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‫‪Pre-covid 19 protection‬‬

‫اشراف‪:‬‬ ‫اعداد‪:‬‬
‫د‪ .‬علي نبيل‬ ‫مرتضى علي حسين‬
‫د‪ .‬هيام الموسوي‬ ‫علي حسن سلمان‬
‫مصطفى احمد مرزه‬
‫علي عبد العباس سليمان‬
‫محمد احسان علي‬
‫حسين وليد عبد العزيز‬
• Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

• Human coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s.

• Coronaviruses constitute the* subfamily Orthocoronavirinae, in the family Coronaviridae,

are a group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds.

• The virus target the respiratory system, lungs might become inflamed, making
it difficult to breathe. The infections  can range from mild to lethal.

• Also, It can lead secondary infection with many different symptoms.

Crown-like appearance under Presence of spike
an electro microscope glycoproteins on the envelope

Positive single-stranded
Envelope RNA genome

nucleocapsid protein
Is a protein that packages the positive-sense
RNA genome of coronaviruse
Covid-19 transmission
• The principal mode by which people are infected COVID-19 is through exposure
to respiratory fluids carrying infectious virus.

• Exposure occurs in three principal ways:

1. When people breathe in air contaminated by droplets and
small airborne particles containing the virus
2. Contact transmission of the respiratory droplets via oral, nasal,
and eye mucous membranes by direct splashes and sprays.
3. Transmission may also happen through objects and personal
Symptoms of COVID-19
People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild
symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.

• People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

• Fever or chills
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• Loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea
 In addition to that, there is some people who get infected with COVID-19 but
never develop any symptoms, this is called asymptomatic COVID-19
Because covid 19, changing life style and life habit is more important then ever.

Poor physical activity and bad diet can Increases the risk of getting covid.

Scientists found that people who reported eating healthy like the
fruits, vegetables, and legumes had a 9% lower risk of getting Covid
and a 41% lower risk of developing severe Covid.

In addition to that, Exercise boosts immunity and can help fight

off infections.
What to do to improve your lifestyle?
• Grill, boil or steam food instead of frying.

• Reduce consumption of salt

• Avoid consumption of sugary foods

• Reduce consumption of high-energy drinks and processed food.

• Every day, eat a mix of wholegrains like wheat, maize and rice, legumes like
lentils and beans, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables , with some foods from
animal sources (e.g. meat, fish, eggs and milk).

• Avoid tobacco products, all tobacco products are harmful to your health.

• Every day do at less one hour of physical activity to improve health

Plant mixtures that help in
protection against covid19:
1. A mixture from (Saussurea costus+Rosemary+Thyme)
they found that it has a great effect in improve the
immunity and protection from covid.

2. mixture from (black cumin +Ginger+Basil leaves) this

use in cold flu condition and they found it can effect
on covid too.
Saussurea costus:
• S. costus (synonymous with Saussurea lappa), belongs to family

• Widely distributed in different regions in the world; however,

numerous species are found in India, Pakistan, and some parts of

• Various compounds isolated from the plant have medicinal properties

including terpenes, alkaloids, anthraquinones, and flavonoid
Saussurea costus:
• S. costus is used to treat, fever, headache, pain, cough,
bronchial asthma
• bacterial infections , diarrhea

• Possible rule of S. costus in treatment of COVID-19:

• S. costus by its myrcene content that acts on ACE
receptors15 may interfere with viral entry into the cells.

• Oleic acid acts as antileukotriene-D415 therefore acts as a


• S. costus roots have antiviral activity

• Licorice is a common traditional Chinese herbal medicine,
which has several pharmacological effects, such as anti-
inflammation, detoxification, antibacterial, antitussive, and
immunomodulatory effects, especially in respiratory
diseases. Licorice root

• Glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid are major compounds

that found in licorice Have inhibit the synthesis of
inflammatory factors and inflammatory mediators by
blocking the binding of ACE 2 to the virus spike protein,
and exert antiviral and antibacterial effects

• Garlic is a popular natural remedy for a wide array of conditions,
including viral infections.

• Older test-tube studies note that garlic may have antiviral activity
against influenza A and B, HIV, HSV-1, viral pneumonia, and
rhinovirus, which causes the common cold. However, current
research is lacking

• Animal and test-tube studies indicate that garlic enhances immune

system response by stimulating protective immune cells, which
may safeguard against viral infections.
• Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L. family Lamiaceae) is
a medicinal plant originating from the Mediterranean
region and now is being cultivated around the world.

