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Leadership Leadership

Ahmed Ali Oureshi Ahmed Ali Oureshi

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dstl.html dstl.html
$tockholm $ndrome $tockholm $ndrome
Memor Imprint Memor Imprint
Attitude and Behaiour Attitude and Behaiour
Quotes Quotes
on't tell people how to do things. tell them on't tell people how to do things. tell them
what to do and let them surprise ou with their what to do and let them surprise ou with their
results. results.Ceorge . Pattov Ceorge . Pattov
eadership is the art o getting someone else to eadership is the art o getting someone else to
do something ou want done because he wants do something ou want done because he wants
to do it. to do it.gbt 8evboer gbt 8evboer
I must ollow the people. Am I not their I must ollow the people. Am I not their
leader leadereviavv 8raet eviavv 8raet
elegating work works. proided the one elegating work works. proided the one
delegating works. too. delegating works. too.#obert att #obert att
A\AlARA NLlRU A\AlARA NLlRU: :A leader or a man o A leader or a man o
action in a crisis almost alwas acts action in a crisis almost alwas acts
subconsciousl and then thinks o the reasons subconsciousl and then thinks o the reasons
or his action. or his action.
lN OUIN(\ AAM$ lN OUIN(\ AAM$: :I our actions I our actions
inspire others to dream more. learn more. do inspire others to dream more. learn more. do
more and become more. ou are a leader. more and become more. ou are a leader.
R$A\NN (AR1LR R$A\NN (AR1LR: :A leader takes people A leader takes people
where the want to go. A great leader takes where the want to go. A great leader takes
people where the don't necessaril want to go people where the don't necessaril want to go
but ought to be. but ought to be.
http:pscholog.about.comodleadershipp http:pscholog.about.comodleadershipp
leadtheories.htm leadtheories.htm
Leadership Leadership
Born or Made Born or Made
MBABBAeadership diplomas MBABBAeadership diplomas
1oo Man qualities o leaders 1oo Man qualities o leaders--so so--ar ar
Leadership Leadership
Born or Made Born or Made
MBABBAeadership diplomas MBABBAeadership diplomas
1oo Man qualities o leaders 1oo Man qualities o leaders--so so--ar ar
In which one person inluences subordinates In which one person inluences subordinates
Sources of Power Sources of Power
(oercie (oercie
Reward Reward
egitimate egitimate
Lxpert Lxpert
Reerent Reerent
Assumption about People Assumption about People
1heory X & 1heory Y 1heory X & 1heory Y
1heor 1heor
!eople !eople basicall basicall dislike dislike work. work. are are
laz laz and and will will aoid aoid work work i i possible possible
lor lor aboe aboe reasons reasons the the must must be be
coerced. coerced. threatened threatened and and closel closel
directed directed and and controlled controlled to to ensure ensure
minimum minimum perormance perormance
Most Most people people like like to to be be managed managed
with with policies. policies. rules rules and and close close
control control b b someone someone in in an an
authoritatie authoritatie position position
Most Most people people are are possible. possible. low low risk risk
takers takers and and thereore thereore preer preer job job
securit securit to to an an other other element element o o
work work lie lie..
1heor \ 1heor \
!eople !eople do do not not aoid aoid work work because because
the the like like it it.. \ork \ork is is as as natural natural as as
eating. eating. sleeping sleeping and and plaing plaing..
Gien Gien the the proper proper enironment. enironment.
people people will will seek seek responsibilit responsibilit and and
be be er er creatie creatie in in their their work work..
\hen \hen organizational organizational objecties objecties are are
congruent congruent with with personal personal goals. goals.
people people will will be be highl highl motiated motiated to to
work work and and exercise exercise substantial substantial sel sel
direction direction and and control control..
!eoples !eoples commitment commitment to to the the
organizational organizational objecties objecties is is a a
unction unction o o the the rewards rewards the the
receie receie or or achieement achieement..
1heory Z 1heory Z
Both assumptions are correct at dierent times Both assumptions are correct at dierent times
with deierent people with deierent people
Different School of 1hought Different School of 1hought
1rait $chool o 1hought 1rait $chool o 1hought
Behaior $chool o 1hought Behaior $chool o 1hought
$ituational $chool o 1hought $ituational $chool o 1hought
Great Man 1heor Great Man 1heor
eaders were born not made eaders were born not made
locused on personal traits o leaders. locused on personal traits o leaders.
