Planning Classroom Tests

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Determine the purpose of testing

Developing the test specifications

Selecting appropriate item types

Preparing relevant test items

Assembling the test

Administering the test

Appraising the test

Using the results

1. Determine the purpose of testing

Tests can be used in an instructional program to

assess entry behavior(placement test), monitoring
learning progress(formative test), diagnose learning
difficulties (diagnostic test) and measure performance
at the end of instruction(summative test)
Characteristics of four types of achievement tests
Type of test Function of test Sampling Item characteristics
Readiness pretest Measure prerequisite Include each prerequisite Typically items are easy
entry skills entry behavior
Placement pretest Determine entry Select representative Typically, items have a
performance on course sample of course wide range of difficulty
objectives objectives
Formative Provide feedback to Include all unit objectives Items match difficulty of
students and teacher on if possible unit objectives
learning progress
Diagnostic Determine causes of Include sample of tasks Typically items are easy
recurring learning based on common and are used to pinpoint
difficulties sources of learning error specific causes of error
Summative Assign grades or certify Select representative Typically items have a
mastery at the end of sample of course wide range of difficulty
instruction objectives
2. Developing test specifications

To provide assurance that One device that has been

a classroom test will widely used for this
measure a representative purpose is a two way chart,
sample of instructionally called the table of
relevant tasks, some types specifications (or test
of specifications to be used blueprint)
Building a table of specifications

Preparing a
list of

Preparing Outlining
the two-way the course
chart content
Table specification contd….
A table of specification is a device which provides a systematic procedure for obtaining a
representative sample of pupil behavior expected in a course while a test is prepared

By listing the objectives across the top of the table , each cell of the table can be weighed
according to the importance of each objective and each subject matter

Table of specification helps to avoid a limited and biased sample of pupil’s behavior and
neglect of important learning outcomes

It provides the teacher , who prepares the test, greater assurance that his test will measure
the learning outcomes and the course content in a balanced manner
• In making a blueprint for a test, only those objectives that can be assessed by
a written test should be included
• Only cognitive processes, such as recalling, recognizing, identifying, defining,
applying and generalizing can be tested with a written examination
• Examples of objectives that cannot be assessed by a written examination are
attitudes which can be tested only through self-reports or observation of
• Evaluation of performance skills can be assessed by rating scales and
observational techniques
Table of specification for a weather unit in junior health science
objectives Knows Understan Interprets Total no. Percent
ds of items of items
Basic Weather Specific Influence of Weather
terms symbols facts each factor maps
content on weather

Air pressure 2 2 2 3 3 12 20
Wind 1 4 2 8 2 17 28
Temperature 2 2 2 2 2 10 17
Humidity 3 2 1 2 5 13 22
Clouds 4 2 2 8 13
Total no.of 12 12 9 15 12 60
Percent of 20 20 15 25 20 100
Test blue print for a unit on Gastrointestinal system (Anatomy and
Content Level of knowing Total Types of
items questions
Knowledge Applicatio Analysis, Percenta
&comprehensio n synthesis & ge
n evaluation
Structure and functions of 12 6 2 40 20 Essay-2
organs of digestion and Short answer-6
accessory organs MCQ/objective
Process of digestion and 6 3 1 20 10 Essay-2
absorption SA-2
Metabolism of food 12 6 2 40 20 Essay-2
constituents SA -6
No.of items 30 15 5 50
Percentage 60 30 10 100
3. Selecting appropriate item types

