Parth Kumar - Communication Cycle

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The Communication

Parth Kumar
It refers to the transfer of information
from one person to the another
through a proper cycle.
Sender and receiver plays an
important part in
communication cycle.
For ex: transfer of information from
superior to a subordinate in an
 Communication is the activity of conveying
meaningful information.
 Communication requires a sender, a message, and
an intended recipient, although the receiver need
not be present or aware of the sender's intent to
communicate at the time of communication.
 Communication can occur across vast distances
in time and space.
 Communication requires that the communicating
parties share an area of communicative
 The communication process is complete once the
receiver has understood the message of the sender.
Communication Cycle
Communication Elements

 Sender: the person beginning the communication.

 Message: the information that the sender wants to convey.

 Channel: the means by which the information is sent.

 Receiver: the person to whom the message is sent.

 Feedback: the receiver’s acknowledgment and response to the

Verbal Communication

Verbal communication includes sounds, words,

language, and speech.

Types of Verbal Communication are:

Small Group
Advantages of Verbal
 Time Saver
 Quick Feedback
 Convenient
 Ease Preparation
 Privacy
 Improved Clarity
Disadvantages of Verbal Communication

 Distorted meaning
 Inconvenient for long messages
 Unnecessary information
 Misunderstanding
 Communication expense
 No place for rectification
Non – Verbal Communication
 Non-verbal communication is the expression
or exchange of information or messages without using
any spoken or written word.

Types of Non-Verbal Communication:

  Facial Expressions
 Posture
 Gestures or Body Language
 Touch
 Eye Contact
 Paralanguage : tone, speed and volume of our voice.
Advantages of Non-Verbal
Provides clarity 
Useful for illiterate people 
Impactful and effective 
Quicker transmission of messages 
Reduces wastage of time 

 Imprecise and vague

 Long conversations are not possible 

 Meaning varies across cultures 

 Might Distort  information

Barriers to Effective Communication

 Physical Barriers
 Linguistic Barriers
 Interpersonal Barriers
 Organizational Barriers
 Cultural Barriers
Ways to Overcome Barriers to Effective Communication
 Use simple language
 Do not form assumptions on culture, religion
or geography
 Try to communicate in person as much as
 Use visuals
 Take help of a translator to overcome
differences in language
 Be respectful of other’s opinions

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