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Germany 1890-1945 Experience of Germans under the Nazis

(Period Study: Paper 2-Section A)  Nazi policies on the Youth

 Nazi policies on Women
 The Nazis and Christianity
 Nazi ideology and racial policies 
Knowledge Checklist  How did the 'final solution' come about?

 The impact of war on Germany

Growth of Democracy post-WW1
 What was Germany like before WW1, under Kaiser Wilhelm II?
 Use of fear and repression in Hitler's police state
 Impact of WW1 on Germany
 Goebbels use of Propaganda and Censorship
 What was the Weimar Republic and why was it in trouble?
 Resistance and opposition to Hitler and the Nazis
 Hitler and the Munich Putsch
 Weimar recovery post 1923 and the Golden Age
The Depression and Rise of the Nazis
 How did the Depression affect Germany?
 How did the Nazis growth during the Depression? Exam Question Types
 How did Hitler become Chancellor?
How does Why might the Which Describe two...
 What steps did Hitler take to eliminate opposition and become interpretation A authors have interpretation is
Fuhrer? differ from different most
Experience of Germans under the Nazis interpretation B? opinions?  convincing?
 Hitler's promises of 'Work and Bread' to build up the economy (4) 5 mins (4) 5 mins (8) 10 mins (4) 5 mins
 Policies of Autarky/'Self Sufficiency' on the economy Explain... Which of the following two factors
 Did Hitler improve life for ordinary Germans? (8) 10 mins was most important for...
(12) 15 mins
Germany 1890-1945 Interpretation Question: How does interpretation A differ
(Period Study: Paper 2-Section A) from Interpretation B about...?  5 Mins


•   Aim for two direct comparisons between the interpretations, this should
be based on content of interpretations but NOT the provenance.
Interpretations Question:  Which
interpretation is more CONVINCING…? 
• Identify a clear • Identify another clear
(8 Marks) ​ difference. difference.
• Pick bits from each source​ • Explain the • Explain the
10 Mins
• Test whether its true by using your own knowledge​ difference. difference.

• IDENTIFY a claim from Interpretation A

• Select facts to prove it right or wrong
Interpretation Question: Why might the authors' opinions
• IDENTIFY another claim from Interpretation B
differ…?  5 Mins

• Select facts to prove it right or wrong (4 Marks) ​

• Aim for two clear reasons why the authors might have their given
• Conclusion:
differing opinions, this SHOULD be based ONLY on provenance.
• Which is the most convincing?  • You might consider things like time written, intended audience, purpose
• Why is it more convincing than the other? for writing...

• Identify a clear • Identify

difference. another clear difference.
• Explain why this • Explain why this would cause
would cause their their view to be different.
view to be different.
Knowledge Question:  Which of the following two are
Germany 1890-1945
more important for…? 
(Period Study: Paper 2-Section A) (12 Marks) ​
QUESTION GUIDANCE   • Discuss each provided bullet point in relation to the question, 15 Mins
supported by factual knowledge
• Judge overall which is more significant
Knowledge Question: Describe two...
(4 Marks) ​ • Explain the given factor with factual support – relate this clearly to the question focus
5 Mins Eg. ‘Elizabethan theatre was popular with all sorts of people, the tickets were cheap and easy to access. At
• Aim for two clear points, each followed by a brief the Globe Theatre there was a pit built in as part of the design for poor patrons...'

• Identify a clear point.

• Explain the other given factor with factual support – relate this clearly to the question
• Explain briefly. x2 focus
Eg. ‘Another consequence that the Globe demonstrated was the Theatre became a way to demonstrate one’s
position in society by becoming the patron of a troop of actors...'

