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1. Read the following sentences.

 1. We were walking through the alley when out of the blue we saw a guy holding a gun.
2. Pete, you lost your job, you’ve been drinking too much, and you have been in jail twice this month. You need to get it
3. At first I only played videogames on the weekend but now I’m completely hooked and I can’t stop.
4. I didn’t know what she meant but then it dawned on me: She was asking me out.
5. Steve was going to ask for a raise but he got cold feet and decided not to do it.
6. He’s not just a low-level employee. In fact, he’s one of the big shots in the company.
7. Their initial success turned out to be just a flash in the pan, as their career turned into a complete failure.
8. -Do you think Madonna will come to our city one day? -Don’t hold your breath.
1. Out of the blue a. To realize; to finally understand.
2. To get it together b. To organize one’s life.
3. To be hooked c. Important people.
4. To dawn on someone d. To get nervous and decide to not do something in the last moment.
5. To get cold feet e. Suddenly, unexpectedly.
6. Big shots f. A temporary success unlikely to be repeated.
7. A flash in the pan g. To be addicted.
8. To not hold one’s breath h. To not get too excited about something because it probably will not
Idioms 6
3. Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.
1. During the wedding ceremony, the bride (got cold feet/got it together/was out of the blue) and decided not
to get married.
2. My nephew is a very problematic young man. I’m sure he’ll end up in prison if he doesn’t (get cold feet/hold
his breath/get it together)
3. Tomorrow I have a meeting with the (big shots/cold feet/flashes in the pan) of the company so I need to
make a good impression.
4. Unfortunately, many young people are (a flash in the pan/hooked/the big shots) on drugs such as cocaine or
5. The first time I met John I thought he was very smart, but later I realized he was just (a flash in the pan/a big
shot/cold feet).
6. We were walking through the jungle when (we got cold feet and/we got it together/out of the blue) we saw
a huge snake.
7. He promised to do it this week but (get it together/don’t hold your breath/don’t get cold feet). I don’t think
he will.
8. It was after talking to my therapist that (I got cold feet/it dawned on me/I didn’t hold my breath) that I
needed to change my job if I wanted to feel less stressed.
Idioms 6
4. Use the idioms below to complete the following sentences.
 1. Most of Hollywood’s _________________ are invited every year to the Oscars ceremony.
2. I don’t understand what happened. She was calmly sitting there and just _________________ she started
3. After months of trying to find a solution to the problem, it finally _________________: I had to reset the
4. His soccer career was just _________________. He played extremely well during his debut, but he later
proved to be just an average player.
5. Hey, man. Your whole life is a mess. You need to ________________.
6. Peter was going to ask Melanie out but he _________________ and decided to do it some other day.
7. I know you want to have a meeting with the CEO this week but _________________. He’s got a pretty busy
8. My brother is completely _________________ on these cookies. He can’t stop eating them.
  got cold feet dawned on me a flash in the pan hooked
out of the blue don’t hold your breath big shots get it together
In, On, At (Places)
In, On, At (Places)
1. Choose the best option(s).
1. Our office is located (at/in/on) Winston Avenue.
2. Our office is located (at/in/on) 478 Winston Avenue.
3. She was born and raised (at/in/on) Colorado.
4. I think I left my wallet (at/in/on) my bedroom.
5. There are no restrooms (at/in/on) the fifth floor.
6. There is a huge art collection (at/in/on) the Louvre Museum.
7. There are only a few places like this (at/in/on) the world.
8. My sister is living (at/in/on) Australia.
9. The restaurant is (at/in/on) 8114 Park Street.
10. That is the deepest lake (at/in/on) Earth.
11. Alligators can be found (at/in/on) Florida.
12. The front desk is (at/in/on) the first floor.
In, On, At (Places)
Advanced Verbs 6
1. Match the verbs on the left to their meanings on the right.
1. To testify a. To desire something.
 2. To sentence b. When a judge determines the punishment to be received by a criminal.
3. To accomplish c. To place a dead body or something in a hole on the ground and cover it with dirt.
4. To fold d. To hide something.
5. To witness e. To bend something like paper or clothes in a way that one part lies on top of another.
6. To bury f. To make something happen.
7. To grab g. To talk in court about a crime that you saw.
8. To struggle h. To take or hold something in a firm way.
9. To long i. To see a crime when it is happening in real life.
10. To conceal j. To stand around a person or animal so that he, she or it cannot escape.
11. To trigger k. To reach a goal.
12. To surround l. To have difficulty to achieve something.
Advanced Verbs 6
2. Underline the best option.

