1-Peter Samuel

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1. Introduction
2. Steps for implement Project
3. Elements of Planning
4. Transportation Planning Safety
5. Evaluation of Transportation planning based on Economic criteria
6. Elements of Costs
7. Elements of Benefits
8. Economic Evaluation Method
9. Discounting
10. References QR CODE

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

Highway (Roads) & Transportation Planning it’s depend on many factors to achieve
it such as Feasibility studies , Cost , Benefits , Maintenance , Geometry
Design ,Construction design and Safety of users .Transport undoubtedly belongs to
the most complicated, and therewith fascinating economic sectors. The transport
sector exhibits a number of specific features that renders common economic
wisdom of only limited use in the assessment of the sectors’ costs and benefits. A
number of these peculiarities of transport will be addressed in the present paper,
which aims at providing a broad overview of the issues surrounding the benefits
and costs of transport.

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

02-Steps for implement Project

The Highway project Planning process comprises into 5 elements:

1- Project Scoping
2- Preliminary design and environmental study
3- Detailed Design
4- Construction Planning
5- Begin Construction

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

03-Elements of Planning
Define the situation : Involves all of the activities required to understand the
Problem definition : Define the problems we will face it during implement.
Search for solutions : Teamwork and do brain storming to find solutions for the
Analysis of performance : To estimate how each of the proposed alternatives would
perform under present and future conditions.
Evaluation alternatives : To determine how well each alternative will achieve the
objectives of the project .
Choice best alternative: Project selection is made after considering all factors
Construction : Design plans are produced that can be used by contractors to estimate
the cost of building the project.

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

04-Evaluation of Transportation planning based on
Economic criteria
To discuss economic evaluation, it is helpful to consider the relationship between
the supply and demand for transportation services. Consider a particular
transportation project, such as a section of roadway or a bridge. Further, assume
that we can calculate the cost involved for a motorist to travel on the facility. These
costs would include fuel, tolls, travel time, maintenance. This relationship is shown
schematically in Figure represents the demand curve for the facility for a particular
group of motorists

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

04-Evaluation of Transportation planning based on
Economic criteria
Consider the cost to travel on this facility to be P1. The number of trips per unit
time will be V1 and the total cost for all users over a given period per hour or day
will be (P1) x (V1). This amount can be shown graphically as the area of rectangle

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

05-Elements of Costs
The cost of transportation includes two costs :
First cost : The first cost for a highway may include engineering design, right of
way, and construction.
Continuing costs : include maintenance, operation, and administration. Three
commonly used measures of user costs are included in a transportation project
evaluation: costs for vehicle operation, travel time costs, and costs of accidents , as
illustrated in Figure.

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

05-Elements of Cost
Vehicle Operating Costs :User costs for motor-vehicle operation are significant
items in a highway project evaluation.
Travel Time Costs : One of the most important reasons for making transportation
improvements is to increase speed or to reduce travel delay.
Crash or Accident Costs : Loss of life, injury, and property damage incurred in a
transportation crash or accident is a continuing national concern.

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

06-Elements of Benefits
Benefits of a transportation investment are the direct, positive effects of that
project; that is to say, the desirable things we obtain by directly investing in the
project. Benefits divided
Travel time Saving : Typically generate the greatest amount of benefit. These
savings are calculated based on the difference in travel time between the Base Case
and an Alternative.
vehicle Operating Cost Savings : When transportation improvements are made, the
cost of operating vehicles along a particular facility or set of facilities can change.
Safety Benefits : Safety benefits are one of the principal benefits that can result from
transportation improvements. Benefits occur when the number of crashes is reduced.
Commerce Benefits : sell lands to Investors for use it in agriculture or build factors ,
propaganda along road, and road tolls

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

07-Economic Evaluation Method
Present Worth
The most straightforward of the economic evaluation methods is the present worth,
(PW) since it represents the current value of all the costs that will be incurred over
the lifetime of the project. The general expression for present worth of a project is

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

07-Economic Evaluation Method
Net Present Worth
The present worth of a given cash flow that has both receipts and disbursements is
referred to as the net present worth (NPW).The use of an interest rate in an
economic evaluation is common practice because it represents the cost of capital.

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

07-Economic Evaluation Method
Equivalent Uniform Annual Worth
The conversion of a given cash flow to a series of equal annual amounts is referred
to as the equivalent uniform annual worth (EUAW). If the uniform amounts are
considered to occur at the end of the interest period, then the formula is

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

07-Economic Evaluation Method
Benefit–Cost Ratio
The ratio of the present worth of net project benefits and net project costs is called
the benefit– cost ratio (BCR). This method is used in situations where it is desired
to show the extent to which an investment in a transportation project will result in a
benefit to the investor. To do this, it is necessary to make project comparisons to
determine how the added investment compares with the added benefits. The
formula for BCR is

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

For most transportation investments, costs are incurred in the initial years, while
the benefits from the investment accrue over many years into the future. When
assessing the costs and benefits of a project, it is necessary to take into account
the time value of money by converting the costs and benefits that take place in
different years into a common year

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

09-References QR CODE

CEP530 : Highway Planning and Feasibility Studies Master Fall (2021)

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