• Conclusion:
• Which argument is most significant?
• Why does it matter more than the other arguments?
Knowledge Question: Explain...
(8 Marks) ​ 10 Mins Example exam questions.​
• Aim for two to three detailed paragraphs. • (12 marks) Which of the following was the more important reason for
• Always clearly link your paragraphs back to the increased support for box the Nazis before 1933: 1. the appeal of Hitler 2. Germany’s
the question focus. economic problems?
• (12 marks) Which of the following was the more important reason why the Nazis were
• Identify a factor. able to keep control of Germany: 1. fear and violence 2. propaganda
• Explain with multiple
x2 to 3 • (8 marks) In what ways were the German people affected by the Second World War? 
supporting facts.
• (8 marks) In what ways were the lives of young people affected by Nazi policies?
• (4 marks) Describe two problems faced by Germany box before 1914.
• (4 marks) Describe two problems faced by the German Government during the
Weimar Germany
End of World War One Criminals’ The Weimar politicians involved in signing the armistice
(Period Study: Paper 2-Section A)
Kaiser The king of the German Empire. Spartacist Revolt A communist attempt to take over Berlin led by Rosa Luxemburg
Red Rising in the An armed uprising in the Ruhr to remove Ebert and the Weimar
Abdication Resignation as the ruling monarch. Ruhr Government and set up a communist state.
Germany 1890-1945

The Allies and Germany signed a truce to end WWI. The Freikorps Ex-German soldiers used by Ebert to stop communist rebellions.

Weimar Republic The Kapp Putsch Wolfgang Kapp led the Freikorps to overthrow the government

Council of People’s A temporary government established between the SPD

Representatives and the USPD until January 1919. Challenges to Weimar (economic)

The people say how they wish the country to be run Payment for the damages caused by Germany in WWI (£6.6
Democracy (votes). Reparations billion)

France and Belgium troops invade Ruhr when reparations

President Head of the government and chooses the Chancellor. Invasion of the Ruhr stopped.

Chancellor In charge of day-to-day running of government. Ruhr The richest industrial part of Germany, it contained iron and coal.

Production can’t keep up with the amount of money in circulation,

Reichstag The German parliament and elected politicians. Hyperinflation so money keeps losing value (Reichmark became worthless).

Proportional The proportion of seats a party wins in parliament, is the

Representation same as the proportion of the total votes they win. Gustav Stresemann the Saviour (1923-1928)

In an emergency the President could pass laws without A new German currency introduced to stabilise Germany’s
Article 48 first going through the Reichstag. Rentenmark economy

A peace treaty signed between Germany, Britain, France France and Belgium left the Ruhr and agree more realistic
Treaty of Versailles and US. A set of sanctions imposed on Germany (LAMB). The Dawes Plan repayments. US lent Germany £40 million to pay off debts.

Challenges to Weimar (Left and Right) The Locarno Pact Germany, France and Belgium respect joint borders.

The League of Germany was allowed to join in 1926, now a re-established

Article 231 Germany had to accept the war guilt for causing WWI. Nations international power in Europe.

Germans said the treaty was forced upon Germany by The Kellogg-Briand Germany and 65 other countries signed to promise not to use
Diktat Ebert Pact violence to settle disputes.

The idea that Jewish politicians had gone behind the back The Allies agreed to reduce the reparation payments to a 1/4 of
‘Stab in the back’ myth of soldiers on the front line and surrendered in the war The Young Plan the original amount and given 59 years to pay them back
Germany 1890-1945
(Period Study: Paper 2-Section A)
Key Terms – Rise of the Nazi Party

(Period Study: Paper 2-Section A)

Nazi Party (1920) Hitler’s Rise to Chancellor (1929-1933)

The German A nationalist party led by Anton Drexler, which The Wall Street stock market in America crashed and
Workers Party only had 60 members by 1919. Hitler was sent to The Wall Street sparked an international economic crisis with countries

Germany 1890-1945

(DAP) investigate the group. Crash tied to US loans.

The National The DAP that was rebranded by Adolf Hitler to A consequence of the Wall Street Crash, global
Socialist Workers the Nazi Party. In 1921, Hitler became the leader The Great economies collapsed and led to mass unemployment in
Party (NSDAP) of the group. Depression Germany - 6 million in 1932.

