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Safety Warning Signs

Safety Precautions
 Do not operate the X‐Ray machine without receiving training related to radiation protection according to
the regulations.
 All operators must receive necessary training on how to operate the equipment.  
 Report the installation and operation of the X‐Ray machine to local authorities.
 Check the radiation protection conditions of X‐Ray as recommended by manufacturer.
 If the X‐Ray machine is not in operation for an extended time, allow the X‐Ray generator to preheat
according to the factory settings.
 This will guarantee the service life of the X‐Ray generator.
 Do not store the equipment in an environment that contains conductive dust or chemicals.
 Connect the unit to a professionally installed power source, according to the local regulations. For
maintenance and repairs, contact a factory approved service company

Safety precautions
 After the machine is powered on, do not insert any living body parts (hand, legs) or live animals through the
machine’s tunnel.
 This can result in body radiation and life threatening situations.
 When the conveyor belt is in use, the operator shall pay attention to objects placement, to prevent them
from blocking the access to the tunnel or falling from the conveyor belt.
 Do not allow liquids from spilling over the conveyor belt or inside the tunnel. If such situation occurs, turn
the machine off and clean it immediately.
 When the equipment is in operation, do not cover the vents of the access panel to ensure that the heat
dissipation inside the equipment internal is in good condition.
 For the daily cleaning maintenance of the equipment, cut off the power.

 Do not operate the machine without reading these operating instructions first.
 Check all emergency buttons on both the scanning unit and the operating keyboard. If any of them is
pressed, rotate it clockwise to reset it.
 Note: If any of the cables are damaged and the insulation is scratched, or the emergency buttons are not
resetting, do not turn the machine on and contact service support. Check the lead curtains at both tunnel
entry and exit sides.
 The curtains should not have obvious gaps or damage. Note: If gaps or damages are noticed do not turn the
machine on, and contact service support. Check the conveyor belt for any cracks or damages.
 Note: If the belt shows signs of cracks, damages or it is misaligned, do not turn the machine on, and contact
service support.
 Check the inside of the tunnel for left behind objects. If any, remove and notify the supervisor.

..basic operations
 The preheat mode helps to extend the lifetime of the X‐Ray generator.
 If the machine is not on for 1 to 3 days Preheat time: 3 minutes.
 If the For an estimated waiting period, machine is not on for 3 to 30 days Preheat time: 6 minutes.
 If the machine is not on for 30 to 90 days Preheat time: 12 minutes
 If the machine is not on for more than 90 days Preheat time: up to 60 minute
 The software displays the image with four types of colors according to a category: orange for the organic
matter, blue for inorganic matter, green for mixed and black (or red) for objects with uncertain properties (or
hard to penetrate).

..basic operations
 The software displays the image with four types of colors according to a category: orange for the organic
matter, blue for inorganic matter, green for mixed and black (or red) for objects with uncertain properties (or
hard to penetrate).

 Follow the instructions below in order to maintain safe operation and to extend operating life of the
machine. NOTE: before operating any maintenance turn off and disconnect the machine from the power
 .Clean up the surface of the equipment on a regular basis in order to guarantee the normal operation of
 Remove dust or any other kind of dirt using a clean moist towel. .
 If the injection port of the photoelectric sensor is covered or blocked, the equipment will emit x‐ray and scan
 If "Force a Scan" function is disabled, then the photoelectric sensor may be covered or blocked.
 The photoelectric sensor is located on the inner wall of the tunnel inside the lead curtain. Check whether the
photoelectric sensor is covered, which may affect the accuracy of the photoelectric sensor signal.

 Gently wipe the surface of the photoelectric sensor with the moist cotton ball to clean the sensor surface.
 Disconnect power to the monitor. Wipe the LCD screen gently with a soft, dry cloth. If any marks remain,
moisten the cloth with LCD cleaner, and then gently stroke the cloth across the display in one direction,
moving from the top of the display to the bottom.
 During a prolonged scanning process, the conveyor belt of the equipment may deviate from the center,
which will require a belt adjustment.
 Contact professional maintenance personnel to adjust the conveyor belt.
 Inspect and dust clean the lead curtain. If the gap is too large or the curtains fall or are damaged, contact
the professional maintenance personnel.
 NOTE: use gloves when adjusting or replacing the lead curtains.

 Inspect the light indicators and make sure they function as described in this manual. If any damages are
found, contact professional maintenance personnel.

 The Emergency Stop buttons on the X‐Ray machine and the operation keyboard are the key safety devices,
so if one of them or both are loose or its shells are damaged, stop the equipment immediately, and contact
the professional maintenance personnel to maintain or replace the corresponding Emergency Stop button.

 After maintenance, press this Emergency Stop button. At this moment, the motor inside the system will stop
running; the X‐ray generator will stop emitting X‐ray. A pop‐up message will show on display stating the
“Emergency Stop button is pressed down” which show that the switch can work normally.


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