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Introduction of Quran

 The Quran is a sacred book of Muslims. It is written by Allah on the

Guarded Tablet
 approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE
 a proof of his prophet hood
 the culmination of a series of divine messages that started with the
messages revealed to Adam and ended with Muhammad.
 about 55 to 90 names of Holy Quran have counted by different scholars
 the names of the Quran are limited only to five names.
 Al-Quran (The Reading)
 Al-Furqan ( The Criterion)
 Az-Zikr (The Advice)
 Al-Kitab (The Book)
 At- Tanzeel ( The Revelation)
Al- Qur’an:

But it is a glorious Quran.

The word Quran is joined with “al”. “Al” is used as an affix and it means ‘more specific’ in the
sense that it is the most widely read book in the world. Millions of Muslims all over the world
recite it in their daily prayers 5 times a day. The Qur’an is read and recited daily in what is called
‘tilawat’ where Muslims read the Qur’an whenever they have some spare time to get the
Blessings of Almighty Allah. During the month of Ramadhan the entire Qur’an is recited over a
period of 30 days in the special ‘tharawih prayers’, as well as being individually read by Muslims
in their homes. According to Dr Mahmood Ghazi it is the one and only book that continuously
recite at every moment of time in all the world
Al-Kitab (The Book):

Alif-Lam-Ra. These are the verses of the Book of wisdom. (Surah Yunas: 1)
This is specified with information about all sacred books of revealed religions. It is one and the
only book which talk about previous revealed books, their teachings, religions and Prophets.
The books as “Sahefa e Ibrahimi”, Zabur, Torah and Bible. It is the protector of all previous
revealed books.
At Tanzeel (The Revelation): (Surah Azumar: 1)

The sending down of the Book is from Allah the Dignified, the Wise.

As it is known that Quran Kareem is the book which is sent by Allah to his beloved Prophet
Mohammad pbuh. Thus it is a revealed book.
 To remember and to remembrance AZ_ ZIKR
 We remember only the one who meet us before
 that Zikr means that it is the remembrance of all past sacred books and their teachings.
 The Islam is the final shape of all previous revealed religions
 as Quran is the final collection of all teachings of revealed religions.
 Secondly Allah has commanded his believers to remember it orally in Surah Hijr ayah 9

"Verily, it is we who sent down the remembrance, and surely, We will guard it.
it is in divine protection, its actual and original state until the Day of Judgement

Surah Al-Qyemah verse 17

“It is for us to collect and recite it”

Introduction of Quran
1. Literal meaning of the holy Qur’an
2. Terminogical meaning of the holy Qur’an:
1. Literal meaning of the holy Qur’an:
derived from four root words
1:“qara’a” whose literal meaning is to collect or to compile
collected and codified under the divine protection of Allah means Jibraeal had already been
instructed by God to put ayeah at their exact places

“It is for us to collect and recite it” (75:17)

the book which contains all knowledge of the universe, every aspects of life

“A detailed exposition of everything”. (12:11)

b. The second root word is “qar’ana” meaning a union or conjunction.
merely that a process of combination is indicated.
literal physical existence
letters are joined to make words, words are joined to make ayahs, ayahs are joined to make
surahs and surahs are joined to make the Qur’an.
Another academic implication of the word “qar’ana” is that the Qur’an is combined with
guidance, the two being inseparable. The Holy Qur’an refers to this combination:

“This is the book: it is guidance sure, without doubt”. (2:2)

“Here is a plain statement. To one, a guidance and instruction to those who fear Allah”.
“For one who had certainly sent unto them a book, based on knowledge, which we
explained in detail; a guidance and mercy to all those who believe”. (7:52)
“There are clear evidences to me, and a guidance and mercy to those of assured faith”.
c. The third root word is “qira’athun” meaning to read or recite.
the most widely read book in the world.
prayers 5 times a day. The Qur’an is read and recited daily in what is
called ‘tilawat’ where Muslims read the Qur’an whenever they have some
spare time to get the Blessings of Almighty Allah. During the month of
Ramadhan the entire Qur’an is recited over a period of 30 days in the
special ‘tharawih prayers’, as well as being individually read by Muslims in
their homes. Often, during this month of fasting, each member of the
household will have completely read and finished the Qur’an at least once if
not twice.
the Qur’an acts as a practical guide in all affairs of Muslims, be they social,
cultural, legal, economic or political.
d: “qira’in” which is the plural of “qarina” which meaning evidence, argument or
symbol. In the context of the Qur’an this is taken to mean how one verse interprets,
elaborates and gives arguments and evidences for previous verses. In ayah 5 of surah Al-
Fatiha for example, man is told to ask Allah for the right path:
“Guide us Thou on the right path”.
“The path of those whom You have favored. Not those who have earned your anger or
gone astray”. (1:6-7)
So the Qur’an is self-evident and self-explanatory. If one verse gives a general meaning
than the other gives a more specific definition. Similarly if one verse gives an absolute
commandment then the other verse will gives its exceptions and qualifications. The Holy
Qur’an testifies to this fact:
The challenge of Qur’an “Say. If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together
to produce the like of this Qur’an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they
backed up each other with help and support.” (17:88)
2. Terminogical meaning of the holy Qur’an:
Scholars define the Qur’an as this:
The Arabic speech of Allah that was revealed to the Prophet ( ‫س لم‬ ‫و‬  ‫عليه‬  ‫لىهللا‬
  ‫)ص‬ both in
word and in meaning.
Narrated in Mutawaatir chains, and is a challenge to humankind.
We can learn five important things about the Qur’an from this definition.
The Arabic speech of Allah: The Qur’an is the speech of Allah, in Arabic. This means that
anything that’s not Arabic isn’t the Qur’an. You can’t pray in English, in French, in Swahili, in
Urdu–it has to be in Arabic.
Revealed to the Prophet: We know that Allah revealed many revelations–including the Injeel
and the Tawrah and the Zabur. Those are also revelation of Allah–but they’re not the Qur’an.
Only what Allah revealed to the Prophet (F‫لم‬FF‫ و س‬F‫ عليه‬FFF‫لىهللا‬FF‫ )ص‬is Qur’an.
Revealed in Word and Meaning: Not Only is the meaning of the Qur’an the same as what
Allah meant; but the words themselves are also from Allah. (Unlike Hadith Qudsi, where the
meaning is from Allah, and the words are from the Prophet (F‫لم‬FF‫ و س‬F‫ عليه‬FFF‫لىهللا‬FF‫))ص‬
Collected between Two Covers: Hadith Qudsi is also the speech of Allah, but it’s not Qur’an.
Similarly, there are verses that used to be in the Qur’an, but aren’t anymore–even though
they were cancel! These are the abrogated verses, and they’re not considered Qur’an
anymore, even though we still know what some of those revelations were.
Mutawaatir: The Qur’an was related in a mutawaatir –so many narrators narrated it, at every
single step in the chain of narration, that it’s impossible that they all lied or made a mistake.
A Challenge to Humankind: The Qur’an is an ongoing challenge to the human race–create a
book, a surah, a verse like it; but nay, we will NEVER be able to. Allah Himself says so.

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