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Training on
“Motivating employees”

Presented By: HR Department

 Motivation is the word derived from the word ’motive’
which means needs, desires, wants or drives within the
 It is the process of stimulating people to actions to
accomplish the goals.
 MOTIVATION = Value of outcome x expectation of
achieving it
 Motivation is a desire to achieve a goal, combined with
the energy to work towards that goal.
 Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you
want them to do because they want to do it.
 Motivation is a facet that must come from within.
External Rewards Internal Rewards
• Achievement
• Salary
• Responsibility
• Working conditions
• Recognition
• Benefits
• Feedback
• Environment
• Learning and growth

 Different things motivate different people

 People want to use their talents, skills and knowledge
 People want to do something rewarding and intrinsically
In addition to the external and internal awards, have:

• Employee engagement
• Challenging job profiles
• Keep them self-motivated But what happens when there
is not enough motivation
• Good projects
among the employees?
• Job rotation
• Job security / stability
• Restructuring Job LESS or NO MOTIVATION
• Good team, co-workers,
• Effective Discipline

Top Reasons why people leave their jobs

 Learning Opportunities In addition to:
to learn new skills • Job content
 Feedback, especially for stars • Level of responsibility
Coaching and feedback by managers • Company culture
 Bad Bosses • Caliber of Colleagues

conflict with the boss as one of the top • Low growth potential
most reasons for the departure of top • Lack of challenge
performing employees • Lack of autonomy
• Not enough money
• Work environment issues
Hallmarks of a Motivated Workplace
 Commitment to results and Your Motivation Toolbox
responsibility for actions
 Balance
 Open communication
 Benefits
 Low employee turnover
 Communication
 Creativity and ingenuity,
especially in solving problems  Compensation
 Collaboration  Corporate culture
 Excellent customer service,  Recognition and rewards
both internally and externally  Responsibility
 Teamwork
 Training and promotions

REMEMBER What motivates you doesn’t always motivate your staff.

Balance: (Work life Balance) Even if some of your
employees are workaholics, there will come a time when
they need a break. You need to show your employees
that you realize they have a life outside of work.

Benefits: Money isn’t everything. Insurance Retirement

plan Incentives. Even if the money is great, some employees
won’t be satisfied- and understandably so. Your
compensation package can’t compete if you leave out these
important benefits.

Communication: It’s not just about what YOU

have to say. Employees have opinions too!
Foster an open communication environment. Employees
want to know that they can talk with you about what’s going
on at work, and they want honest feedback from you.
Corporate Culture: What’s it like to work for
your company?
When employees describe their organization’s
environment- managers’ attitudes, hours, and the
other elements that create a work life- they’re talking
about the corporate culture. A company that
discourages smart risks, stifles creativity, and berates
employees doesn’t have a positive corporate culture.

Recognition & Rewards: Public

Recognition, Money, Company Awards Programs.
Some people are really excited by public recognition
and rewards. They want some recognition for their
hard work, other than a paycheck, and they want
someone to know that their performance is
outstanding. Celebrate your above and beyond
Responsibility: Learn to Let Go and Delegate
Employees want to be able to contribute. Empower your
employees so that they feel responsible, and they’ll reward
you for your trust.

Team Work: Collaborating=Success

If your company is going to succeed. Team should play a
big part in your work style-so promote teamwork.
Teamwork occurs when a group of people share a
common goal and understanding and work together to
accomplish a specific project.

Training & Promotion: Training=Professional

Without professional growth and training, work becomes
routine and unfulfilling. Help your employees contribute
more and more to your firm’s success while developing
their careers.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory


Self esteem needs

(fame, recognition,
reputation, dignity, Status, Power,
Self Respect,Achievement,Freedom)

Social Needs
(love, affection, care, belongingness, and friendship)

Safety needs
( job security,
Financial Security, Health Security, Family Security)

Physiological needs
(air, water, food, clothing, Shelter)
Implications of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory for Managers
 As far as the physiological needs are concerned, the managers should
give employees appropriate salaries to purchase the basic necessities of
life. Breaks and eating opportunities should be given to employees.
 As far as the safety needs are concerned, the managers should provide
the employees job security, safe and hygienic work environment, and
retirement benefits so as to retain them.
 As far as social needs are concerned, the management should encourage
teamwork and organize social events
 As far as esteem needs are concerned, the managers can appreciate and
reward employees on accomplishing and exceeding their targets. The
management can give the deserved employee higher job rank / position in
the organization.
 As far as self-actualization needs are concerned, the managers can give
the employees challenging jobs in which the employees’ skills and
competencies are fully utilized. Moreover, growth opportunities can be
given to them so that they can reach the peak.
 In 1960, Douglas McGregor formulated Theory X and Theory Y suggesting two aspects of
human behaviour at work, or in other words, two different views of individuals (employees):
one of which is negative, called as Theory X and the other is positive, so called as Theory Y.
According to McGregor, the perception of managers on the nature of individuals is based
on various assumptions.

