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Subject+ past verb to be + verb + ing + complemento

Affirmative      He            was                   playing           soccer.

  My parents were              eating         in the restaurant.

Subject + past verb to be + not + verb +ing + complemento

Negative     He                was               not    playing            soccer.

My parents   were            not    eating          in the restaurant.

Past Verb to be + subject + verb + ing + complemento

Interrogative  Was                               He            playing            soccer ?

Were                       my parents  eating          in the restaurant?

Affirmative(+)                                                    Negative(-)
Short Answers Yes, He was.                                                           No, He was not.    
Yes, They were                                                    No, they were not.
     Task 1. Write the past progressive to complete the sentence.
                       (Escriba el pasado progresivo para completar las oraciones)

1 My sisters going (go) home .

2 We doing (do) our homework.
3 She playing (play) games on the computer.
4 People waiting (wait) for the concert.
5 My grandfather sleeping (sleep) all day.

Task 2. Choose the correct sentence using the past progressive.

             ( Escoja la oracion correcta usando el pasado progresivo.

a) They are running in the race a) Peter swimming in the river.

b) They were running in the race. b) Peter was not swimming in the river.
c) They were run in the race. c) Peter was swimming in the river.
Sentences with present progressive

 Sally is listening to music on the bus.

 They are playing a game on their new Ipad.
 It is snowing in South America.
 I am building my own house.
 You are dancing alone.
 We are wearing brand new clothes.
 You are being rude.
 You are talking to Ana.
 They are riding two bikes.
 The plane is not leaving the airport, because it's still raining.

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