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Project 1: Protinex

Market Opportunity Analysis

Segmenting, Positioning and Branding
Learner Name: < sankarshan lodh >
Q1. Based on the details shared in the video, come up with various criteria
based on which Protinex could do segmentation, targeting and
positioning. Additionally, provide your rationale for it. Mention at least
three criteria for segmentation. 

(Word Limit: 200 words for your entire answer)

(Note: Only the segmentation part of slide 1 will be graded in this question.)
Answer 1

Segmentation Geographic: India/ Tier1 and tier 2 cities

Demographic: Male – Female/ Middle income – Low income group /Urban and Rural

Psychographic: Fitness enthusiast / health conscious / Nutrition improvement / Sports gym

Behavioral: Consumption of healthy drinks/ Supplements / Nutrition

Targeting Undifferentiated Mass Strategy : Protinex for their mass scaling should follow the mentioned
strategy since it will help the brand to reach it’s consumer from 19 year old to 60 year old in the
mass market positioning .With average and low cost products the targeted consumer base
amount will be increased exponentially . By using various channels of communication the
targeting higher base of consumers will be profitable for the brand .

Positioning Mass market positioning should be considered into the segmentation of great taste and higher
nutritional value .
Q2. Based on the information given in the video, how would you plot Protinex on
the perceptual map? Have you seen any shifts in the last few years?

(Word Limit: 120 words)

You can follow these steps:
What parameters can you differentiate on? Mention the 2 most important factors with regards to
HFDs.  These will act as the axes for your perceptual map.
Create a perceptual map for the HFD players in India (You will have to show Protinex
+ competitors in the HFD sector). Add the image of your map in the solution ppt.
Answer 2
Enter your response. You may also draw the perceptual map with pen and paper and add an image of the same. Add the
positions of Protinex and its competitors.

Higher price

Higher Nutrition( protein) value

Lower Nutrition(protein) value

Lower Price
Q3. Drawing insights from what you saw in the video, devise a positioning
statement for Protinex.

(Word Limit: 120 words) 

As a recap, the  framework of a positioning statement is given below:
‘For [target market], Protinex is [frame of reference/competitive set] that [key benefits, unique value
claim] because [reasons to believe, evidence]’.
Answer 3

For the target market , basis on the market survey for average protein consumption it has been shown that average male , female
and child lacks protein in their daily diet , for the particular age group from 18 to 60 years old protein deficiency is rampant , a
solution to the various protein related deficiency can be cured easily with a constant source of protein which is easily
consumable and offers a long solution going ahead .

Following various misconceptions of protein intake it’s widely believed in India that protein consumption should be done when
there is a higher from of deficiency , basis on this understanding protinex should use the above understanding to market it goods
and content in both Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities and ideally use a scale down but high nutrition product model in Tier 3 cities .

So with the above thought in Mind protinex should market their product through campaign slogans of Low nutrition to proper
Nutrition , Lower deficiency to high deficiency and market their products through General trade / Modern trade / MBO / SIS .

Since the valuation of protinex offers various categories to various modes of care like for Pregnant wone / Diabetic patients / For
Children with flavoured amalgamation / For people wanting their daily diets the evidence of market share the brand can hold is
clear from the above criteria .
Q4. Build your marketing mix to help Protinex shift from a prescription-based
brand, to an everyday nutrition brand. You will have to mention the rationale
behind each of these.

As a recap, the 4Ps of marketing — Product, Price, Place, and Promotion — are distinct factors that
marketers can influence in order to create a meaningful product or service and market it to a
defined audience. 
Note: Please draft at least 30 -70 words for each of 4Ps.
Answer 4
Product: For improving their product based solutions , protinex should consider improving the channels for each brands going ahead .
1. Protinex original : Serves good quality of hydrolyzed protein , Supports lean mass good for athletes and people who are into higher concentration of physical activities .
2. Protinex Mama : For mom to be , lactating mothers , helps to provide nutritional value for the development of the baby ,aides brain development for fetus , helps to meet increased nutrition during pregnancy .
3.Protinex diabetes care ; Fiber help to manage glucose level , protein provides strength to stay activity and healthy , Low GI helps glucose control .
3. Protinex vanilla and chocolate : For Adults and Child combined who would like to have their differences in taste , serves the same quality of protein in each diets.

Price: In price market strategy an average 250 g of protinex powder is priced at Rs 369 , which higher in comparison to complan which is priced substantially at a much lower rate of Rs 125 , in order to increase the
market mix protinex should widely be considering to penetrate the mass market brand by doing a lower price than its’ competitors in order to capture sales ratio.

Place: protinex strategically have placed their products in urban Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities , considering the brand is equally placed in various mass market areas specially chemist shop for that they can equivocally target
to tier 3 cities , where these products will be invariably be more reach to the lower middle class and thus exponentially increasing the sales volume going ahead .

Promotion: 1. ooh media to be ensure in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities whenever a new product is launch
2. Social media campaigns like “ unsure with protein campaign “ to see conversion of consumers .
3. providing clickable ads and banners in amazon and flipkart with offers on existing products .
4. In Tier 3 rural cities door to door visit to provide sample sachets which can help brand knowledge and understanding .
5. newspaper and print media along with SEO marketing to reach bulk of consumers .
Q5. Now that you have finalised the marketing mix for Protinex, you have to create
a digital marketing go-to strategy. You can use the digital marketing framework you
learnt in DM Channels and Metrics module. You will have to identify the digital
content, digital devices, digital channels, and digital metrics to track for Protinex,
with the rationale behind each.
Answer 5
Digital Content: 1. Facebook : fakebook ads , Video ads , Views , Boost your posts , CTA
2. YouTube videos , Influencer videos , promotional Videos .
3. TVC : Ads for L bands for top sports channel , Ads and banners for prime time tv
4. Google : Seo optimization , SEM , google ads , display ads
5. Twitter : Various posts , Tagging influencers , Tagging top sports people for who are endorsed by brand
6. LinkedIn : Through various employee engagement posts , LinkedIn Posts about research
7. Email : Various newsletter through subscription on their main web pages
8. Ecommerce : Affiliate marketing through various ecommerce channels and websites
9. Blog : through influencer blog posts and tagging the same through their Instagram and social media handles

Digital Devices: Mobile / TV/ Desktop/ Laptop .


Digital Channels: Social Media ( Facebook / Instagram / LinkedIn / Twitter / YouTube / Website ) Ecommerce : Flipkart / Amazon / Snapdeal Others : Blog/ Website / Google ads

Digital Metrics: Awareness stage : Campaign reach to be calculated / Consideration stage : Bounce rate , session duration , repeated visitors , traffic , CPC / Purchase stage : Total conversion
value Delight stage : Customer review , social mentions , app installs and downloads

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