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First conditionals

If I become an athlete, I’ll win

gold medals in races.

© Pearson Education Limited

In this lesson, you will learn to use if to express
Talking about the future
Do you remember what this girl wants to be when she
grows up?

I want to be a vet because I

like animals.

If I become a vet,
What I will
will she dohelp
sick animals.
she becomes a vet?
Conditional sentences
Let’s take a look at this sentence.

I want to be a vet because I

If I become a vet,like
I will help sick animals.

If I become a vet, I will help

sick animals.
Conditional sentences
We use conditional sentences like this to talk about
possible future actions or situations.

This has to happen first. Then this will happen.

If I become a vet, I will help sick animals.

Conditional clause: Main clause:
Use the present tense Use the future tense.
with ‘if’.
We form the future
tense with:
will + verb (base form)
Conditional sentences
Let’s look at another example.

This has to happen first. Then this will happen.

If I become an astronaut, I will travel in spaceships.

Conditional sentences
Let’s look at another example.

But if this doesn’t happen. Then this WILL NOT happen.

If I become an astronaut, I will travel in spaceships.

Conditional sentences

I’ll = I will
If I become a fashion designer, I’ll
design a lot of pretty clothes.

I’ll design a lot of pretty clothes if

We can also swap the
I become aorder
of the designer.
two clauses.
We don’t need the comma in the
middle if we put the main clause in
the beginning.
Quick Check

1. Put the clauses in the right order.

I’ll help sick people

If I become a doctor

If I become clause)
(conditional I’ll help sickclause)
people .
a doctor , ______________________
______________________ (main
Quick Check

2. Fill in the blanks.

become ‘ll walk

If I _________ (become) a model, I ________ (walk)
on runways.
Quick Check

3. Fill in the blanks.

‘ll start (start) my own

I _________
company if I _________
(become) a businessman.
Quick Check

4. Fill in the blanks.

If I ________ (study) hard, I
‘ll get
_______ (get) good results in
my exams.
Well done!

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