Complementary and Somatic Therapies

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 During distress and tension
different ways are used to get
relief from it like….
Warm bath
Soak of feet
Sit under tree
Play games
Background (cont.)
 Physical touch during death of
close relative
 Guided imaginary (imagination in close
Close eyes
Imagine favorite place
Then feel, sight, smell and
touch the fantasy

 Used in medical care

 Used in psychiatric treatment
 Effect on
Sleep disorder and anxiety

1. Relaxation
2. Guided imagery
3. Hypnotherapy
4. Massage and touch
5. Energy based Modalities
a) Therapeutic touch
b) Healing touch
6. Music therapy
7. Pet assist therapy
 Used to bring out a relaxation
 Antidote of stress and anxiety
Relaxation (cont.)
 Relaxation response:
Relax muscles
Decrease tension
Decrease B.P
Decrease Heart rate
Activate parasympathetic
nervous system
Client feel calm
Relaxation (cont)
Nursing care in relaxation
 Encourage to take deep breathing
 feel feet on the floor and squeeze again
and again
(purpose is to focus attention on body
 Countdown (e.g. count . 10-0)
 Eye muscle tighten and then relax relax
again and gain
Guided imagery
 Used of sensory image to enhance
relaxation and healing
 Used during medical care
 Used in maternity care (child birth)
 To decrease depression
 To overcome addiction
 To decrease pain/ discomfort
Guided imagery (cont,)
Therapeutic imagery:
 The ability to take ones natural thought
processes and to direct those thought in
a creative way potentiating a positive
Guided imagery (cont,)
 Method:
Client is told to close his eyes
Think of enjoyable event
Enjoyable event give positive
sensation like
○ Sight
○ Sound
○ Smell of joyful time
Thinking of eating home bread
Guided imagery (cont,)
Nursing consideration:
 Asking question like
How does it looks?
What does it smell like?
What dose it feel like?
 Contraindicated in psychotic patient
Hypnotherapy/ Hypnoses
 Assist the client to an altered state of
 Uses:
with psychotherapy
For addictive patient
to relief pain(arthritis, childbirth)
During maternal process (labor pain)
In migraine
Change behavior (smoking)
Hypnotherapy/ Hypnoses (Cont.)
 Nursing consideration:
Nurse should take formal
training for hypnoses
licensure for hypnoses
Supervised by advance
practitioners during
 Aromatherapy can be defined as the therapeutic
use of plant essential oils.
 The therapeutic use of aromatic plant extracts
and essential oils in baths or massage
 Aromatherapy has a variety of applications, yet
it is unique amongst complementary
modalities in that it uses aromas to engage the
sense of smell in a healing dynamic.
Massage and touch
 Stimulation of skin and underlying
 To increase ciculation
 Uses:
Produced relaxation
Induced sleep
Act as a “safe” touch
Massage and touch (cont.)
 Back rub:
Given patient on bed,
wheelchair, before sleep,
and during bathing
 Therapeutic massage:
Involve deep tissue and advance massage
Need advance education
Need certified massage therapist
Massage and touch (cont.)
 Simple touch:
Simple thing But neglected by nurses
Part of five senses in brain
Touching on shoulder give sense of caring
Familial with every culture
Energy based Modalities
 based on the concept of the human
energy field.
 uses:
Decrease stress
Decrease anxiety
Assist in addictive patient
Energy based Modalities(Cont.)
 According to Martha Roger
“unitary human being”
 Human energy field have an
interaction with environmental
 Nurse act as a part of
environmental field
 Nurse uses hand for
entering client energy field
Energy based Modalities(Cont.)
 Therapeutic touch
a healing technique based on
assessing and balancing the
bioenergetic field around the body
using the hands.
 Healing touch
An energy exchange therapy
during which the practitioner uses
the hands as a focus to facilitate
the healing process and to induce
deep relaxation.
Energy based Modalities(Cont.)
 Imbalance in the energy field is due
Music therapy
 Used of music to altered behavior,
emotion and or physiology
 Uses:
Decrease anxiety
Induced sleep
Reduced pain
Decrease sense of isolation
Birth room
Music therapy (Cont.)
 Nursing consideration
Do not used music as
Used music as therapy
Should be according to
cultural background.
(e.g.: for pathan music in
pakhtoon style, and vise
Pet assist therapy
 Used of animal to provide affection,
attention, diversion and relaxation
 Used:
Decrease feeling of loneliness
Increase socialization
Decrease anxiety
Diversion activity
Pet assist therapy (Cont.)
 Nursing consideration
Considered Dog, puppies
and cat
Presence of dogs facilitate
Client are encourages to
play with animal
Research continues….on it
Somatic therapy
 Used in the
management of
psychiatric symptoms

 Example:
Seclusion (move the client
in isolated room)
Restrain physically
Nursing role in somatic intervention
1. Anger control assistance:
 Physically restrain
 Seclusion
 Reentry of the client to the
2. Light therapy
Nursing role in somatic intervention
1. Anger control assistance:
 Nurse in emergency department
should be mentally prepared for
 Establish trust with client
 Calm and reassure
 Avoid situation that can cause
anger limited access to
frustrated situation
 Client must be stop from
harming themselves or others
Nursing role in somatic intervention
Anger control
assistance: (Cont.)
 Physically restrain
 Seclusion
 Reentry of the client
to the unit
Nursing role in somatic intervention
2. Light therapy
 a treatment for various
disorders including seasonal
affective disorder, depression,
hypersomnia, and delayed
phase sleep disorder. It involves
properly timed exposure to
bright light to promote a normal
sleep-wake cycle and decrease
sleep disturbances.

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