• Items used in classroom test are typically divided into two categories
1. The objective item, which is highly structured and requires the pupil to
supply a word or two or to select the correct answer from a number of
2. The essay question, which permits the pupil to select, organize and present
the answer in essay form
The objective test items
• Classified into those that require the pupil to supply the answer and those that
require the pupil to select the answer from a given number of alternatives
1. supply types
1.1 short answer
• Eg: what is the formula for hydrochloric acid? (HCl)
1.2 completion
Eg: The formula for ordinary table salt is (NaCl)
2. Selection types
2.1 True- false or alternative response
2.2 Matching
2.3 Multiple-choice
Objective type- Advantages
• Present the pupil with a highly structured task that limits
the type of response they can make
• To obtain correct answer, the pupil must demonstrate
specific knowledge, understanding or skill called for in the
• Scoring is quick, easy and accurate
Objective type- Disadvantages
• The structuring makes the objective test item inappropriate
for measuring the ability to select, organize and integrate
• Students are not free to redefine the problem or to
organize and present the answer in their own words
The essay question type
• Extended response type:
• Pupils are given complete freedom in making their responses
• Eg: Describe what you think the role of the federal government should be in
maintaining a stable economy in the US. Include specific policies and
programs and give reasons for your proposals
• Restricted response type
• Nature, length and organization of the response is limited
• Eg: State two advantages and disadvantages of maintaining high tariffs on
goods from other countries
Extended response type- advantages
• Permits pupil to decide which facts they think are most pertinent
• To select their own method of organization
• Write as much as seems necessary for a comprehensive answer
• Tend to reveal the ability of the student to evaluate ideas, o relate them
coherently and to express them succinctly
• Reflects individual differences in attitudes, values and creative ability
Extended response type- Disadvantages
• It is inefficient for measuring knowledge of factual material because the
questions are so extensive that only a small sample of content can be
included in one test
• The scoring is difficult and apt to be unreliable because the answers include
an array of factual information of varying degree of correctness , organized
with varying degree of coherence and expressed with varying degrees of
legibility and conciseness
Restricted response type-
• Advantages
• More efficient in for measuring factual material
• Reduces somewhat the difficulty of scoring
• Disadvantages
• More highly structured task makes it less effective as a measure of the ability
to select ,organize and integrate ideas, which is one of the unique purposes to
be served by the essay test
Comparative advantages and disadvantages of essay and objective
Objective test Essay test
Learning outcomes measured Efficient for measuring Inefficient for measuring
knowledge of facts, knowledge of facts
understanding, thinking skills Appropriate for measuring ability
Inefficient for measuring ability to select and organize ideas,
to select and organize ideas, writing abilities and problem
writing abilities and problem solving skills
solving skills
Preparation of questions Large number of questions Only few questions
Preparation is difficult and time Preparation relatively easy
Sampling of course content provides extensive sampling of Usually limited
course content
Control of pupil’s response Complete structuring limits Freedom to respond in own
response to that called for words enables bluffing
Prevents bluffing and avoids Writing skill influence score
influence of writing skill
Comparative advantages and disadvantages of essay and
objective tests
Objective test Essay test
Influence on learning Encourages pupil to develop Encourages pupils to focus
a comprehensive knowledge on larger units of subject
of specific facts and ability to matter, with special
make fine discriminations emphasis on the ability to
among them. organize, integrate and
Can encourage the express ideas effectively
development of May encourage poor writing
understanding, thinking skills habits, if time pressure is a
and other complex outcomes factor
if properly constructed
Reliability high reliability is possible Reliability is typically low,
with well constructed tests primarily because of
inconsistent scoring
• A basic principle in selecting the type of test item to use is: Select the item
type that provides the most direct measure of the performance task described
in the intended learning outcome
• For eg:if the task is one of writing, naming or listing, the item should require
the pupils to supply the answer
• If the tasks calls for identifying a correct answer, a selection type item should
be used
General suggestions for writing test items
• Use your test specification as a guide to item writing
• Write more test items than needed
• Write the test items well in advance of the testing date
• Write each test item so that it calls forth the performance described in the
intended learning outcome
• Write each test item so that the task to be performed is clearly defined
• Write each test item at an appropriate reading level
• Write each test item so that it does not provide help in answering other items
in the test
• Write each test item so that the answer is one that would be agreed upon by
• Write each test item so that it is at the proper level of difficulty
• Whenever a test item is revised, recheck its relevance
4. Preparing relevant test items
• Select and prepare the relevant test items
• Get ready for administering the test
5. Assembling the test
6. Administering the test
7. Appraising the test
8. Using the results
Take away………
• Steps of class room testing

D2 S P A3 U

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