Storytelling With Data: Monday, May 12, 14

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St o r ytelling

With Data

Monday, May 12, 14

Once Upon A Time...
• What is a S t o r y ?
•Narrative, Information, Idea, Moral What
• Ma ke s a Good S t o r y t e l l e r / J o u r n a l i s t ?
• Plot Context, Theme, C h a r a c t e r s
• Structure
• Linear: InOrganic, Beginning, Middle, E n d
• NonLinear: Organic, No Set Order

• Climax - The Ah-Ha M o m e n t

• All Material Suppo rt s, Not Distracting, Focused

• Fo rm
• Book, eBook, Bowser, App, Int e ra c ti ve
• Poem, Essay, Memoir, Novel...
• Graph, Chart, Map, Network...

Monday, May 12, 14

Who Are You Writing
• Know Your Audience
• Speak in Their Voice
• Design fo r Their
P r e fer e nc es

Monday, May 12, 14

How to Tell A (Good) S t o r y
• Select Topic
• Know Your Audience
• Collect Material- Research, Read
• Create a n Outline, Mindmap, Storyboard,
• Wireframe Write A Draft- Once, Twice, Three Times
• Focus on Key Points - Use Effective
• Titles Emphasize Pr i mar y Message
• Express - Emotional Response, Take-
• Aw ay Entertaining, Informative,

Monday, May 12, 14

St e p s to St o r y
• What Questions a r e you Asking?
• What St or y a r e you Telling?
• Find Where to Get Answers- Re se ar ch
• Draft Ideas into S t r u c t u r e
• Write, Refine Writing, Edit, Encode
• Add Details to Emphasize
• Show Don’t Tell, Variety of Views
• Refine / Focus

Monday, May 12, 14

Ben F r y
• Acqu i r e
• Obtain t h e d a t a

• Parse
•S t r u c t u r e data’s m ea ni ng, o r d e r it in table
• Filter
•Cleanse all b u t w h a t is r e l e v a n t
• Mine
•Discern P a t t e r n s
• Represent
•Basic Visual Models
• Refine

•Focus on Key Points

• Interact
• F e a t u r e Controls

Monday, May 12, 14

2 Approaches to Storytelling

• Idea - Re s e a r ch -
Re n d e r
• Re s e ar ch - Idea -
Re n d e r

Monday, May 12, 14

Issue Drive n
St ory to Data
• Author is P r e s e n t
• An Opinion is Being
Expressed, Subjective
• The Data is Focuses on Single
POV/ Opinion of the
• Data is Collected to S u p p o r t
Stor y
• A Single P r i m a r y Climax/
Monday, May 12, 14
Data to S t o ry
• Let t h e Data be t h e C h a r a ct er
• Develop t h e Data = C h a r a c t e r Development

• The Data Tells t h e Story a s it Unfolds, Objective

• Data c a n be v e r y Complex & have Several
• Anyone m a y be able to modify, no single
• Create Experience
• Code to Collect Data, Story in t h e Data
• No Single Beginning, Ending, o r Climax

Monday, May 12, 14

Monday, May 12, 14
Monday, May 12, 14
Go Tell Create
With Data!

Monday, May 12, 14

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