1ried to dierentiate 1ried to dierentiate
eaders rom ollowers eaders rom ollowers
$uccessul leaders rom unsuccessul leaders $uccessul leaders rom unsuccessul leaders
B personal traits. B personal traits.
!hsical !hsical
Intellectual Intellectual
!ersonalit !ersonalit
etc etc
Stogdill's 1rait Iactors Stogdill's 1rait Iactors
$tud o 5000 studies $tud o 5000 studies
Result: no consistent traits Result: no consistent traits
Generall categorized in 5 Generall categorized in 5
Intelligence and scholarship Intelligence and scholarship
!ersonalit !ersonalit
$ocial status and experience $ocial status and experience
1asks orientation 1asks orientation
!hsical traits !hsical traits
Golda Meir
Ghiselli's personal traits Ghiselli's personal traits
00 managers rom 90 companies. 00 managers rom 90 companies.
Ver important
1. ecisieness
2. Intellectual capacit
. ob achieement orientation
4. $el-actualization eelings
5. $el-conidence
6. Management abilit-team
Moderatel important
1. Ainit or working class
2. rie and initiatie
. Need or a lot o mone
4. Need or job securit
5. !ersonal Maturit
Almost no importance
1. Masculinit ersus emininit
1. $eeral traits are interdependent
2. low much o one trait
Combining the 1raits Combining the 1raits
Ceveratty. tbe teaaer 8 brgbt. v8vatty 8ovebat vore vtettgevt Ceveratty. tbe teaaer 8 brgbt. v8vatty 8ovebat vore vtettgevt
tbav tbe tottoer8. )be teaaer ecet8 at acaaevc t8trvctvrea) tbav tbe tottoer8. )be teaaer ecet8 at acaaevc t8trvctvrea)
ta88. per8erere8. a8ptay8 caretvtve88. tbe teaaer 8 aepevaabte. ta88. per8erere8. a8ptay8 caretvtve88. tbe teaaer 8 aepevaabte.
8oveove bo cav be rv8tea to eerc8e re8pov8btte8 8oveove bo cav be rv8tea to eerc8e re8pov8btte8
appropratety. )be teaaer 8 vore ratber tbav te88 gregarov8. appropratety. )be teaaer 8 vore ratber tbav te88 gregarov8.
8tgbtty etrorertea. ava actrety partcpate8 v b8 or ber 8tgbtty etrorertea. ava actrety partcpate8 v b8 or ber
8ocat 8trvctvre. .va tbe teaaer 8 v8vatty ot vpper. or vpper 8ocat 8trvctvre. .va tbe teaaer 8 v8vatty ot vpper. or vpper
vaate. 8ocoecovovc 8tatv8. vaate. 8ocoecovovc 8tatv8.
Behavioral 1heories Behavioral 1heories
Why Behavioral 1heories? Why Behavioral 1heories?
Inconsistencies o trait studies o leadership Inconsistencies o trait studies o leadership
eectieness. eectieness.
Research started working on behaioral patterns Research started working on behaioral patterns
or stles. or stles.
Behaiorist thought suggests that there is one best
stle o all organization settings.
1he tried to proo it.
Behavioral 1heorists Behavioral 1heorists
(ontend that leadership stle is oriented towards (ontend that leadership stle is oriented towards
either either
ob centered ob centered
Lmploee centered Lmploee centered
Several Research in b/w these Several Research in b/w these
extremes extremes
ob (entered ob (entered
!lanning !lanning
rganizing rganizing
elegating elegating
Making decisions Making decisions
Laluating perormance Laluating perormance
Lxercising close Lxercising close
management management
Lmploee centered Lmploee centered
lriendl lriendl
pen relationships pen relationships
Ver personal to their Ver personal to their
$ocial needs $ocial needs
!ersonal needs !ersonal needs
Leader Continuum Leader Continuum
ewin. ewin. ippitt ippitt and and \hite \hite 199 199,,
1his 1his earl earl stud stud was was er er inluential inluential and and
established established three three major major leadership leadership stles stles..
Identiied Identiied three three basic basic stles stles o o leadership leadership
Authoritarian Authoritarian
emocratic emocratic
aissez aissez--air air leader leader
lurther lurther research research has has identiied identiied more more speciic speciic
tpes tpes o o leadership leadership..
1he Lxperiment 1he Lxperiment
1he children were then led in an arts and crats 1he children were then led in an arts and crats
project. project.
