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Ahmed Ali Qureshi


A relatively permanent change in behavior or behavior potential as a result of experience

Relatively (you may forget later)  Not restricted to humans only

The principles of learning identified by psychologists have many practical applications to

Child rearing  The elimination of bad habits  Learning of good habits  Becoming more successful students

Orienting reflex

Loud sound Poke at the back Self protection


You look at the source of the loud sound After you know the reason of it, you working at whatever you were before the orientation reflex

If one could not habituate our reflexes will respond to every stimuli encountered every time.


It occurs when an organism begins to respond more intensely to a stimulus t which it has previously habituated

Hammers + radio


Time matters Quality matters

Classical Conditioning

Learning through the Association of Stimuli

Elements of Classical Conditioning

Unconditioned Stimulus and Response

That occurs naturally Buzzer in our case

Neutral Stimulus

Pairing the Neural and Uncondtioned Stimuli

Conditioned stimulus  Conditioned response

Classical Conditioning

Learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus that reliability causes an unconditioned response, and because of this association, the neutral stimulus loses its neutrality and takes on the same power as the unconditioned stimulus to cause the response. response.

Factors Affecting Classical Conditioning

Relationship in Time: Contiguity

Contiguity: The degree to which two stimuli follow one another in time

Consistency and Reliability: Contingency

Stimulus Generalization

It occurs when stimuli that are similar to the CS also have the same power to elicit the CR even through they have never been paired with US

Counter Conditioning

Stimulus Discrimination

Responding only to particular stimuli

Instrumental / Operand Conditioning

Learning from the Consequence of Our Actions/behaviours

Example  Professor and Q&A

E. L. Thorndikes Law of Effect


American Psychologist Random behaviors that lead to positive consequences will be strengthened and random behaviors that lead to negative consequences will be weakened Video


The strengthening of a response that occurs when the response is rewarded


Positive Reinforcement

Strengthening a behavior by adding something pleasant to the environment

Negative Reinforcement
Reinforcing a behavior by adding something unpleasant from the environment of the organism  Video 1  Video 2


The weakening of a response that occurs when a behavior leads to an unpleasant consequence


Positive Punishment

Weakening a behavior by adding something unpleasant to the organisms environment Weakening a behavior by removing something pleasant from the organisms environment

Negative Punishment

B. F. Skinner named it operant conditioning

Social Learning

Learning through the observation and imitation of others behavior

Albert Bandura and bobo doll Experiment  Video


The mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment. judgment.

Social Learning and Cognition


Attention Retention Reproduction of the Behavior Motivation


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