1. I have always (struggled/folded/accomplished) with Mathematics. I guess numbers are just not my thing.
2. Two witnesses (longed/grabbed/testified) in court this morning.
3. It’s clear that she’s mad at me. She’s not good at (grabbing/sentencing/concealing) her feelings.
4. Take a piece of paper and (fold/trigger/conceal) it in two.
5. I’m (longing/concealing/burying) to see my brother whom I haven’t seen in five years.
6. During the civil war, many people (witnessed/surrounded/buried) horrible crimes being committed by
the rebel forces.
7. He was (struggled/buried/sentenced) to life in prison for the murder of his wife.
8. The controversial decision of the president (triggered/concealed/surrounded) a wave of protests nationwide.
9. My late grandmother is (buried/sentenced/triggered) at St. Joseph’s Cemetery.
10. Her bodyguards (surrounded/witnessed/accomplished) the young actress to protect her from the crowd.
11. After months of hard work, we finally (folded/longed/accomplished) our goal.
12. When the little kid saw the elephant, he (grabbed/folded/surrounded) his mother’s hand and started to cry.
Advanced Verbs 6
3. Complete the following phrases with the right verb (more than one option may be possible).
1. It was difficult for the police to find any suspects as no one ____________ the crime.
2. The lions ____________ the zebra so it couldn’t escape.
3. The victims are going to ____________ against the carjacker.
4. The dangerous virus ____________ a flu epidemic across the country.
5. During the argument, Jim ____________ Ian by the neck and threatened to kill him.
6. The judge ____________ the robbers to four years in prison.
7. I admire that writer so much. I ____________ to meet him in person one day.
8. I always ____________ to understand what Jeff says. He speaks so fast.
9. The pirates ____________ the treasure in an isolated island in the middle of nowhere.
10. We have ____________ the first part of our plan. Now it’s time to move on to stage two.
11. Please ___________ these t-shirts and put them in that drawer.
12. My aunt ____________ her expensive jewels in a safe behind a painting so it would be difficult
for burglars to steal them.
  To testify To sentence To accomplish To fold To witness To bury
To grab To struggle To long To conceal To trigger To surround
Polysemic Words 1
1. Write the English translation of the following words:
1. Cura (de enfermedad) 14. Caballero (hombre cortés)
2. Cura (sacerdote) 15. Caballero (militar al servicio del rey)
3. Escalera (con escalones) 16. Probar (demostrar)
4. Escalera (con peldaños) 17. Probar (intentar)
5. Escalera (eléctrica) 18. Probar (poner a prueba)
6. A propósito (intencionalmente) 19. Paso (cruce)
7. A propósito (por cierto) 20. Paso (velocidad)
8. Yema (de los dedos) 21. Paso (zancada, baile)
9. Yema (de un huevo) 22. Cielo (firmamento)
10. Grúa (de construcción) 23. Cielo (paraíso)
11. Grúa (para mover automóviles) 24. Llama (animal)
12. Saco (de vestir) 25. Llama (fuego)
13. Saco (costal)

Options: on purpose, jacket, crossing, try, ladder, gentleman, crane, cure, step, priest, sack, escalator, sky, prove, heaven,
flame, stairs, yolk, by the way, tow truck, knight, test, fingertip, pace, llama.
Polysemic Words 1
2. Complete the following sentences.
1. A _______________ took my car away because I parked it in a no parking area.
2. I’m sorry, but the elevator is out of order; you will need to take the _______________.
3. The fire was so big that you could see the _______________ from over a mile away.
4. Put that _______________ of potatoes next to the table, please.
5. Crack five eggs open and separate the whites from the ________________.
6. If you want to volunteer, please take a _______________ forward.
7. According to most religions, our souls go to _______________ after we die.
8. Pharmaceutical companies invest millions of dollars trying to find a _______________ for different
9. The _______________ killed the dragon and rescued the princess.
10. Lisa accused me of stealing her purse but she couldn’t _______________ it.
11. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, Laura. I didn’t do it _______________.
12. Before sending them to the stores, our products are _______________ in our lab to make sure they work