Researchers then obsered the behaior o Researchers then obsered the behaior o
children in response to the dierent stles o children in response to the dierent stles o
leadership. leadership.
I want both of you to. . . I want both of you to. . .
Authoritative/Autocratic Authoritative/Autocratic
1he 1he proide proide clear clear expectations expectations or or what what needs needs to to be be done. done. when when it it should should be be
done. done. and and how how it it should should be be done done..
1here 1here is is also also a a clear clear diision diision between between the the leader leader and and the the ollowers ollowers..
Authoritarian Authoritarian leaders leaders make make decisions decisions independentl independentl with with little little or or no no input input
rom rom the the rest rest o o the the group group..
Researchers Researchers ound ound that that decision decision--making making was was less less creatie creatie under under authoritarian authoritarian
leadership leadership..
ewin ewin also also ound ound that that it it is is more more diicult diicult to to moe moe rom rom an an authoritarian authoritarian stle stle
to to a a democratic democratic stle stle than than ice ice ersa ersa..
Abuse Abuse o o this this stle stle is is usuall usuall iewed iewed as as controlling. controlling. boss. boss. and and dictatorial dictatorial..
Authoritarian Authoritarian leadership leadership is is best best applied applied to to situations situations where where there there is is little little time time
or or group group decision decision--making making or or where where the the leader leader is is the the most most knowledgeable knowledgeable
member member o o the the group group
ets work together to sole this ets work together to sole this
!articipatie eadership emocratic !articipatie eadership emocratic
Generall Generall the the most most eectie eectie leadership leadership stle stle..
emocratic emocratic leaders leaders oer oer guidance guidance to to group group members. members. but but the the
also also participate participate in in the the group group and and allow allow input input rom rom other other group group
members members..
In In ewin`s ewin`s stud. stud. children children in in this this group group were were less less productie productie
than than the the members members o o the the authoritarian authoritarian group. group. but but their their
contributions contributions were were o o a a much much higher higher qualit qualit..
!articipatie !articipatie leaders leaders encourage encourage group group members members to to participate. participate.
but but retain retain the the inal inal sa sa oer oer the the decision decision--making making process process..
Group Group members members eel eel engaged engaged in in the the process process and and are are more more
motiated motiated and and creatie creatie..
You take care of the problem, While You take care of the problem, While
I go. I go.
elegatie aissez elegatie aissez--laire laire
Researchers Researchers ounds ounds that that children children under under delegatie delegatie laissez laissez--air, air,
leadership leadership were were the the least least productie productie o o all all three three groups groups..
1he 1he children children in in this this group group also also made made more more demands demands on on the the
leader. leader. showed showed little little cooperation. cooperation. and and were were unable unable to to work work
independentl independentl..
elegatie elegatie leaders leaders oer oer little little or or no no guidance guidance to to group group members members
and and leae leae decision decision--making making up up to to group group members members..
\hile \hile this this stle stle can can be be eectie eectie in in situations situations where where group group
members members are are highl highl qualiied qualiied in in an an area area o o expertise. expertise. it it oten oten
leads leads to to poorl poorl deined deined roles roles and and a a lack lack o o motiation motiation..
