding the 
plasma membrane of mammalian oocytes. It is a vital
constitutive part of the oocyte. The zona pellucida first appears
in unilaminar primary oocytes. It is secreted by both the oocyte
and the ovarian follicles. The zona pellucida is surrounded by
the corona radiata. The corona is composed of cells that care for
the egg when it is emitted from the ovary.[1]

• The male nucleus enters the egg cytoplasm and becomes the male pronucleus
A pronucleus  is the nucleus of a sperm or an egg during the process of
• As a result of the sperm fusing with the egg plasmalemma , the oocyte
nucleus , which is at metaphase of the second meiotic division , complete that
division and giving rise to another polar body.
• Following the second meiotic division , the nucleus of the ovum becomes the
female pronucleus.
• The halopid male and female pronuclic move towards one and other , meet and
fuse to form the diploid nucleus of the zygotes.
• the zygote will now proceed to undergo cleavage.
5.Activation of ovum:
• A series of morphological , physiological and molecular changes
that occurs in the egg in response to fusion of the sperm with the
egg. Oocyte (or ovum/egg) activation is a series of processes that occur in
the oocyte during fertilization.
• Sperm entry causes calcium release into the oocyte. Activation of the ovum
includes the following events:
• Cortical reaction to block against other sperm cells
• Activation of egg metabolism
• Reactivation of meiosis
• DNA synthesis
1. Cleavage

is the repeated mitotic division of the zygote
resulting in an increasing number of cells. During
early cleavage, the cell number doubles with each division
and since the zygote is still contained within the zona
pellucida, successive generations of blastomeres become
progressively smaller or compacted.
The first series of cell division after fertilization. Cell division is
rapid, new cell do not take time for the growth .
early cleavage
late cleavage

Gastrulation is defined as an early developmental process in which an embryo transforms from a

one-dimensional layer of epithelial cells (blastula) and reorganizes into a multilayered and
multidimensional structure called the gastrula.

which are triploblastic organisms, gastrulation derives a three tissue-layered

organism composed of endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm; each germ
layer corresponds to the development of specific primitive systems during
organogenesis.  In addition to setting the embryo up for organ formation,

Mesoderm(middle layer)
Endoderm(inner layer)
Ectoderm(outer layer)
• Mesoderm-middle layer
The mesoderm is one of the three germinal layers that appears in the third
week of embryonic development. It is formed through a process called gastrulation.
... The lateral plate mesoderm give rise to the heart, blood vessels and blood cells
of the circulatory system as well as to the mesodermal components of the limbs.
• Endoderm-Inner layer
Endoderm is one of the germ layers—aggregates of cells that organize early
during embryonic life and from which all organs and tissues develop.
It helps to the development of the lining of digestive tract , lining of trachea ,
bronchi , lungs , liver , pancreas , thyroid gland , parathyroid gland and bladder.
• Ectoderm- outer layer:
The ectoderm generates the outer layer of the embryo, and it forms from
the embryo's epiblast. The ectoderm develops the neural crest, and the neural
The neural tube of the ectoderm develops into: brain, spinal cord, posterior
pituitary, motor neurons, retina.
And also helps to the development of lining of mouth , nostrils , and anus.
Epidermis of skin , sweat glands , hair and nails.
• Organogenesis is the phase of embryonic development that starts at the end of
gastrulation and continues till birth .
During Organogenesis the three germ tissue layers of the embryo, which
are the ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm, develop into the internal organs of
the organism. Organs form from the germ layers through the differentiation: the
process by which a less-specialized cell becomes a more-specialized cell type .
• A mutation is the permanent alteration of the nucleotide sequences of the genome
of an organism .
• Mutations result from errors during DNA replication or other type of damage to
the DNA
• A mutation is a change in a DNA sequence. Mutations can result from DNA
copying mistakes made during cell division, exposure to ionizing radiation,
exposure to chemicals called mutagens, or infection by viruses. Germ line
mutations occur in the eggs and sperm and can be passed on to offspring, while
somatic mutations occur in body cells and are not passed on.
Following the ovulation the ovum , which is about 0.5 mm in diameter is picked
up by the tubal fimbriae and is moved along by the cilia and by peristalic
movement .
At time the cervix under the influence of estrogen , secretes a flow of alkalin
mucus that deposited in the vagina , only thousands capacited spermatozoa enters
the uterine tube . While 300-500– reach the ovum , and remains are destroyed by
the acid medium of the vagina.
It takes about hours for sperm to reach the site
The sperm release the enzyme hylluronidase , which allows
penetrations of the zona pellucida and the cell membrane surrounding
of the ovum.
Many sperm are formed but only one will entered the ovum
After this the membrane is sealed to prevent enty of further sperm
and the nucleus of the two cell fuse.
The sperm and ovum contributes half of the chromosome to
make a total of 46
The sperm and ovum is known as the male and female
gametes and the fertilized ovum as the zygote
Normal sites for conception:  The most common site of conception
is the ampullary part (Ampulla)of the
fallopian tube which is the widest part
located closed to the ovary.
Usual time for conception:

