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Paper boat

Category of Needs

Functional Needs Social Needs

Buying system of consumers Revolution of storytelling socially

Emotional Needs

Innocence, memories and nostalgia

Perceived Risks in Buying Intention and Decision

Functional Risk Financial Risk

Physical Risk Psychological Risk

Identify the trio needs

McClelland's Need Theory

Need for Achievement Need for Affiliation Need for Power

Customer Demand Advertising Customer Trust

Strong Distribution Storytelling to get the Consumers Value

attention of consumers
Hierarchical value mapping of Paperboat

Values Sustainability Variety Seeking Indulgence

Consequences Tastes Good Healthy Ecological Worth the money

Affordable Many processing Attractive Packaging Unique Taste


High in nutritional content

Hierarchical value mapping of Uber

Values Satisfaction feel at ease Comfortable

Consequences Specific reputation Trust Privacy Safety

Attributes Customer Service Convenience Save time

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