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1. Nia Dwi Peggi (188820300060)
2. Latifah Nur Rohma (188820300061)
Title : English language teaching (ELT) and integration of media technology
Author : Dr.Jameel Ahmad
Journal name : Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
Year, Journal Page : Vol. 47 , 924 – 929, 2012

According to (Balaaco 1996) digital learning is "just in time" and on-demand delivering knowledge
when and where the employees need it. This concept of "anywhere-anytime" is serving learners on the larger
Over the past several decades, technology has become a fixture in many homes around the world. Its
influence has permeated into all facets of life, including English language teaching. Integration of media
technology began in the 1950s until now. In modern era of English language teaching, media technology
such as video, pictures, animation and interactive games, CDs or DVDs, the use of internet, chat rooms and
video conferencing and Apple’s iPad have narrowed distance and turned the whole world into a global
The aim of the researcher is to statistically analyze how much assistance from the integration of media
technology in the ELT class has on language learning.
Three statistical surveys were undertaken at JCC, King Abdul Aziz University, KSA and the result of using electronic devices
was found marvelous and interesting.
1. Result of Survey on integration of media technology in ELT
Confirmed that the 90 % participants were purportedly highly agree with the integration of media technology in ELT classes. The
students think that technological devices are indispensable in the modern teaching scenario. A large number of students reported that
media technology provides students with exciting experience in learning process and tremendously increases their motivation level.
2. Impact of media technology on improving pronunciation
Shows that there was a significant difference between the performances of pre-test and post-test . The students in the post test
performed better than the students in the pre-test. The score of the students in post-test after the use of internet was found higher than
that of pre-test. So it could be deduced that after use of media technology the performance of the students has gone very high.
3. Result of media technology in writing skill
In the final test after the teacher's help, the students understood everything and hence improved tremendously. In the final
test bad performance completely disappeared and the performance in all the categories has significantly improved.

1. Students and Teachers mutually supported the use of technological devices for teaching
2. The learning process is student-centered.
3. The students learn tremendously by trial and error process.
4. Media technology is a viable means to improve the four skills in learning English.

1. The students learn tremendously by trial and error process.

2. teacher's role in learning process is still central.

1. In the methodology of this journal, three types of statistical survey were conducted.
2. in the discussion chapter a brief and clear explanation
3. the references used are taken from all journals.

1. The reference used is less accurate, because the period of time is quite long (more than 5 years).

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