• There are several active compounds in rosemary which are

responsible for its diverse pharmacological activities. The
major compounds present in Rosemary officinalis are
phenolic compounds, di- and triterpenes and essential oils.
• This plant has been also widely used for different therapeutic purposes
including treatment or prevention of bronchial asthma, headaches, poor
circulation, spasmogenic disorders, inflammatory diseases,
hepatotoxicity, physical and mental fatigue, heart disease, and cancer

• Its use as immune system boster

• Based on a preliminary study, a group of researchers said the

compound, carnosic acid, can block the interaction between the SARS-
CoV-2 spike protein (Spike protein is used by the SARS-CoV-2 virus to
infect the cells ) and the receptor protein ACE2.

• Antioxidants properties
• Thyme plant, which has high antioxidant properties,
strengthens the immune system, and by inducing the
antiviral effect could reduce the symptoms of
coronavirus, therefore, it is recommended for
reducing the symptoms of COVID-19
• Including the sweet and holy varieties.

• Basil can fight certain viral infections.

• Holy basil, also known as tulsi, has been shown to increase

Sweet Basil
immunity, which may help protect form viral infections.

• In a 4-week study in 24 healthy adults, supplementing with

300 mg of holy basil extract significantly increased levels of
helper T cells and natural killer cells, both of which are
immune cells that help protect and defend your body from
viral infections Holy Basil
• Ginger has been shown to have impressive antiviral activity
thanks to its high concentration of potent plant compounds.

• Test-tube research demonstrates that ginger extract has

antiviral effects against avian influenza,
Black cumin
• black cumin, (Nigella sativa)
• The black cumin plant is found in southwestern Asia and parts of
the Mediterranean and Africa, where it has a long history of use
in diverse culinary and medicinal traditions. Black cumin seeds

• Black cumin seeds play a significant role as anti-inflammatory and

antioxidant agents and immunological activators. Some researchers
have demonstrated that Nigella sativa influences the immune
system; specifically, this species can increase the antibody
response16 and ameliorate inflammation and immunological attacks
A brief about vaccine
Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune
response to produce antibodies against a specific disease.

• Although inoculation against smallpox was practiced over 2000 years

ago in China and India, a British physician, Edward Jenner, is generally
credited with ushering in the modern concept of vaccination.
• In 1796 he used matter from cowpox pustules to inoculate patients successfully
against smallpox, which is caused by a related virus.
• By 1900, there were two human virus vaccines, against smallpox
and rabies, and three bacterial vaccines against typhoid, cholera,
and plague.

• In 1979, the World Health Assembly officially declared smallpox eradicated

Types of Covid 19 vaccines

In Iraq three different vaccines has been


Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine Sinopharm vaccine

Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
The vaccine uses a piece of virus RNA that cod for it
spike protein.
When the mRNA inters human cells, The cell make
copies of the spike protein that can be recognized by the
immune system.
This triggers our immune system to produce antibodies
and other immune cells.
The antibodies can intercept viruses before they infiltrate
cells and mark it for destruction.
At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to
protect against future infection from the virus
Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine
• It is made from a weakened version of a common cold virus (adenovirus) from
chimpanzees. It has been genetically changed so that it is impossible for it to
grow in humans.
• The vaccine contains the genetic sequence of this surface spike protein.
• When the vaccine enters cells inside the body, it uses this genetic code to
produce the surface spike protein of the coronavirus, The immune system will
recognize the spikes and produce antibodies against it.
• This induces an immune response to attack the coronavirus if it later infects the
Side effects of vaccines
Common side effects of all types of vaccine.
May affect more than 1 in 10 people
• Pain or tenderness  in the arm where you had the vaccine
• feeling tired
• headache
• muscle pain
• joint pain
• fever (temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or above)
Side effects of vaccines
Uncommon side effects may affect up to 1 in 100 people.

• Itchiness in general
• A rash
• Swelling of the lymph glands
• Sleeplessness
• Nausea and vomiting
• Excessive sweating
• Night sweats
• Abdominal pain
• Decreased appetite
• Lethargy, asthenia (lack of energy) and malaise (feeling unwell)
Side effects of vaccines
Rare side effects

may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people.

These include:

• An allergic reaction that can cause hives or swelling of the face

• Weakness in the muscles on one side of your face (that may cause
it to droop temporarily)
Side effects of vaccines
There are very rare side effects of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people. These include:

• Myocarditis
• Pericarditis

Myocarditis and pericarditis are inflammatory heart conditions

Get medical help if you get any of these symptoms

• breathlessness
• palpitations (a forceful heartbeat that may be irregular)
• chest pain
Side effects of vaccines
Very rare side effects with Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine

may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people. These include:

• Very unusual blood clots with low platelets

Extremely rare side effects

There aren’t enough data how many people had these side effect

• Severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)

• Hypersensitivity
• An allergic reaction that can cause your face to swell
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