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TOPIC : Role of social worker in mental health

centers, departments of psychiatry in general

Presented By Submitted To
Madhu .D.B. Sukesh .P
Mental health
Mental health is our emotional ,psychological, and social
well being.

Who are social Workers?

Social workers are highly trained professionals working to improve

the quality of life and well being others through direct practice ,crisis
intervention ,research ,community organization , policy
change ,advocacy ,and educational programs
History of psychiatry in General Hospital

The department of Psychiatry was started in 1962 when AIIMS was founded through special act of parliament.

 The department of Psychiatry is pioneer in establishing postgraduate training in General Hospital setting

in India and established psychiatry as just another medical specialty.

 Another path braking contribution of the department of psychiatry was attempt to develop rural mental

health services, through the Indian council of Medical research (ICMR) funded mental health project at the

Community Centre during 1964.

 The another first achieved by the department of psychiatry included the First Child Guidance Clinic in Delhi

started in 1964 and De-addiction Centre in1976 which became National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre

attached with AIIMS.

Role of Psychiatric Social Worker

1.Psychosocial assessment :
Social workers, employed at psychiatric hospitals do psychosocial

2.Liaisoning With Treatment Team :

They meet with other members of the mental health team
(psychiatrists, nurse practitioners etc.) to discuss patient care.

3.Information Gathering :
If the patient is involved in any legal procedures, the social worker may have a
role in information gathering.
4. Referral:
referral to other agencies; conducts individual and group therapy sessions; instructs
and directs other agency support staff in therapeutic techniques; arranges for services
from referral agencies.

5 . Individual and Group therapy :

Psychiatric social workers may also offer individual and group therapy
sessions to patients, instruct other mental health staff in therapeutic

6.Family Therapy :
They are in frequent contact with the family members of patients. To
provide family therapy.
7.Role in Discharge Plan :
Social workers in inpatient settings often have primary responsibility for
putting together the discharge plan. This is not something that is filled out
right before discharge – it’s an ongoing process during much of the time the
person is hospitalized.

.8. Follow-up and Home Visit :

After the discharge from the hospital the worker makes follow-up plans
which is followed by the patient accordingly. Worker visits to the patient’s
home in order to rehabilitate him in the family
9.Out Reach Work :
A psychiatric social worker also visit the community and aware people
regarding mental health and mental hygiene.

10.Recording :
Maintains case records and prepares reports of each patient.

• General hospital psychiatry units (GHPUs) are the major providers of

mental health services in India. Psychiatric social workers are an essential
treatment team members of a psychiatric unit. Social worker’s role starts
from the registration of the patient. Thy perform various role.
e.g. liaisoning with patient and treatment team, psycho-social assessment,
referral, psychotherapy, making discharge plan, follow up and maintaining
records .

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