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Damanpreet Kaur Dr. Shiny Chalotra
(Intern) B.H.M.S, M.D (Hom.)
The Solanaceae group contains many drugs
like Belladona, Hyoscyamus, etc. that present
great symptomatic similarity. The drugs
belonging to Solanaceae family are not only
botanically similar but they are also similar in
their medicinal relation. For instance,
Belladonna, Hyosyamus, Stramonium and
Solanum nigrum affect predominantly the
brain and have narcotic properties. Again,
Tabacum which also has narcotic properties but
acts also on otherpart of body beside the brain.
Dulcamra is another drug, which belongs to
solanaceae group and has slight narcotic
properties of Solanine that is similar to
stramonium and Hyoscyamus. Thus if we study
the group Solanaceae as a whole, we will have a
sound knowledge characteristics of these
remedies which will give us a theme to
understand each remedy very easily.
• Belladonna
• Stramonium
• Hyoscyamus niger
• Solanum nigrum
• Tabacum
• Dulcamara
• Capsicum annuum
• It over stimulates the sympathetic nervous
system producing fright (restlessness,
sleeplessness) and fight and flight (violence,
beating, tearing, throwing) type of reaction.

• Dryness of mouth, dilatation of pupils.

• Ailments from
Exposure to sun
Suppression of catarrhal flow
In cold wind
Cold bath
Violent physical exertion and riding
• Lymphatic constitution with fine complexion.
• It is also adapted to light eyed sanguine
person with pale face.
• Nervous, irritable and hysterical.
• Takes cold from slight change.
• Emaciation of cheeks and back.
• Dread of any kind of exercise.
• Patient is exceedingly irritable and over
bearing when ill.
• Nervous, sanguine, hysterical and irritable.

• Tubercular, scrofulous and phlegmatic.
Thermal Relation
• Very chilly patients also hot patient.
Sphere of Action
• Joints
• Muscular tissue
• Blood vessels
• Nerves
• Mucus membrane of bronchi
• Bladder
• Rectum
• Bones of the ear and CVS
Mental Symptoms
• Violent delirium
• Loss of consciousness
• Fear of imaginary things
• Absent minded
• Confusion of mind
• Forgetfulness
• Loquacity
• Smiles
• Laughs
• Strange
• Delusions
• Illusions
• Hallucinations
Physical Symptoms
• Congestion
• Irritability
• Suddeness
• Thirstlessness
• Sleepiness
• Convulsions during teething period
• Dilated pupils
• Drynees of mouth
• Fever – high grade fever with external burning
• Low muttering type of delirium
General Modalities
From cold winds
Heat of sun
During menses
After lying down and rising again
• While eating
• From heat
• Uncovering
• Warmth in general
• Walking
Therapeutic Value
• Hypertension
• Angina pectoris
• Pregnancy sickness
• Congestion of head
• Dry mouth and throat

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