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Asian and Filipino

• Morals are the prevailing standards of
behavior that enable people to live
cooperatively in groups. 

• Moral refers to what societies sanction

as right and acceptable.
• Action or actions that produce
good outcomes for the
individuals as members of a Methodology
community or society. You can describe the topic of
the section here
• Religion and Philosophy shape

• This culture is reflected in the Concepts

people’s behavior and ways.
0 You can describe the topic of
the section here
• European traditions articulate the good and live in a way that
realizes the good.

• It follows the rootedness of norms on the natural law to their

grounding in reason And the eventual employment of discourse
theory to arrive at a shared conception of the good in a multiverse
of society.
• Another tradition of thinking about the good has surfaced that is
worth considering for a fuller understanding of how people orient
their lives to the good.
• This tradition comes from the great civilizations of the east,
particularly from India and china.
• Many people in the Philippines are deeply influenced by or have
great commonalties in their ethical way of thinking with these
General characteristics of Asian
1. Religious thought is intertwined with philosophical and ethical
2. Love and compassion binds these intellectual traditions.
3. Connectedness of personal cultivation and social responsibility.
4. Enlightenment
5. These great teachings offer paths of “harmony with oneself, with
others, with nature, with a transcendent.”
Ways and Behavior in China
• Socially hierarchy is very
important for the Chinese in
their interaction with other
• Do greet others by using a
handshake or a nod.
• Respect and high regard for
Ways and Behavior in Japan

● The Japanese also have

high regard for social
hierarchy. This is depicted
in the manner of bowing.
● In calling the attention of
another, they usually add
the word san to the last
syllable of a person’s
family name.
Ways and Behavior in India
• The traditional greeting among Hindus in India is namaste which means
“good day.” They say this greeting with hands held together as if in prayer,
placed near the chin and with the head slightly bent forward.
• The greeting among Muslim is Salaam aleikum (Sahlahm a-laykuhm) or
may peace be with you. For the Sikhs, it is Sat Sri Akal (Saht shree ah-
• Public display of affection – kissing, hugging and holding hands is highly
• At least one arm’s length distance when opposite sex meet and talk in
• ndians believed that the head is a very sensitive part of the body so it should
not be touched by other people.
• Indians consider that the food they eat and religion are closely connected
since all their food emanate from their gods.
Ways and Behavior in Indonesia
• When introduced to another person, an Indonesian usually
offers his or her right hand for a handshake while the left hand
is placed on the chest to show sincere pleasure in meeting the
other person.
• Holding hands in public between unmarried males and
females is not encouraged.
• It is important to address those who have done so with the
title of Haji (for males) or Hajjah (for females) as a sign of
• Head of the person consider as the seat of the soul and
sacred part of the body. For this reason, patting or touching
the head of another person even child is avoided.
Ways and Behavior in Saudi Arabia
• The custom of the Bedouins is to
invite into their tent any traveler who
passes by.
• The travelers are offered food and
invited to stay, usually up to three
days in their tents.
• Some Bedouin tribes do not eat until
the guests are finished eating.
• On the special occasions like
Ramadan, Bedouin women prepare
special dishes.
• The biggest and wealthiest family in
the tribe serves the special dishes
before sunrise and after sunset.
Ways and Behavior in Philippines
• The family is at the center of the Filipino community.
• Optimism, humor, and positivity are valued traits in the
• The term bahala na, which can be translated to whatever
happens, happens, is one of the more familiar phrases
used in the country and is perhaps the most
representative of how Filipinos value adaptability and
quick thinking.
• Spirituality is deeply ingrained in Filipinos.
• Filipinos in the country and around the globe can be
expected to extend a warm welcome to their guests
regardless of where they come from, how well they
know their host, and why they’re visiting someone’s
• Culture is an important determinant of ways and behavior of any
group of people.
• Some of the values and practices common among Asian peoples
are respect for elders, respect for the collective interest, being
helpful to others and respect for the environment.
• Their main concern is how to live a good life and be a good
person by gaining an insight into the transcendent and eternal
order of the universe, and from that insight how to attune one’s life
to that order.
• Asian ethical systems are less about becoming an autonomous,
rational legislator pf one’s own laws.
The Filipino Way

Mercury is the smallest

Analysis 02
Despite being red, Mars is
Data study a cold place
Venus is the second planet

03 04
from the is
Jupiter Sunthe biggest
planet of them all
This module discusses the different
Filipino values and traits which could
explain the moral characters of
Filipinos. It also discusses the
strengths and weaknesses of each
values and traits and to what
circumtances these are sometimes
applied by individuals to attain smooth
interpersonal relationship with other
Filipino Moral Characters:
Strength and Weaknesses

• Filipino cultural morality especially that which

concerns social ethics, centers on ideally having a
“smooth interpersonal relationship” with others.
• The definition of “smooth interpersonal
relationship” in Philippine culture is principally
supported by and anchored on the following
Filipino values and Filipino traits.
Filipino Values
• Values are those aspects
in life that include
customs, traditions,
etc., which the people
regard as necessary and
important in their
dealings with one
One of the Filipino values is ‘pakikisama’ or sense or togetherness. It
refers to doing somebody a good deed.

It is not only practiced in neighborhood but also at work and school.

Helping other people even in small little way may show ‘pakikisama’.

Having and maintaining ‘good health relations,’ just like other Filipino
values, ‘pakikisama’ can work either positively or destructively.

Because of ‘pakikisama’, may submit to group opinion, overgenerous

praise one another, using metaphorical language rather than candid
terms, concealing negative feeling or unhappy spirits underneath a
pleasant demeanor, smiling even when things go wrong.
Utang na loob
● ‘Utang na loob’ or dept or grattitude is very important to
Filipinos. It is recognizing and returning the favor to that
person in the same measure who help them in times of need.
● Filipinos may have ‘‘utang na loob’ if other people help
them during sickness, medication, sending their children to
school, finding a job, or they were saved in a life threatening
situation. Once Filipinos surpass those challenges in life,
they will return to the person whom they have debt of
gratitude to give back the favor they received or they will
help that person in times of need.
● However ‘utang na loob’ may not be good if the person is
forced to do something even against his/her will or against
the law just to pay the debt of gratitude. The person will do
this to avoid being reproved or having confrontations,
clashes and conflicts with the person whom they have ‘utang
na loob’.

‘Hiya’ may be observed to Filipinos in accepting the food that are offered to them.
Even though they are hungry , they will feel sense of shame accepting the food given
to them or they will say that they are not yet hungry.

They also feel ‘hiya’ in approaching higher authorities like school principal,
teachers/professors, deans, and executives. They will look someone whom they think
have the courage to approach higher authorities.

On the other hand, “kahihiyan” maybe observed in the Filipino families. They try to
avoid doing things that dishonor their family’s name and reputation. If problems arise
in the family, as much as they could, they will hide it within the family because for
them , the stink of a member will be the stink of the whole family.
● ‘Amor propio’ has been characterized as the high degree of sensitivity
that makes a person intolerant to critism and causes him to have an
easily wounded pride.

Amor ● Concerning this Filipino value, some observe that Filipinos learn to
withstand a loss of face in some situations, particularly when they
perceive themselves to be a fault, but it is devastating to be publicly

criticized, insulted, belittled, or humiliated or to lose one’s self-respect.
● ‘amor propio’ comes from the person’s tendency to protect is or her
dignity and honor. Because of pride or amor propio, for instance, a
person may refuse offers even if he/she wants to accept them.
Filipino Traits

Trait is a distinguishing feature or

character of a person or group.
Filipino Traits

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Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics &
images by Freepik

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