Autocrat Democrat
Leader Continuum Leader Continuum
Benevolent Autocrat Benevolent Autocrat
Robert Robert McMurr McMurr
$he $he is is the the leader leader who who
istens istens careull careull to to ollowers ollowers
Gies Gies the the impression impression o o being being democratic democratic
But But alwas alwas makes makes his his or or her her own own personal personal decision decision
According According to to the the researcher researcher democratic democratic
leadership leadership stle stle is is
1oo 1oo slow slow
Unworkable Unworkable in in ast ast moing moing business business world world
Beneolent Beneolent autocrat autocrat is is
!owerul !owerul
!restigious !restigious
Respected Respected and and thus thus
Able Able to to moe moe aster aster and and more more eectiel eectiel in in a a irm irm
Ohio State Studies Ohio State Studies
Ater world war II Ater world war II
ne o the most widel known leadership ne o the most widel known leadership
studies studies
1o explore 1o explore
the determinants o successul leadership behaiour the determinants o successul leadership behaiour
1o inestigate the eect o arious leadership stles 1o inestigate the eect o arious leadership stles
on group perormance and job satisaction on group perormance and job satisaction
Results of Ohio State Studies Results of Ohio State Studies
1he identiied two major actors or dimension 1he identiied two major actors or dimension
o with which leaders are concerned o with which leaders are concerned
Initiating structure Initiating structure
consideration consideration
Initiating structures Initiating structures
egree to which leaders egree to which leaders
are concerned with are concerned with
organization structure organization structure
einition o jobs to be einition o jobs to be
done done
!ressure or work output !ressure or work output
einition o einition o
communication channels communication channels
Laluation o group Laluation o group
output output
(onsideration inoles (onsideration inoles
the leaders concern or the leaders concern or
Mutual trusting Mutual trusting
Respectul relationships Respectul relationships
lriendship lriendship
Lmploee support Lmploee support
Lectie inormal Lectie inormal
communication communication
Ohio State Leader Grid Ohio State Leader Grid
ligh consideration
ow $tructure
According to researchers According to researchers
Most eectie leadership stud would be the one Most eectie leadership stud would be the one
that had a high concern or both consideration and that had a high concern or both consideration and
structure structure
loweer. results indicated that no single stle loweer. results indicated that no single stle
was the most eectie in all instances was the most eectie in all instances
$ome $ome indings indings reealed reealed that that a a high high structure structure high high
consideration consideration stle stle was was associated associated with with perormance perormance
and and emploee emploee satisaction satisaction
ther ther studies studies indicated indicated that that this this stle stle resulted resulted in in
excessie excessie absenteeism. absenteeism. low low emploee emploee satisaction satisaction and and
poor poor perormance perormance ratings ratings b b the the leaders leaders superior superior..
It It was was also also discoered discoered that that subordinate subordinate rated rated their their
leaders leaders eectieness eectieness not not on on the the stle stle but but on on the the
situation situation in in which which a a particular particular stle stle was was used used..
Most importantly. Most importantly.
Militar Militar leaders leaders who who were were rated rated high high on on
consideration consideration were were considered considered less less eectie eectie than than
structure structure oriented oriented oicers oicers..
University University of of Michigan Michigan Research Research
1wo similar aspects o leadership stle that 1wo similar aspects o leadership stle that
correlate with eectieness were reealed in this correlate with eectieness were reealed in this
research: research:
Lmploee rientation Lmploee rientation
!roduction orientation !roduction orientation
Lmploee rientation Lmploee rientation
1he human 1he human--relations relations
aspect aspect
In which emploees are In which emploees are
iewed as human beings iewed as human beings
with indiidual. personal with indiidual. personal
needs needs
!roduction rientation !roduction rientation
$tress on production and $tress on production and
the technical aspects o the technical aspects o
the job the job
\ith emploees iewed as \ith emploees iewed as
the means o getting the the means o getting the
work done. work done.
Gar M. \ukl and (olleagues Gar M. \ukl and (olleagues
lelt that there was a oid in existing descriptions lelt that there was a oid in existing descriptions
o leader behaiour. o leader behaiour.
1he did not proide speciic guidelines or 1he did not proide speciic guidelines or
behaiour in aring situations. behaiour in aring situations.
le and his colleagues isolated eleen leadership le and his colleagues isolated eleen leadership
behaiours which all into our broad categories behaiours which all into our broad categories
Building Relationships
1. Networking
2. Supporting
3. Managing conflict
nfluencing People
4. Motivating
5. Recognising and rewarding
Making Decisions
6. Planning and organising
7. Problem solving
8. Consulting and delegating
Giving / Seeking nformation
9. Monitoring operations and
10. Informing
11. Clarifying roles
1he Leadership Grid 1he Leadership Grid
Robert Robert Blake Blake and and ane ane Mouton Mouton
locusing locusing on on productionrelationship productionrelationship
orientations orientations uncoered uncoered in in
the the hio hio $tate $tate and and Michigan Michigan Uniersit Uniersit studies studies..
1he 1he went went a a little little urther urther b b creating creating a a grid grid
based based on on eaders` eaders` concern concern or or people people
relationships, relationships, and and production production tasks, tasks,..
It It theor theor suggest suggest there there is is a a best best wa wa to to lead lead
people people the the 99..99 wa wa..
%he Major Leadership Grid Styles
1,1 mpoverished management. ften referred to as Laissez-faire
leadership. Leaders in this position have little concern for people or productivity, avoid
taking sides, and stay out of conflicts. They do just enough to get by.