Conception will takes place about 14 days

before the next period of due.
Neither sperm nor ovum can survive longer
than 2-3 days and fertilization is most likely to
occur when intercourse takes place not more
than 48 hours before and 28 hours after

 Yolk sac is the first anatomical structure identified within the gestational
 It plays a critical role in embryonic development by providing nutrients
serving as the site of initial hemopoiesis.
 Providing metabolic , endocrine and immunological function and
contributing to the development of fetal gastrointestinal and reproductive

 Placenta is developed when the interstitial

implantation is completed on 11th day of
gestational period
 It serves as the fetal lungs , kidneys , and
digestive tract in utero
Chorionic villi

 11th - 12th day miniature villi that

resemble probing finger.
 Reach out from the single layer of cell
into the uterine endometrium to begin
formation of the placenta .
 At term , almost 200 such villi will
have formed

Amniotic membrane are smooth ,

thin and shiny structure.
Avascular, no nerve supply.
Support and products amniotic
It produces a phospholipid that
initiates the formation of
prostaglandins , which can cause
uterine contractions and may be
trigger or initiates labor

 Constantly being newly formed and

reabsorbed by the amniotic cavity.
 Fetus continuously swallows the fluid.
 It is absorbed into the fetal blood stream.
 Goes to the umblical arteries and to the
placenta , and it is exchanged across the
placenta . at term the amount of amniotic
fluid has increased.
 Ranges from 800-1200ml.

 Formed from the fetal membranes (amnion

and chorion) and provides a circulatory
pathway that connects the embryo to the
chorionic villi of the placenta .
 Mucopolysaccharides the bulk of the cord is
gelatinous called Wharton's jelly.
 Which gives the cord body and prevents
pressure on the vein and arteries.
• Fetal maturation takes place in an orderly and predictable pattern.
• The physicians refer to the age of a pregnancy as lunar months. The lunar months
corresponds to the usual length of the menstrual cycle, in this respect, it is easier
to calculate.
• A lunar month is a period of four weeks (28 days) and a trimester is a time period
of 3 months.
During the first three months of pregnancy, the product of conception grows from the just-
visible speck to the fertilized ovum to a lively embryo.

 Fertilized egg reaches the uterus and attaches itself to the

 Cell multiplication begins.
  baby weighs about 1/8 of an ounce — just bigger than a
penny. The tadpole-like tail is almost gone, and in its
place are two little legs. Your baby's head is still huge
compared to the body, but it will get more proportional
in the weeks to come
Internal organs and circulatory system begins to form .(lungs, heart,
Small buds show the beginning of arms and legs
Now that the embryo has attached to the wall of the uterus, Cells are
dividing that will create baby's organs.
A fluid-filled cushion called the amniotic sac is forming. It will
surround and protect the baby while they grow.
 Attached to it will be the yolk sac, which will feed baby in these early
weeks. baby may be big enough to see on ultrasound now, but just
barely. They are smaller than a grain of rice.

At the 5th week the embryo is ½ inch long.

All major organ system develops (eye ,ear

skeletal and reproductive.)
 At this stage, they look like a tiny collection
of tubes. But those tubes have important
purposes! One tube is forming a brain and
spinal cord.
Another is developing into baby's heart. Tiny buds on either side
of the body will grow into arms and legs. As your baby keeps
growing, you might feel the first twinges of pregnancy
symptoms, such as sore breasts, morning sickness, and the
constant urge to urinate.
The placenta and umbilical cord develops
Amniotic fluid surrounds the baby
Face and limbs takes shape
Finger toes appeared.
Third lunar month:

 The fetus is about 1 inch long

 Nostrils , mouth , lips teeth and eyelids formation
 Fingers and toes are almost complete
 Arms , legs , fingers and toes have well developed
 All internal organs are present but aren’t ready to function
 The genital organs can be recognized as male and female.
 By the middle of this month , all major organ systems have formed
 The membrane over the anus have broken down
 The heart has formed 4 chambers by 7th week
 The fetus assumes a human appearance
 Bone ossification begins
 Rudimentary kidney begin to secrete urine.
Do babies urinate in the womb…..?

The answer is, YES ….