A party that focuses on the interests of its own Heinrich Bruning Chancellor of Germany (1929-1932) who abused Article
Nationalist Party country and people. Germany did this and (‘Hunger 48 to try and deal with the economic crisis of the Wall
adopted anti-Semitic views. Chancellor’) Street Crash.

In emergencies the President could pass laws without

Hitler’s Reforms (1920-23) Article 48 the Reichstag.

The Nazi’s polices that promoted superiority of A rival party who competed for the support of Germans
the German people, anti-Semitism and rejection The Communist hit by the economic crisis. Membership grew 130,000 to
25 Point Program of Treaty of Versailles. Party (KPD) 300,000 (1928-32).

War hero and President of the Weimar Government

Anti-Semitism Racism and persecution aimed towards Jews. Hindenburg (1925-1934).
Swastika The logo used by Hitler for the Nazi Party. Franz von Papen Chancellor of Germany (July 1932 - December 1932).

A private army of the Nazi Party of over 400,000 Kurt von Chancellor of Germany (December 1932 - January
SA “Brown shirts” men. Schleicher 1933).

The Nazi Party’s attempt to remove the Weimar Appointed by the President to serve as Head of the
The Munich Putsch Republic. Chancellor Government.

Hitler's reforms after the failure of Munich Putsch (1924-1929) Hitler's Rise to Dictatorship (1933-1934)

Hitler's book describing his beliefs and ambitions

Mein Kampf in prison. Reichstag The German parliament containing elected politicians.

Germany’s right to more living space/territory in An act that allowed Hitler to govern/pass laws without
Lebensraum Europe. The Enabling Act parliament.

A Nazi youth organisation for boys aged 10-18 to SA “Brown

Hitler Youth attend. shirts” A private army of the Nazi Party of over 400,000 men.

Bamberg A meeting to unify the Nazi Party and to set Ex-military general from WWI, Nazi Party member and
Conference Hitler’s agenda. Ernst Rohm leader of SA.

Hitler’s private bodyguards (SD, Gestapo, A form of government, dominated by one leader with
SS “Schutzstaffel” Stormtroopers). Dictatorship total power.
Head of the SS and senior official in the Nazi
Heinrich Himmler Party. Fuhrer Hitler called himself this - the leader of the dictatorship.
Germany 1890-1945
(Period Study: Paper 2-Section A)
Germany 1890-1945
(Period Study: Paper 2-Section A)
Germany 1890-1945
(Period Study: Paper 2-Section A)
Germany 1890-1945
(Period Study: Paper 2-Section A)
Germany 1890-1945
(Period Study: Paper 2-Section A)
1. Describe the 2. Describe the impact 3. What caused the 4. What were the 5. How did Gustav
Weimar Constitution of the Treaty of hyperinflation crisis in consequences of the Stresemann fix the
Versailles the Ruhr? Munich Putsch? economy?

6. Why was it classed 7. What was the 8. What was the 9. What was the 10. What was the Wall
as a 'golden era' under Locarno Pact? Dawes Plan? Kellog-Briand Pact? Street Crash?

11. Why did Nazi 12. How did Hitler 13. Describe the 14. Describe the 15. How did the
popularity grow after become Chancellor of events of the Night of events of the Enabling Act support
1929? Germany? Long Knives Reichstag Fire Hitler's rise to power?

16. What methods did 17. Compare the 18. How did Nazis 19. What was the 20. Describe Nazi
the Nazis use to purpose of the RAD control young people? Nazis 'vision' of racial theory – use the
reduce and DAF women? term 'Aryan'

21. How did the Nazis 22. How did the Nazis 23. What was the role 24. What was the 25. What opposition
utilise propaganda to interact with of the SA, SS and 'Four Year Plan' from did the Nazis face?
maintain control? Christianity? Gestapo? Goering, was it

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