1,9 Country Club management. Managers in this position have great concern
for people and little concern for production. They try to avoid conflicts and
concentrate on being well liked. To them the task is less important than good
interpersonal relations. Their goal is to keep people happy. (This is a soft Theory X
approach and not a sound human relations approach.)
9,1 Authority-Compliance. Managers in this position have great concern for
production and little concern for people. They desire tight control in order to get tasks
done efficiently. They consider creativity and human relations to be unnecessary.
5,5 Organisation Man Management. ften termed middle-of-the-road
leadership. Leaders in this position have medium concern for people and
production. They attempt to balance their concern for both people and production, but
they are not committed.
9+9 Paternalistic "father knows best" management. A style in which reward
is promised for compliance and punishment threatened for non-compliance
Opp Opportunistic "what's in it for me" management. In which the style utilised
depends on which style the leader feels will return him or her the greatest self-benefit.
9,9 %eam Management. This style of leadership is considered to be ideal. Such
managers have great concern for both people and production. They work to motivate
employees to reach their highest levels of accomplishment. They are flexible and
responsive to change, and they understand the need to change.
Likert's four Systems Likert's four Systems
ikert studied leadership rom ikert studied leadership rom
Lmploee centered Lmploee centered
ob centered ob centered
le le studied studied thousands thousands o o leaders leaders and and emploees emploees
rom rom business. business. goernment goernment and and medical medical
organizational organizational to to reach reach his his conclusions conclusions..
Likert's Conclusion Likert's Conclusion
$uperisors with the best records o perormance $uperisors with the best records o perormance
ocus their primar attention on the human ocus their primar attention on the human
aspects o their subordinates` problems and on aspects o their subordinates` problems and on
endeaoring to build eectie work groups with endeaoring to build eectie work groups with
high perormance goals` high perormance goals`
Characteristics of Leadership Style / Characteristics of Leadership Style /
System System
(haracter o motiational orces (haracter o motiational orces
(haracter o communication process (haracter o communication process
(haracter o interaction (haracter o interaction--inluence process inluence process
(haracter o decision (haracter o decision--making process making process
(haracter o goal setting or ordering (haracter o goal setting or ordering
(haracter o control processes (haracter o control processes
!erormance characteristics !erormance characteristics
System J System J
(alled exploite (alled exploite--authoritatie authoritatie
Analgous to Analgous to
Autocratic Autocratic
9.1 task 9.1 task
ligh structure. low ligh structure. low--consideration stle consideration stle
lear is used as a motie lear is used as a motie
(ommunication is mostl downward (ommunication is mostl downward
ittle interaction is experienced ittle interaction is experienced
ecisions are made and ordered are issued b leader ecisions are made and ordered are issued b leader
solel solel
As per ikert productiit under this sstem: mediocre. As per ikert productiit under this sstem: mediocre.
System 2 System 2
Beneolent authoritatie Beneolent authoritatie
Imprement oer sstem 1 Imprement oer sstem 1
Lconomic reward is used more than ear or Lconomic reward is used more than ear or
motiation orces motiation orces
(ommunicatioan is onl slightl better (ommunicatioan is onl slightl better
!roductiit is air to good !roductiit is air to good
System 3 System 3
(onsultatie (onsultatie
Is giant step toward what ikert considers to be Is giant step toward what ikert considers to be
the ideal leadership stle the ideal leadership stle
!roductiit is good !roductiit is good
(ontrol is still primaril at the top but is shared (ontrol is still primaril at the top but is shared
some with middle and lower manager some with middle and lower manager
Gorals are set ater discusses with subordinates Gorals are set ater discusses with subordinates
perating decision are made at lower leels in perating decision are made at lower leels in
the organizations the organizations
System 4 System 4
!articipatie !articipatie group group leadership leadership stle stle
(onsidered (onsidered b b ikert ikert and and his his colleagues colleagues as as the the optimal optimal
approach approach to to leading leading all all people people in in our our dnamic dnamic and and
educated educated societ societ
Motiation Motiation orces orces come come rom rom ego. ego. economics economics and and
group group inolement inolement in in decision decision making making and and goal goal setting setting
Lxtensie Lxtensie interaction interaction
ligh ligh degree degree o o mutual mutual trust trust and and respect respect
Management Management controls controls are are widel widel sel sel--monitored monitored and and
productiit productiit is is excellent excellent under under this this sstem sstem o o leadership leadership..
Situational 1heories Situational 1heories
1he main question 1he main question
\hat single leadership stle is most eectie in \hat single leadership stle is most eectie in
all organizational settings. all organizational settings.