Babies start to urinate inside the amniotic sac around week

eight, Fetal urine plays an essential role in keeping amniotic
fluid at healthy levels, which is necessary for the proper
development of the lungs and the overall health of the baby.
They start drinking this mix of urine and amniotic fluid around
week 12. By week 20 most of the amniotic fluid is urine.

 At the end of 14 week of growth ,the foetus is approximately 4

inch (12 cm)
 Lower extremities well developed
 Hard palate and nasal septum have fused.
 Eye lids are sealed
 External genitals of male and female can be differentiated
 All major organ system is placed
 Heart beat can be heard clearly
 Spontaneously stretch leg and arms
 The baby can do such thumb swallow and hiccup
Fifth lunar month:
halfway through pregnancy!
baby can hear and may respond to sounds. Talk or
At the end of 18th week of growth the fetus is
approximately 6 inches.16 cm (320 g)
Ossification of fetal skeletal can be seen on x-ray
Ears stand out from head
Meconium is present in the intestinal track
Now it's time for baby to practice for life out in the world.
The lungs continue to get ready to breathe by inhaling
amniotic fluid.
They're also producing a substance called surfactant, which
will allow the lungs to inflate. Baby's brain is making the
connections needed to think

Fetus makes sucking and swallows the amniotic fluid

Fetal movement may be felt by the mother (end of the month )

Baby is covered with a layer of thick hair called , lanugo

A productive coating called vernix begins to form on baby’s skin

Lungs completely form but not functioned

Hair eye lashes and eyebrows appear

Organs keep maturing

Fetus is very active

Can identify elbow , knee , buttocks
Who is more active in womb girl or boy?

Despite numerous prior studies

derived from small samples failing to reveal
significant sex differences in fetal activity,
the present study demonstrates that males
are about 10% more active than females
during the latter two-thirds of pregnancy .
19- 22 week of fetus
At the end 22 week of growth the fetus is
approximately 8 inches ,21cm 630 g
Head and body hair visible
Skin is shrunken and red
Nipples are apparent in the breast
If mother talks or sings the baby can hear
For the first time since  eyelids formed, they've opened,
revealing bluish-colored eyes. Don't get too attached to the
color — it might change in the first few months of life. There
isn't much to see inside the uterus, but if we shine a light on
the mothers abdomen, the baby might react with a flurry of
 23-26 weeks of old fetus
 At the end of 26th week the fetus is
approximately 25 cm ,1100g wt
 Finger nail present
 Eyes partially open ,eye lashes present
 Bronchioles are forming
 Skin begin to thicken on hands and feet
 Grasping reflex is strong
 The baby now uses the four
sense(vision , hearing , taste and touch.

27-30 week of old fetus

At the end of 30 week of growth the fetus is
approximated 28cm
Skin slightly wrinkled
Toe nails present
Testes begin decent to scrotal sac
Fetus has probably turned head down in
preparation for birth
Fetus may react to noises with a jerking movement

 32-36 week of gestation

 All the end of 36 weeks the fetus is about 32 cm ,
2.500g wt
 Finger nails reach finger tips
 Skin pink and smooth because of fat
 Baby’s movement slows down due to lack of room
 “Lightening “ occurs when the baby drops in the
 Disease fighting antibodies are taken from mother’s
The waxy, white substance called vernix caseosa that
covered much of their body during this 9-month journey has
Baby has swallowed this and other substances, which will
form the blackish-green meconium bowel movements that we
will find in baby's first diapers.

Lightning crotch can occur at any time

in pregnancy, but it's most common in the
third trimester, when your baby is bigger
and you're getting closer to your due date.
In some women, lightning pain is the
first sign that they're in labor. Some women
can even feel their cervix as it dilates. If
you're experiencing lightning pain and have
any other symptoms like regular
contractions, consistent backache, or any
leaking of fluid, you might be in labor.
 36-40 weeks .Sometime 42 weeks
 Fetus is approximately 37
cm,3.400gm depends on individually
 Much of that weight is a layer of fat,
which will help keep them warm in
the outside world
 Lanugo almost absent
 Toe nails reach toe tips
 Vernix caseosa mostly on the back.

• baby's growth has slowed down, but the organs should all be working
• The brain has started to control the functions of the entire body from
breathing to regulating the heart rate.
• Reflexes are also active including the grasping and sucking that allow
baby to grab your hand and latch on to a breast soon after birth.

Till we have discussed about

a fertilized ovum become an
embryo. As organ develops and
body organizes into complex
organ system that embryo will
turn a new born baby.
Impact of fetal
alcohol exposure
on body systems:
A systematic
Caputo C, Wood E, Jabbour L. On 2016

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