Assumptions of Theory X
 An average employee intrinsically does not like work and tries to escape it
whenever possible.
 Since the employee does not want to work, he must be persuaded,
compelled, or warned with punishment so as to achieve organizational
goals. A close supervision is required on part of managers. The managers
adopt a more dictatorial style.
 Many employees rank job security on top, and they have little or no
aspiration/ ambition.
 Employees generally dislike responsibilities.
 Employees resist change.
 An average employee needs formal direction.
Assumptions of Theory Y
 Employees can perceive their job as relaxing and normal. They exercise their physical and mental
efforts in an inherent manner in their jobs.
 Employees may not require only threat, external control and coercion to work, but they can use self-
direction and self-control if they are dedicated and sincere to achieve the organizational objectives.
 If the job is rewarding and satisfying, then it will result in employees’ loyalty and commitment to
 An average employee can learn to admit and recognize the responsibility. In fact, he can even learn
to obtain responsibility.
 The employees have skills and capabilities. Their logical capabilities should be fully utilized. In other
words, the creativity, resourcefulness and innovative potentiality of the employees can be utilized to
solve organizational problems.
Implications of Theory Y
 Decentralization and delegation: If firms decentralize control and reduce the number of levels
of management, managers will have more subordinates and consequently need to delegate
some responsibility and decision making to them.
 Job enlargement: Broadening the scope of an employee’s job adds variety and opportunities
to satisfy ego needs.
 Participative management: Consulting employees in the decision-making process taps their
creative capacity and provides them with some control over their work environment.
 Performance appraisals: Having the employee set objectives and participate in the process
of self-evaluation increases engagement and dedication.
William Ouchi’s Theory Z
Assumptions of Theory Z
 One assumption is that they seek to build cooperative and intimate working relationships with their
coworkers. In other words, employees have a strong desire for affiliation.
 Another assumption is that workers expect reciprocity and support from the company i.e. people want
to maintain a work-life balance, and they value a working environment in which things like family, culture,
and traditions are considered to be just as important as the work itself.
 Under Theory Z management, not only do workers have a sense of cohesion with their fellow workers, they
also develop a sense of order, discipline, and a moral obligation to work hard.
 Finally, Theory Z assumes that given the right management support, workers can be trusted to do their jobs
to their utmost ability and look after for their own and others’ well-being.

Theory Z also makes assumptions about company culture. If a

company wants to realize the benefits described above, it need to
have the following:
 A strong company philosophy and culture
 Long-term staff development and employment
 Consensus in decisions
 Concern for the happiness and well-being of workers: 
 Informal control with formalized measures: Employees are empowered to perform tasks the way they
see fit, and management is quite hands-off. However, there should be formalized measures in place to
assess work quality and performance.
 Individual responsibility: The organization recognizes the individual contributions but always within the
context of the team as a whole.
• Customized training programs
What it is not • Help people build trust, pride and camaraderie

• Praise • Develop high degrees of credibility in everything
• Merchandise that we say and do
• Money • Play hard, party hard
• Pat on the back • Encourage community building

What it is • Follow a good feedback and appraisal system

• Partnering • Give everyone clear goals
• Maintain mentor-mentee relationships
• Involvement
• Follow shared responsibilities towards each other,
• Respect
client and the franchisee
• Individualism

Why is employee engagement important?

• Engaged Employees  Loyal Customers  Bigger Profits.
• If the staff are motivated then the customers will be happy
• The shareholders will then benefit through the company's success.
Strategy to Increase Organizational Strategy to
Employee Engagement Increase Motivation
 Notice each individual
• Positive reinforcement
 Say Thank-you, even a smile can
make a big difference. • Effective discipline
 Make staff feel respected and valued • Treating people fairly
 Share your experience and • Satisfying employees needs
 Be confidence about people. • Setting work related goals
 Be honest and trustworthy • Restructuring jobs/Rotation of
 Don’t take personal credit for their Work
success • Base rewards on job performance
 Create a blame-free culture • Expand their ability to work
 Set developmental goals
 Make work fun!!
 In alignment (to be on the team)

Requirements For  Thinking out the box (be creative)

Today’s Managers  Empowering employees

 Maintaining core competencies

 Managing change

 Flexibility - accept change readily

 Clock speed - move faster, think faster

 Accept uncertainty
Requirements For
Today’s Employees  Stay current - commit to life-long learning

 Contribute - add more value than you take

 Manage yourself - fixer not finger pointer
 Don’t get a job, make a job
How to achieve success
 Responsibility –not blaming anything
 Hard work – ready to work in any time
 Character – values, beliefs & personality of you
 Right time- ready to do at right time
 Persistence- failing also a step to success
 Creativity – excellence of his effort
 Commitment – winning edge
 Learning - life long process
 Planning - exact
To Motivate Others,
You Need to be

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