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‘In Praise of Creation’

Elizabeth Jennings
For the blood to pound, the drums to
Till the tigress’s shadow casts

A darkness over him, a passion, a

That one bird, one star,
The one flash of the tiger’s eye
The world goes turning, turning, the
Purely assert what they are, season

Without ceremony testify. Sieves earth to its one sure element

Testify to order, to rule– And the blood beats beyond reason.

How the birds mate at one time only, Then quiet, and birds folding their
How the sky is, for a certain time, full
The new moon waiting for years to be
Of birds, the moon sometimes cut thinly.
stared at here,
And the tiger trapped in the cage of his skin,
The season sinks to satisfied things –
Watchful over creation, rests
Man with his mind ajar.
General Meaning

The poem begins with an expression of the poet’s admiration for the “one bird”, the “one star” and the
“one flash of the tiger’s eye”. These singular small entities are enough for the poet to marvel at the
magnificence of creation. This is enough to “assert” that they are eloquent creations; there is no need
for any ceremony or evidence to testify for their magnificence as creations.

In the second stanza, the poet continues to expand on the theme of the magnificence of nature. She
says that these creations testify to the “order” and “rule” that is there in nature. When mating is
instinctual to birds, why do they mate only in certain seasons? Why should the sky be full of birds in
certain seasons? And how does the moon appear to be “cut thinly” at certain times? All this,
according to the poet, testifies to the order that is there in nature.

In this stanza, the poet registers her amazement at the tiger “that is trapped in the cage of his skin”.
The poet sees the tiger’s stripes as a cage, something that holds the animal in but also warns others
that it is a dangerous animal. The tiger waits “for the blood to pound” and “the drums to begin”. The
language here indicates the expectation of something to happen, and what it is, is hinted by the
mention of the tigress.
As the shadow of the tigress falls over the tiger, and there would be “a passion” and “a scent”. The
poet is referring the mating of the tiger and the tigress. The event is so magnificent that the world
goes “turning, turning”. The poet continues to say that this mating is “one sure element” during which
“the blood beats beyond reason”. Mating is instinctual, and intelligence or reason does not govern it.

In the final stanza, the poet mentions the “quiet” that comes after the mating, much like the calm after
a storm. It is like the birds folding their wings after a long flight. However, the order and rule of nature
is such that after the tumultuous mating, “the new moon” is still there unchanging, “waiting for years
to be stared at here”. After the mating, “the season sinks to satisfied things” which could refer to the
satiated feeling that comes after mating. In the last line, the poet refers to “Man with his mind ajar”.
This could be a reference to mating as applied to human beings. As opposed to animals for which
after the mating there is complete quiet, in the case of human beings, there is the possibility of
thinking and wondering about life.
Language and Imagery

The poem has five stanzas of four lines each, and has the rhyme scheme ABAB. The
regular rhyme scheme reflects the theme of the poem, which is the order in nature.
The final line, “Man with his mind ajar” is the only point of departure from the general
theme of the poem, which is the order in the animal world. Man, according to the poet,
is not the same as the rest of nature. Instinctual mating is only part of his nature, and
he has a mind capable of thought.

The language of the poem is in keeping with the theme. The metaphorical use of the
tiger’s skin as its cage is a brilliant tool, in alluding to the dangerous nature of the
animal. The word “sieves” is in keeping with the theme of order and plan: it is as
though someone does the action of sieving, someone who is responsible for the order
in nature.
tHe EnD

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