Options: on purpose, jacket, crossing, try, ladder, gentleman, crane, cure, step, priest, sack, escalator, sky,
prove, heaven, flame, stairs, yolk, by the way, tow truck, knight, test, fingertip, pace, llama.
Polysemic Words 1
3. Read the sentences below and write C if the underlined word is used correctly and I if it is used

1. ______ The firemen used the escalator to climb the tree and rescue the kitten.
2. ______ Our fingertips are some of the most sensitive areas of our body.
3. ______ It is common to find cranes in construction sites as well as in ports.
4. ______ He always wears a sack and a tie to work.
5. ______ He always opens the door for his wife. He is such a gentleman.
6. ______ The cure who offered mass at my wedding is a close friend of the family.
7. ______ Look at the sky! Is that a shooting star?
8. ______ We need to walk at a faster step if we don’t want to be late.
9. ______ This crossing is blocked due to the construction. We will need to take an alternative route.
10. ______ On purpose, how is your mother doing? I haven’t seen her in a long time.
11. ______ My neighbor suffers from a disease that has no cure.
12. ______ Llamas can be found in Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina.
False Friends
False Friends
False Friends
Places Around the City
Inglés Español Inglés Español Inglés Español

Bus stop Landmark Circus

Toy store Airport Fire station
Dog pound Bridge Post office
Pawn shop Police station Car rental
Car impound Laboratory Castle
Flea market Supermarket Exchange
Vocational school Antique store Country club
Shooting range Newsstand ATM
Hospital Bus terminal Cybercafé
Bar Cathedral Cemetery
Casino Morgue Locksmith’s shop
Stationery store Skyscraper Court
Places Around the City
1. Do you want to practice your shooting skills? Go to this place where you can rent guns and buy ammunition:
2. These are the police headquarters. Find patrols and lots of cops in this place:
3. Here is where the fire trucks and the firefighters are waiting for an emergency call:
4. Go here to take the bus. There is one every few blocks, typically on main avenues:
5. Go here to take a bus if you are traveling to another city:
6. If you park your car in a no parking zone, the authorities may take it here. You will have to pay a fine to get it back.
7. This store sells old merchandise. Collectors go to these places to try to find valuable items:
8. If a dog is found roaming the streets alone, the authorities may take it here:
9. Do you need some quick cash but no one wants to lend it to you? No problem! Bring a valuable item to this business and
they will lend you the money. But pay them back or they will sell your item:
10. Are you visiting a foreign country and need to buy the local currency? Go here:
11. Dead bodies are stored in this place until someone comes and identifies them:
12. Dead people are buried in this place:
13. This is a club where members can go and play sports or attend social events. Memberships are very expensive, though:
14. If you don’t have a computer, you can go to this place an rent one by the hour.
15. In this place you can buy groceries, toiletries, appliances, clothes, books, and more. All in one place for your
16. This is an iconic place of a city or country. For example, the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, or the Great Wall.
17. Do you need to make a copy of your key? Take it to this place.
18. This is a paradise for children. This business specializes in selling toys.
Places Around the City
19. People who like to gamble love these places. Las Vegas, Monaco, Macau are full of them.
20. This structure allows cars and people to cross from one side of a river to the other.
21. Numerous vendors gather in this place where you can buy second-hand items for a very cheap price.
22. This place sells magazines and newspapers.
23. Are you traveling to another city and need a car while you’re staying there? Go to this place and rent one for the number of days you
need it.
24. Find one of these if you need to get some cash and there are no banks nearby.
25. Judges serve justice in this place.
26. Did you finish High School and have no plans to go to college? You can go to this school and learn a trade such as carpentry, plumbing,
and other technical skills.
27. Scientists work in this place doing research. Here you can find testing equipment such as microscopes, test tubes, precision scales, and
28. Do you need to send a letter to someone living in another city or country? Go to this place.
29. These incredibly tall buildings are found in large cities, such as New York, Hong Kong, or Beijing.
30. Do you need to fly to another city or country? This is where you take your plane.
31. This place offers entertainment for the whole family. Clowns, magicians, trained animals, acrobats, and more. They usually stay in the
city for only a few days.
32. If you are very sick and need specialized medical attention, you need to go to this place.
33. This place sells alcoholic drinks. They are usually open during the night. No minors allowed.
34. This is the main church of a city. It’s usually bigger than the rest in the area.
35. Kings, queens and princes used to live in these fortified buildings during the Middle Ages.
36. This place sells pencils, pens, paper, notebooks, erasers... all the supplies you need for your office or school.

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