Consumer Protection

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Centr l C n u e Ce tral Consumer Prote tion otecti n council

The Ce tral Government may, by e Centr l G v r m n y noti ication, esta lish with effe t tifi a i n tabl s th e fect fr m such date a it may specify in from su h da e as y sp c f such n tifi a i n cou c l su h noti ication, a c uncil to be know as the Centr l Consumer own th Ce tral C n u e Prote tion Council otecti n C u c l

Consists of .. n i ts

Minister in charge of consumer affairs in the Central Government, who shall be its Chairman  su h number of other official or nonsuch n m e oth r offi i l n n offici l m m e s r p e e ting su h offi ial members representi g such inte ests as may be prescr bed tere ts a y p e cribe

Procedure for meetings of the Central Council

The Central Council shall meet as and when necessary, but at least one meeting of the council shall be held every year The Ce tral Council s all meet at such time e Centr l C u c l sha l m e su h ti e and place a the Chairman may think fi and d p a e as th Cha r a y thi k fit d shall observe such proce ure i regard to a l obs r e su h p ocedu e in g r the tr nsacti n of its busi ess as may be th tran a tion b sine s a y prescr bed e cribe


Obje t Ob ects of the centra t e c n ral council (sec 6)

a) The right to be p otecte against the e rg t prote ted a n t th marketin of good and services which are r e ing g ods d s r i e i hae haza d u ha ardous to life and prop rty. li e a d p oper y b) The r ght to be a sured ,where e er e rig t assu e ,w e e eve possib e ,acce s to a variety of good and ssible ,a cess v r e y g ods d services at competitiv price r i e m e i ive i e

c) The right to consumer education. d) T e r ght to be h ard and to be a sured The rig t hea d a d assu e that n u e in e e ts w l ceiv tha consumer interests will rece ve due e conside ation at approp iate forums. n idera ion a p opria e for m . e) The right to be in ormed abou the quality e rg t infor e out th a ity ,quantity pote cy, purity standa d and p ice ,q a tity, tenc , u ity, a dard a d pri e of g ods or services so as to prote t the good s r i e p otect th consumer against unfa r trade practice . n u e a n t u fair tr de p a tices.

The s ate consumer prote tion e state c n u er pr tect on councils (sec 7 & 8)

Members :Chair a : T e mi i ter Cha rman:-The ministe in charge of a ge consumer affa rs of the state n u e fair th ae government. v r m n. Such number of oth r official or nonc m e other offi i l n n offici l m m e s r p e e ting su h offi ial members representi g such inte ests as may be prescr bed by th tere ts a y p e cribe the state government. aeg v r m n.



Meetings:Number of meetings:-Not less then 2 meetings every year Time and place:- Depends on the chairman Obje tive: Ob ectiv :To prom te and prote t within th states omote a d p otect w thin the a e The r ghts of th consumer as la d down in e rig ts the n u e laid d w Sec(6) c6

The district consumer protection council

 Members:m es-

District collector is the Chairman s rc l e tor i th Cha r a Other offi ial and n n-offi ial members h r offici l a d non offici l m m e s are appointed by the state government


 Meetin s:e ings -

Number of meetin s:- not less then 2 m e m e ings - t le s th n meetin s e ings Time and place: as decide by th m d p a e:de ided the chairman ar a  Ob ectiv :Obje tive: To prote t and preserve the right of the otect d p e e v th g t th consumer within the distr ct la d down n u e thin th di tric laid d w unde the Sec(6) der th



Nature and scope of remedies Under the Act (sec. 14)


case the good complained against s th ods m l i e an t suffe from a y th su fer fr m any of the allegati ns l g tion contained in the complaint a out the n a n d i th m l i t abou th services are prov d, the distr ct r i e e p oved th di tric forum the a e c mmissi n m y pa s for m/th state commi sion may pass one on or more of the follow ng or ers; m r th fol owin orde s



To remove the defects pointed out by the appropriate laboratory from all the goods in question. To replace the goods of similar description which shall be free from defect. To discontinue the unfair trade practice or restrictive trade practice or not to remove them. To withdraw the hazardous goods from being offered for sale. In the case of misleadin advertis ments the other th s mis e ding v r isem n s th oth r party ha pa ty has to pay the cost of the correctiv pa th s th r e tive advertis ments. v r isem n s

State commission ( secs 16,17,17A and 17B)

Composition (sec. 16) The state commission should consist the following; A. P eside t; He shall be a person who is or w s a Pre ident al p r on w o was judge of th high court. H s a poin ment can be ju ge the hig u t. His app intm n n made only a ter consulta ion with th chie de on y afte n u tation w th the ief justice of hig court ju tice high u t B. M mbers; there shall not be le s than two or Mem e s th r al n t less tha o not m re than the number sp cifie , one of t mor tha th m e spec fied, on them th m shou d be a w man. ould wom n


members should have the follow ng fol owin qualifications; ai i a i n ; 1.Not l ss than the age of 35. 1. ot less tha th e 3 . person shou d p ssess a the r on s ould poss ss bachelor degree from any recognized university




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