Science Revision - Textbook Equations

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Aljahili School C 2 & 3

Done by:-
Ms. Thuraya Alkalbani
Ms. Mariam
Revision –Textbook equations
Grade(9) General
•Book (CH10)
•Page (324-326)
Acid precipitation Geothermal energy Fossil fuel Photovoltaic cell
Nuclear waste Carrying capacity Renewable resources 324

Answer in page 296

•Book (CH11)
•Page (353-357)

Answer in page 3331

Answer in page 296


Answer in page 296


Answer in page 336

Answer in page 339

endemic bioremediation Nonrenewable Renewable resources

Answer in page 349

Answer in page 347

355 Answer in page 348
•Book (CH12)
•Page (385-387)
Classify the type of spectrum in the diagram below using the given
(Emission spectra - continuous spectrum -Absorption spectra )

------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------------
3. Identify whether the following statements are true or false.

______ The Sun contains more than 99 percent of all

mass in the solar system.
______ Most visible light from the sun originates in
the chromosphere.
______ The energy released by the Sun originates
through nuclear fission.
______ Mass can be converted into energy.
Sunspots Corona Fusion 385
1.1 What two elements make up 98.4 percent of the
Sun's composition?

A. ☐ hydrogen and carbon dioxide

B. ☐ hydrogen and nitrogen
C. ☐ oxygen and helium
D. ☐ hydrogen and helium
1.4 The Sun contains __________ percent of all the
mass in our solar system.

A. ☐ 99
B. ☐ 1
C. ☐ 100
D. ☐ 10
Match the following terms with their definitions.
___ photosphere ‫ا لضوئية‬ A. the middle layer of the Sun’s
___ corona ‫ا لها لة ا لشمسية‬

___ chromosphere ‫ا للونية‬

B. the outermost layer of the
Sun’s atmosphere

C.the lowest layer of the Sun’s

Which is the visible surface of the Sun? ‫ما هو السطح المرئي للشمس؟‬



a. photosphere
b. corona
c. chromosphere
d. prominence
What is formed by gas flowing outward at a high
speed from the Sun’s corona?
‫ما الذي يتكون من تدفق الغاز إلى الخارج بسرعة عالية من هالة الشمس؟‬


a. prominence
b. solar flare
c. coronal hole
d. solar wind
Different questions
The Design against converts the energy : ‫ في هذا الشكل تتحول الطاقة‬:

From radiant to electric ‫اإلشعاعية الى كهربائية‬

From geothermal to electric ‫الحرارية األرضية الى كهربائية‬
From electric to radiant ‫الكهربائية ال اشعاعيه‬
From electric to geothermal ‫الكهربائية الى حرارية ارضيه‬
Answer in page 307
Which of the following is not an ‫أي مما يلي ليس من الموارد البديلة للطاقة؟‬
alternative energy source? ‫زيت فول الصويا‬
Soybean oil ‫زيت الطهي المعاد تدويره‬
Recycled cooking oil ‫خاليا وقود الهيدروجين‬
Hydrogen fuel cell ‫الغاز الطبيعي‬
Natural gas

Which of the following defines extinction? ‫أي مما يأتي هو تعريف لالنقراض ؟؟‬

Species disappearance ‫اختفاء أحد األنواع‬

Decrease in biodiversity ‫انخفاض التنوع الحيوي‬
‫اختفاء أحد األنظمة البيئية‬
Disappearance of one of the ecosystems
‫انخفاض التنوع الوراثي‬
Decrease in genetic diversity
‫‪Which of the following resources‬‬ ‫أي من المصادر التالية يسهم في تكوين الهطول‬
‫‪might be the cause of acid‬‬ ‫‪ .‬الحمضي‬
‫محطات توليد الطاقة التي تعمل بواسطه الفحم‬
‫‪Coal power plants‬‬ ‫محطات طاقه الرياح‬
‫‪Wind power plants‬‬ ‫محطات الطاقة الحرارية األرضية‬
‫‪Geothermal power plants‬‬ ‫محطات توليد الطاقة النووية‬
‫‪Nuclear power plants‬‬
Which term best describes what the rabbits in the photo demonstrate?

Ecosystem diversity
Genetic diversity
Species richness
Species diversity

‫أي مصطلح يصف ما تظهره االرانب الموجودة في الشكل؟‬

‫تنوع النظام البيئي‬

‫التنوع الوراثي‬
‫ثراء األنواع‬
‫تنوع االنواع‬
Which term describes using resources at a rate at which they can be
replaced or recycled while preserving the long- term environmental
health of the biosphere?
Ecological richness
Answer in page 344
Sustainable use
Biological augmentation
‫ماذا يطلق على استخدام الموارد بمعدل يسمح تعويضها او اعاده تدويرها مع الحفاظ على‬
‫السالمة البيئية للغالف الحيوي على المدى الطويل ؟‬
‫االستخدام المفرط‬
‫االثراء البيئي‬
‫االستخدام المستدام‬
‫التعزيز البيولوجي‬
Write the correspondent correct scientific term in parenthesis. Use the give :
Habitat Fragmentation – Corona – Petroleum – Coal –Biological Augmentation

A combustible liquid formed form the remains of

ancient living things
The increase of toxic chemical substances
concentration as the trophic level in a food chain or
food web increases.
The separation of an ecosystem into small pieces of
The outermost layer of the Sun’s atmosphere
Most Hydrocarbon compounds found in petroleum can be separated
in a process called ---------------------?

Fractional distillation

‫يمكن فصل المركبات الهيدروكربونية العديدة والمختلفة للبترول في عمليه تسمى‬-------

‫التقطير التجزيئي‬
In fusion –based power plants , which of following is problematic?

Reaching to very high temperatures

Removing radioactive waste
Produce fuel
Produce radioactive wastes

‫أي مما يلي يعد مشكله كبرى في تطوير مفاعالت االندماج ؟‬

‫الوصول الى درجات حراره مرتفعة جدا‬
‫التخلص من النفايات المشعة‬
‫الحصول على الوقود‬
‫انتاج نقابات مشعه‬
Use the circle graph below to answer the following .The graph show the
percentage of electrical energy that comes from different energy sources in
one country

1-What is the total percentage of electrical

energy produced from fossil fuel? -------------
2- which fossil fuel produce the highest level of
pollutants when burned? -----------------
3-What is the percentage of the fossil fuel that
produce the least source of electric energy ?
4- When coal is burned to produce electricity ,
the chemical potential energy is converted
into--------------------- - energy to heat the water
Answer in page 296

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