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A Visak 21121001
Ajinkya Duragkar 21121004
“Research is to see what
everybody else has seen,
and to think what nobody
else has thought”

—Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Microfinance: A Way Out for Poor or Not ?

•Micro-finance refers to small scale financial service including

both credits and deposits provided to people who can’t
access the capital. 

•Micro-finance: It not only include loan but also savings,

insurance, fund transfers.

•This research aims to examine how the microfinance services

provided to individuals, organizations are working. 

•The success of microfinance in recent years and now is

demonstrated in this analysis. Focused financial services for
poor and small businesses that lack access to traditional
finances are individually provided by microfinance.

•The Objective of the Research is to identify the impact of

Microfinance on poor people or the lower class people.

•To examine how the microfinance services provided to

individuals, organizations are working.

•The ultimate goal is to identify whether the microfinance plays an

effective role in improving the living standards of the people.
Variables to be studied

•The Research study is based on one independent variable and

different dependent variables. 

• Microfinance (MF) is the independent variable and dependent

variables are  basic needs (BN), living standard (LS), and self-
employment (SE).

• We are trying to study whether the dependent variables are

influenced by the microfinance or if there is a positive
relationship between the two variables, which will ultimately
help in  reducing the poverty. 
Research Gap

• The study has two limitations. First, Most of the study is focused
on Micro level, which indicates one particular sector and not on
macro level where the research is carried out for all the parts of
the country, so the outcome may not be generalized for all the
• Second the research should focus on evaluating the comparative
effect of microfinance programme run by government and the by
the NGO’s on the poverty alleviation, uplifting the living standards
of people and women empowerment.

• The Researchers should have focused on how to improve the

sustainability and growth of micro and small enterprises which are
financed by microfinance.

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