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The word percent can be understood as follows:

Per cent ⇒ for every 100.
So, when percentage is calculated for any value, it means that you calculate the value for
every 100 of the reference value.
When you see the word "percent" or the symbol %, remember it means 1/100.

20 percent=20%=20×(1/100)=1/5
• Percentage is a concept evolved so that there can be a uniform platform for
comparison of various things. (Since each value is taken to a common platform of

• Example:
• To compare three different students depending on the marks they scored we
cannot directly compare their marks until we know the maximum marks for
which they took the test. But by calculating percentages they can directly be
compared with one another.
By a certain percent, we mean that many hundredths.
Thus x percent means x hundredths, written as x%.

To express x% as a fraction: We have , x%=x/100.

48%=48/100=12/25 etc.

To express ab as a percent: We have,ab=(ab)×100%

Percentage Decimal Fraction
10% 0.1 1/10
12.5% 0.125 1/8
16.66% 0.1666 1/6
20% 0.2 1/5
25% 0.25 1/4
30% 0.3 3/10
33.33% 0.3333 1/3
40% 0.4 2/5
50% 0.5 1/2
60% 0.6 3/5
62.5% 0.625 5/8
66.66% 0.6666 2/3
70% 0.7 7/10
75% 0.75 3/4
80% 0.8 4/5
83.33% 0.8333 5/6
90% 0.9 9/10
100% 1.0 1
80 is what percent of 64?
A. 75% B. 85% C. 120% D. 125%

Explanation: Let x percent of 64 be 80
64 * x/100 = 80 => x = (80 * 100)/64 => x = 125
Hence, 80 is 125% of 64
How much is 80% of 40 is greater than 4/5 of 25?
A. 4 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12

Explanation: (80/100) * 40 – (4/5) * 25
32 - 20 = 12

40% of a number is more than 20% of 650 by 190. Find the number?
A. 600 B. 700 C. 800 D. 900

Explanation: (40/100) * X – (20/100) * 650 = 190

2/5 X = 320
X = 800
If A got 80 marks and B got 60 marks, then what percent of A's mark is B's mark?
A. 60% B. 65% C. 75% D. 80%

A's marks = 80; B's marks = 60.
Let x% of A = B => x/100 * 80 = 60
=> x = (60 * 100)/80 = 75
B's marks is 75% of A's marks
In an examination, A got 10% marks less than B; B got 25% marks more than C and C got 20%
less than D. If A got 360 marks out of 500, then the percentage of marks obtained by D was

A= 90/100 ​B, B=125/100​C, C= 80/100D
∴B=10/9​A,C=4/5​B, and D=5/4 ​C
Percentage of D = 400 / 500​×100=80Percent
A and B’s salaries together amount to Rs. 2,000. A spends 95% of his salary and B spends 85% of his. If now their savings are
the same, what is A’s salary?
A. Rs.500 B. Rs.750 C. Rs.1250 D. Rs.1500


 (5/100) A = (15/100) B
A = 3B
A + B = 2000
4B = 2000 => B = 500
A = 1500
In a factory, there are 40% technicians and 60% non-technicians. If the 60% of the technicians
and 40% of non-technicians are permanent employees, then the percentage of workers who
are temporary is?
A. 32% B. 42% C. 52% D. 62%

Total = 100
T = 40, NT = 60
40*(60/100) = 24, 60*(40/100) = 24
24 + 24 = 48 => 100 - 48 = 52%
In an examination 30% of total students failed in Maths, 15% in Hindi and 5% in both.

Find the percentage of those who failed in both the subjects

If you substitute values for n(A), n(B) and n(A∩B), you will get
n(A∪B) = 30 + 15 -5 = 40%
There are 35 students and 6 teachers in a class, each student gets toffees that are 20% of the
total number of students, and each teacher gets toffees that are 40 % of the total number of
students. How many toffees were there?
A. 245 B. 405 C. 329 D. 142


Number of sweets each

student got = ((35X20)/100) = 7

Again Number of sweet each teacher got = ((35X40)/100)  =14

Total number of sweets

= 35 x 7 + 6 x14

= 245 + 84 = 329
The annual salary of Suresh increased from Rs 18,00,000 to Rs 22,00,000. Find the percentage

Original salary = Rs 18,00,000
Increased salary = Rs 22,00,000
Increase in salary = Rs 22,00,000 – Rs 18,00,000 = Rs 4,00,000
Thus, percentage increase in salary = (increase in salary/original salary) x 100
= (4,00,000/18,00,000) x 100 = 22.22%

If the length of a rectangle is increased by 37.5% and its breadth is decreased by 20%,
find the change in its area.
Ram’s salary is 30% more than Renu’s salary, by how much percent is Renu’s salary less than

From the question you know that Ram’s salary is 30% more than that of Renu.
Therefore our value of X (to use in formula) = 30
Now, Renu’s formula is lesser than that of Renu by X/(100+X) x 100%
= 30/(100 + 30) x 100%
= 30/130 x 100%
= 23.07%
If the price of petrol is increased by 10% to keep the expenditure value as constant, then how
much percentage must be reduced in its consumption?