$ituational theorist beliee that $ituational theorist beliee that
$uccessul leadership depends on the relationship $uccessul leadership depends on the relationship
between the organizational situation and the leader`s between the organizational situation and the leader`s
stle stle
Goal o situational leader theorists is to predict Goal o situational leader theorists is to predict
the most eectie leadership stle under aring the most eectie leadership stle under aring
circumstances. circumstances.
Organizational Situation Organizational Situation
(limate (limate
Mangers` and subordinates` alues Mangers` and subordinates` alues
Attitudes Attitudes
Lxperience Lxperience
Nature o particular work to be accomplished Nature o particular work to be accomplished
1ime and mone 1ime and mone
Hersey and Blanchard's situational Hersey and Blanchard's situational
leadership leadership
1heir basic thesis 1heir basic thesis
1he most eectie leadership stle should ar 1he most eectie leadership stle should ar
with the maturit leel o the subordinates. with the maturit leel o the subordinates.
Identiied two major concerns o a leader Identiied two major concerns o a leader
1ask behaior 1ask behaior
Relationship behaiour. Relationship behaiour.
1ask behaiour 1ask behaiour
It It is is the the extent extent to to which which
leaders leaders engage engage in in one one
wa wa communication communication with with
subordinates subordinates b b
explaining explaining what what each each
ollower ollower is is to to do. do. when when
to to do do and and where where and and
how how the the tasks tasks are are
accomplished accomplished..
Relationship behaiour Relationship behaiour
1he 1he manner manner in in which which
leaders leaders engage engage in in two two
wa wa communication communication with with
subordinates subordinates b b
proiding proiding socio socio--
emotional emotional support. support.
pschological pschological strokes` strokes`
and and acilitating acilitating behaior behaior
Maturity Level according to Hersey Maturity Level according to Hersey
1he 1he need need or or a a achieement achieement or or motiation motiation leel leel
o o subordinates subordinates -- that that is. is. their their desire desire and and
capacit capacit to to set set high high but but attainable attainable goals goals..
$ubordinates` $ubordinates` willingness willingness and and abilit abilit to to accept accept
more more responsibilit responsibilit
Lducation Lducation andor andor experience experience o o subordinates subordinates
with with respect respect or or achieement achieement motiation motiation leel leel o o
to to the the job job..
1hese 1hese maturit maturit leels leels reer reer onl onl to to a a speciic speciic task task
to to be be perormed. perormed. which which suggest suggest that that an an
indiidual indiidual or or a a group group is is not not totall totall mature mature or or
immature immature in in an an organizational organizational sense sense..
L student student -- test test taking taking -- interiewing interiewing or or jobs. jobs.
thus thus proessor proessor should should guide guide
Iiedler's contigency model Iiedler's contigency model
liedler and his associates were among the irst liedler and his associates were among the irst
to deelop a contingenc leadership model. to deelop a contingenc leadership model.
escribed leaders in terms o escribed leaders in terms o
Relationship Relationship
1asks 1asks
Motiated behaiour Motiated behaiour
eadership eadership stle stle eectieness eectieness depends depends on on
relationship relationship and and task task motiated motiated behaior behaior and and
their their interaction interaction with with ollowing ollowing three three ariables ariables
eader member relation eader member relation
1ask structure 1ask structure
!osition power !osition power
eader member relation eader member relation
eaders eaders acceptance acceptance b b
group group members. members. whether whether
it it is is based based on on reerent. reerent.
expertise expertise or or riendl riendl
legitimate legitimate sources sources..
Relations can be good or Relations can be good or
poor poor
!osition power reers to !osition power reers to
the the
egitimate egitimate
(oercie (oercie
Reward power Reward power
1annenbaum and Schmidt's 1annenbaum and Schmidt's
situational continuum situational continuum
eadership in terms o choices managers ma eadership in terms o choices managers ma
make regarding subordinates` participation in make regarding subordinates` participation in
decision making. decision making.
epending upon epending upon
lorces in the manager lorces in the manager
lorces in the subordinate lorces in the subordinate
lorces in the situation lorces in the situation
Iorces in the Manager Iorces in the Manager
1he manager`s alue sstem 1he manager`s alue sstem
(onidence in subordinates (onidence in subordinates
eadership inclinations eadership inclinations
leelings o securit in an uncertain situation. leelings o securit in an uncertain situation.
