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Subject: English

Topic: The Merchant of Venice

Act One
Grade: IX

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Act One, Scene 1
Antonio complains to Salarino and Solanio that he doesn’t know why is sad.
They feel that he is worried about his business ventures.
Salarino says that he thinks the perilous ocean will sink his entire investment.
Antonio feels that his business is not dependent on only one ship.
Solanio then says that Antonio must be in love.
Antonio dismisses the suggestion.
Bassanio, Lorenzo and Gratiano then meet Antonio.
Gratiano suggests that Antonio worries too much about business.
Antonio responds that he is a player on a stage, destined to play a sad part.
Gratiano tells him not to have a solemn demeanour to gain a wise reputation.
Bassanio tells Antonio that he loves Portia, a rich heiress from Belmont.
He already owes Antonio a substantial sum of money.
He requires to borrow more money to woo and win her.
Antonio cannot help Bassanio as his money as it is tied up.
He offers to guarantee the loan for Bassanio.
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Act One, Scene 2
Portia complains to Nerissa that she cannot choose her husband.
Portia’s portrait is in a gold, a silver or a lead casket.
Various suitors must choose between them.

The man who guesses correctly will win her.

Those who guess incorrectly must swear never to marry anyone.

Nerissa lists the suitors - a Neapolitan prince, a Palatine count, a French nobleman,
an English baron, a Scottish lord, and the nephew of the duke of Saxony.

Portia criticizes their faults - the Neapolitan prince is too fond of his horse,
the Palatine count is too serious, the Englishman isn’t conversant in Italian or any of the
other languages she speaks, and the German suitor is a drunkard.

These suitors leave without guessing for fear of the penalty for guessing wrong.

Portia is relieved and she and Nerissa remember Bassanio.

A servant says that the prince of Morocco will arrive soon and she is unhappy.
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Portia’s suitors come from near and afar…

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Act One, Scene 3
Shylock agrees to loan Bassanio three thousand ducats for three months.
Bassanio assures him that Antonio will guarantee the loan.
Shylock is doubtful as Antonio’s wealth is invested in businesses that may fail.
Shylock hates Antonio as he lends money without interest, making usury difficult.
He is also angry by his frequent public denunciations of him.
Antonio tells Shylock that he is making an exception of borrowing money for Bassanio.

Antonio chastises usury; Shylock defends it as a way to thrive.

Shylock remembers the many times that Antonio has cursed him.
Antonio says that he will do so again and tells him to lend him the money as an enemy.

Shylock offers to make the loan without interest.

He suggests that Antonio forfeit a pound of his flesh if the loan is not repaid in time.

Bassanio warns Antonio against entering such an agreement.

Antonio is confident of repaying the debt, as his ships will soon make him rich.
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1. Where are Antonio and his friends?
2. What does Antonio say about his sadness?
3. What reason does Salarino give as the probable cause
of Antonio’s melancholy?
4. The play begins in an atmosphere of melancholy. Why
do you think that Antonio is presented as a melancholic
5. What would the wind cooling the broth remind Salarino
6. What is the sandy hour-glass? What would it remind
Salarino of?
7. What is referred to as wealthy Andrew? Why is it so
8. What would Salario see when he would go to church?
What would the scene make him imagine?
9. State in your own words the scene of the ocean as
described by Salarino, when Antonio’s ships were

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11. How is Bassanio related to Antonio?
12. What does Antonio compare life on this earth to?
13. Why is a young man compared to grandsire cut in
14. Explain: Do cream and mantle like a standing pond.
15. What advice does Gratiano give to Antonio at the
end of his speech?
16. How is Gratiano different from Antonio?
17. What does Gratiano say about the warm blooded
young man?
18. What does he say about his own heart and liver?
19. Explain Bassanio’s comment on Gratiano’s words.
20. What is Bassanio’s financial and emotional condition
21. Whom does Bassanio want to marry?
22. Why is Bassanio so hopeful of winning her?
23. How does Bassanio propose to pay back his
previous loan as well as the present loan?
24. What experience of his school days does Bassanio
relate to justify his plan for repaying the loan?
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1. Who is Portia?
2. Why is Portia angry with her deceased father?
3. Why does Nerissa tell Portia she need not fear her
unwelcome suitors?
4. What is the bone of contention? How does Portia
see it?
5. How does Nerissa console Portia?
6. What is Nerissa curious to know?
7. What change in Portia’s mood can be found in this
8. What do over-name and level mean? How is
Nerissa responsible in changing Portia’s mood?
9. How does Portia describe the Neapolitan Prince?
From where has he come?
10.Who is the second one to be described and how?
11.Explain the gentle satire and humour in the
description of the Frenchman.

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11. How does Portia feel towards the young German?
12. What does Portia jokingly suggest in order to get
rid of this man? Which word does she use for him?
13. What are the difficulties between Portia and the
14. Describe how the Englishman is dressed.
15. What has been mentioned earlier to show that
there is a bond between the Frenchman and the
16. What quality of Portia is revealed from all these
17. Why does Nerissa tell Portia to set her fears at
18. Who is the young Venetian Nerissa reminds Portia
of? What does she say about him?
19. What do Portia and Nerissa think of Bassanio?
20. Who enters the scene? What message does he
21. What does she tell the servant to do?
22. How do we know that Portia had many suitors?
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1.How do Shylock’s first words in Scene 3 help to
characterize him?  
2.What is the point of Shylock’s comments about
Antonio’s ships?
3.Why does Shylock refuse to eat with Antonio?
4.Give the meaning of: a. May you stead me? Will
you pleasure me?
5.Shylock says that Antonio is a good man. What
does Shylock mean with the connotation good?
6.What do Shylock’s words that he is sufficient
7.How is Antonio’s wealth distributed over the
8.Why does Shylock hesitate before accepting
Antonio as surety?
9.Why does Bassanio invite Shylock to dinner?
10.Does Shylock accept the invitation? Why?

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11. What is meant by a fawning publican? Give three
reasons why Shylock hates Antonio.
12. What old grudge does Shylock have against
13. What does the sacred nation refer to? What
insults has Antonio heaped upon Shylock?
14. How does Shylock plan to get the money
immediately? What light does this extract throw
on Shylock’s character?
15. Give the story of Jacob who got his share as his
payment from Laban.
16. How does Antonio interpret Jacob’s success?
17. What is meant by shall we be beholding to you?
18. Give some examples to show that Shylock was ill-
treated by Antonio. How did Shylock react to
Antonio’s insults?
19. Why did Shylock bear Antonio’s insults patiently?
20. Give the causes, financial and racial, for Shylock’s
hatred for Antonio.
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21.What were the shames which stained Shylock?
22.How does Shylock describe a slave’s behaviour?
23.Which are the courtesies Shylock now reminds Antonio
24.What is meant by the present wants? On what terms is
Shylock willing to supply the wants?
25.How does Antonio storm Shylock?
26.Why was Shylock willing to lend money without
27.Who is a notary? Why does Shylock want to take
Antonio to the notary?
28.What does Bassanio say to prevent Antonio from
signing the bond?
29.Why is Antonio confident that there is no danger in
signing the bond?
30.Why does Shylock insist on a pound of Antonio’s flesh
in the bond? Which aspect of his character is shown in
his absurd demand?
31.What does Antonio say about Shylock after he
32.What opinion of Shylock does Bassanio express now?
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