Let before increasing the price of petrol we are purchasing 1 litre petrol in 100 rs . So total quantity
After increasing the price of petrol 10% let we are receiving x litre petrol. Then final quantity
After equating initial and final quantity we will get the value of x.
Then x=10÷11
Initially we are getting 1 litre and after increment we are getting 10÷11
Reduction in amount of petrol 1-(10÷11)
That is 1÷11
A boy measured the area of a rectangle plot to be 468 cm2. But the actual area of the plot has been recorded as 470 cm2.
Calculate the percent error of his measurement.

• Given,
• Measured area value = 468 cm2
• Actual area value = 470 cm2
• Steps of calculation:
• Step 1: Subtract one value from another; 468 – 470 = -2
• By ignoring the negative sign, the difference is 2, which is the error.
• Step 2: Divide the error by actual value; 2/470 = 0.0042531
• Multiply this value by 100; 0.0042531 × 100 = 0.42% (expressing it in two
decimal points) Hence, 0.42% is the percent error.
The value of a machine depreciates at the rate of 10 % per annum. If the cost of machine at
present is Rs. 160,000, then what will be its worth after 2 years?
a. Rs. 122,365 b. Rs. 153,680 c. Rs. 129,600 d. Rs. 119,900

Present amount = Rs. 1,60,000
Rate of depreciation = 10 %
Substituting the given values, we get
• The value of machine after n years = p(1 – r/100)^n
• = 1,60,000(1 – 10/100)^2
• = Rs. 129,600
After 2 years, the cost of machine = Rs. 129,600
The  population  of a town  increase  annually by 20%. If  the  present   population  is  2,88,000,
then  what  was the  population  before  two  years 
a. 2, 63,250 b. 2, 48,800 c. 2,88,000 d. 2, 57,600
• Explanation:
Present population = 2,88,000
Rate of depreciation = 20 %
Substituting the given values, we get
• The value of machine after n years = p(1 + r/100)^ -n
• = 2,88,000(1 + 10/100)^ -2
• = 2,00,000
before 2 years, the population of a town = 2,00,000
Anumben sircreasedby20%andthendecreasedby20% th,en
Ad.oesnocthange B de.creasesby2%
nic.reasesby4% D de.creasesby4%
Thereforteh,enumbernowaften ricrease=Prevoiusvaule+amounnitcreased
Thenumbernow=(120/100x)(2 -4/100)x=96x/100
Nowtheorginianlumberwasxandnow s9
Percentagedecrease=(nedtecrease/orginiavlau le)*100
A student got 42 percent marks and has secured 12 marks more than the minimum passing
marks. Another student got 45 percent has obtained 30 marks more than the minimum
passing marks. Find the maximum marks?

Let the min passing be x.
Student A got 42 percent marks. Marks obtained = x + 12.
Student B got 45 percent marks. Marks obtained = x + 30.
So, 45% - 42% of marks = x + 30 - (x + 12)
So, 3% of marks = 18
So, 1% of marks = 6
So,100% of marks = 600 -> maximum marks
Student A got 252 marks.
Student B got 270 marks.
Passing marks = 252 - 12 = 270 - 30 = 240
Rohit spends 20% of his monthly salary on food, 25% of remaining on house expenses, 30% of remaining on rent
and 50% of remaining given to his wife. He saves the remaining amount of Rs.12600, find out money spent on rent?

In an election contested by two parties, Party D secured 12% of the total votes more than Party R. If party R got 132,000
votes, by how many votes did it lose the election?
240,000 300,000 168,000 36,000 24,000

Let the percentage of the total votes secured by Party D be x%
Therefore, the percentage of total votes secured by Party R = (x − 12)%
As there are only two parties contesting the election, the sum of the votes secured by the two parties should
add up to 100%.
i.e., x + x − 12 = 100
2x − 12 = 100
or 2x = 112 or x = 56%.
If Party D got 56% of the total votes, then Party R would have got (56 − 12) = 44% of the total votes.
Party R got 132,000 votes. Party R got 44% of the total votes.
∴ 44% of the total votes = 132,000
i.e., 4410044100 × Total votes = 132,000
=> Total votes = 132000×10044132000×10044 = 300,000 votes.
The margin by which Party R lost the election = 12% of the total votes
= 12% of 300,000 = 36,000.
Party R lost the election by 36,000 votes.
A watermelon weighs 500 gm , 99% of its weight is water. It is kept in a drying room and after sometime it turns out that
only 98% of its weight is water. What is its weight now?
A. 2800 B. 2500 C. 2850 D. 2600

• Explanation:
• while drying the quantity of water will change , but the quantity of the pulp remain
the same
• total weight = 5000 gm
• i.e 99% water = 4950 gms
• 1% pulp = 50 gm
• we have to find the weight after drying
• after drying 98% water
• and pulp  is 2%  = 50 gm
• thus , for calculating total weight
• 2% pulp  of x is = 50 gm
• hence , The weight is 2500 gm

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