Iorces in the subordinate Iorces in the subordinate
Lxpectations Lxpectations
Need or independence Need or independence
Readiness to assume decision Readiness to assume decision--making responsibilit making responsibilit
1olerance or ambiguit in task deinition 1olerance or ambiguit in task deinition
Interest in the problem Interest in the problem
Abilit to understand and identi with the goals o the Abilit to understand and identi with the goals o the
organisation organisation
Knowledge and experience to deal with the problem. Knowledge and experience to deal with the problem.
Iorces in the Situation Iorces in the Situation
1pe o organisation 1pe o organisation
Lectieness o the group Lectieness o the group
1he problem itsel the task, 1he problem itsel the task,
1ime pressure. 1ime pressure.
1he Path 1he Path- -goal 1heory of leadership goal 1heory of leadership
Robert louse & 1erence Mitchell Robert louse & 1erence Mitchell
1he proposed that leadership eectieness is 1he proposed that leadership eectieness is
contingent upon two basic propositions contingent upon two basic propositions
eadership eadership eectieness eectieness is is determined determined b b the the extent extent
subordinates subordinates beliee beliee leader leader behaior behaior will will
immediatel immediatel on on ir ir in in the the uture uture be be a a source source o o
satisaction satisaction
eadership eadership behaiour behaiour will will positiel positiel eect eect
subordinates` subordinates` output output i i it it proides proides ample ample coaching. coaching.
support. support. guidance guidance and and rewards rewards or or perormance perormance..
According to the goal According to the goal--path theor there are our path theor there are our
primar stles o leadership: primar stles o leadership:
irectie eadership: irectie eadership:
$upportie eadership $upportie eadership
Achieement Achieement--oriented eadership oriented eadership
!articipatie eadership !articipatie eadership
Directive Leadership Directive Leadership
1he leader explains the perormance goal and
proides speciic rules and regulations to guide
subordinates toward achieing it.
Supportive Leadership Supportive Leadership
1he leader displas personal concern or
subordinates. 1his includes being riendl to
subordinates and sensitie to their needs.
Achievement Achievement- -oriented Leadership oriented Leadership
1he leader emphasises the achieement o
diicult tasks and the importance o excellent
perormance and simultaneousl displas
conidence that subordinates will perorm well.
Participative Leadership Participative Leadership
1he leader consults with subordinates about
work. task goals. and paths to resole
goals. 1his leadership stle inoles sharing
inormation as well as consulting with
subordinates beore making decisions.
Leadership decision theory Leadership decision theory
Victor Vroom and !hillip \etton Victor Vroom and !hillip \etton
Researched Researched leadership leadership stle stle in in the the context context o o
how how much much participation participation the the leader leader should should allow allow
subordinates subordinates in in making making decisions decisions
Identiied Identiied ie ie leadership leadership stles stles based based on on the the
degree degree o o emploee emploee participation participation and and power power in in
making making organizational organizational decisions decisions
Autocratic Autocratic I I
Autocratic Autocratic II II
(onsultie (onsultie I I
(onsultie (onsultie II II
Group Group II II
1he model suggests that seen question smust 1he model suggests that seen question smust
be answered to determine themost approiate be answered to determine themost approiate
leadersho stle o r an gien mangerial decision leadersho stle o r an gien mangerial decision
low important is the qualit o the decisoin low important is the qualit o the decisoin
o I possessadquate inormation and siicient o I possessadquate inormation and siicient
expertise to make a high qualit decision expertise to make a high qualit decision
low sturcuted ithe problem or to what extenet low sturcuted ithe problem or to what extenet
istheproblem highl structured istheproblem highl structured
Are acceptance o the decisio b subordinates Are acceptance o the decisio b subordinates
and their commitment to the decision crtical to and their commitment to the decision crtical to
the eectie implrmentation o the decision. the eectie implrmentation o the decision.
\ould I make the decision b msel and can ib \ould I make the decision b msel and can ib
e certain that it would be accpeted b m e certain that it would be accpeted b m
suborindates and receie heir wholehearted suborindates and receie heir wholehearted
commitment commitment
low motiatd are the subordinates to low motiatd are the subordinates to
atainorganizational goals as the are represented atainorganizational goals as the are represented
in this problem in this problem
\ill conlict be likel among subordinates int eh \ill conlict be likel among subordinates int eh
preerred solution and decisions to this problem preerred solution and decisions to this problem

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