Let's Motor!: Unit Goals Project Entry Event The Driving Project Scenario

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Let's Motor!

Project The
Project Unit
Entry Driving
Scenario Goals
Event Question

Project Project The Final PBL

Timeline Steps Product Resources
Let's Motor!
Entry Event

 This project will allow you and your team to master the concepts of
electricity & magnetism by allowing you to build circuits, motors, and

 To get started, go to the following links and see some really cool
physicists give you a taste of the three big focus areas of this unit:
 http://www.nationalstemcentre.org.uk/elibrary/resource/2082/electric-sausage
 http://www.nationalstemcentre.org.uk/elibrary/resource/4099/electric-motor
 https://www.stem.org.uk/elibrary/resource/28838/electromagnetic-induction

 Document and share what you learned from these videos with the
rest of your PBL team. Highlight any items that were familiar to you
from what you have already learned in this or other science courses,
as well as things you noticed were different or new.

 Finally, before you start this unit, you need to review some
basics regarding electrical safety:
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afD4hixwHmE
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Let's Motor!
Project Scenario

 This project will allow you and your teammates

to design one or more electrical devices that
safely demonstrate the goals & essential
questions of this unit.

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Let's Motor!

Driving Question

How can I safely

design, build, control,
and thoroughly explain
a fully functional
electrical device?

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Let's Motor!
Project Overview
 You and your team are to design, build, test, and present
one or more electrical devices that can be controlled to do
a predictable function and in doing so, will explicitly
demonstrate the concepts of electro-statics, electrical
circuits, and electrical induction.

 Your devices must ultimately answer this project’s driving

question in a meaningful and creative manner and must
explicitly and quantitatively provide clear and undisputable
proof of each of the essential questions of this unit,
backed-up with mathematical models, descriptions, and

The next several slides provide the details you and your team will
need for each part of this project, as you develop your final product.
Note that all of the steps listed here must be done within the steps of
the overall PBL process, as defined by the “Generic PBL Guidelines
– Physics” document found on the Google Classroom website for this

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Project Steps

 The first part of this project will be to develop a conceptual understanding of the three
unit goals so that you can identify and analyze the parameters and relationships
associated with each aspect of electro-statics, basic DC circuits, and electrical

 The next part of the project is to develop a working knowledge of real-world application
problems associated with electricity & magnetism. As with the first part above, you
should use scaffolding activities, tutorials, examples from the texts, other on-line
information, help from teammates & Mr. Owens, etc. to develop this expertise.

 As you refine your conceptual knowledge and problem solving skills opposite the goals
of this unit, you will begin to research examples of basic electrical devices in the
context of the driving question. You and your team will then brainstorm ideas of how to
build one or more such electrical devices that will clearly demonstrate your mastery of
the goals of this unit.

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Let's Motor!
Project Steps
 The final part of the project will be to develop a presentation
of your devices that highlights your team’s mastery of this
unit’s goals and creativity per the project scenario.
Specifically, the devices you demonstrate must clearly,
explicitly, and quantitatively demonstrate at least four* of the
following concepts of electricity & magnetism (it must, at
minimum, include electric circuits):

 Electrical Charge, Potential, & Fields

 Electrical Force & Coulomb’s Law
 Flow of Electricity in a Circuit (Ohm’s Law)
 Modeling Electrical Power, Current, Resistance, & Potential
in a Circuit
 Magnetism & Magnetic Fields
 Electric Induction

* Note: Topics not proven in the final product are subject to a S&E assessment.
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Let's Motor!
Final Project Details
 Your group’s presentation will be made as part of a live, class-wide “science fair” during
project time the week of the project’s deadline.

 Everyone in your group must participate equally in the demonstration and know their

 The demonstrations will be ongoing for the entire afternoon 3 rd & 4th block, allowing your
team to demonstrate your devices many times, to classmates, TCEC staff, and expert
community members. Note that members of your team should take turns touring other

 The total demonstration time for your final product should be targeted for 5-10 minutes,
but you will do it many times to different audiences. You must also be prepared to
answer questions about each aspect of your demonstration and the accuracy of each
concept(s) they exemplify.

 Note that portions of the final product may be recorded and presented in a multi-media
format if it helps the team thoroughly demonstrate mastery of this unit’s goals. Your
device, however, must be real and fully functional.
Let's Motor!
Final Project Details
 In addition to the above general requirements, your team must compile a
dossier that must be available to support the conclusion of your
demonstration and device – i.e. the mathematical calculations that support
the essential questions of each unit goal. This includes, but is not limited to:
 Drawings of each instrument’s key components (especially the circuit diagram), as
they relate to the concept they are proving.
 Detailed calculations, showing all work, steps, equations used, and assumptions
 Specific details showing how each example correctly and accurately addresses the
requirements of this project.
 Other details that support the thoroughness and veracity of your team’s work.

 While not being formally presented, your dossier must be available the day
of the presentation. It must also be neat, orderly, and available for review by
audience members to support any conclusions you have for example being
Let's Motor!
Final Project Details
Other final product requirements and
• Your Device must be safe! Anything questionable will not be
allowed! No exceptions! Note that any electrical components
outside of what is available in the physics lab must receive
prior approval. Also assume that anything requiring alternating
current (AC) is not going to be allowed.
• Your Device must be real and functional! Other aspects in
your presentation may be virtual. Note that some aspects of
your device’s function can be filmed.
• Your Device can be a single Machine or several Machines, as
long as it has control circuitry that can be explained opposite
the scope of the unit goals and performs a useful task.
• Your Device can be as big, small, simple or complex as you
and your team wishes, as long as it accurately meets the
scenario requirements, driving question, and all aspects of
this Master PBL document.
Final Product Rubric
Criterion: High Mastery Mastery In Progress

How well does your final The Machine your team The Machine your team Your team does not provide a
product demonstrate high demonstrates is unique and demonstrates is an accurate Machine that correctly and
quality, including answering the accurate per the driving question, example opposite the driving sufficiently address the driving
project’s driving question? an obvious and creative example question, is correct per final question of this project, or to
  that clearly meets all final product specifications, and transfer of knowledge of this
product requirements, and provides good transfer of unit’s goals.
provide unquestioning transfer of knowledge of this unit’s goals.
knowledge of this unit’s goals.

How well does each team All team members can, with high All team members can correctly One or more team members are
member participate in confidence and precision, describe the physics behind the unable to correctly describe the
presentation of your final thoroughly and accurately Machine it is presenting, physics behind the examples it is
product? describe the physics behind the including appropriate reference presenting, or has an inadequate
Machine it is presenting, to applicable sections of its dossier.
including correct reference to dossier.
applicable sections of its dossier.

How well does your product and The presentation and supporting The presentation and supporting The presentation and supporting
supporting documents convey a dossier provides undisputable, dossier provides solid proof (i.e. dossier provides insufficient
clear understanding of this unit’s quantitative, and well-organized correct calculations, descriptions, proof of your team’s mastery of
goals? proof (i.e. correct calculations, graphs, and data) that supports this unit’s goals and essential
descriptions, graphs, and your team’s mastery of this unit’s questions.
sketches) that supports your goals and essential questions.
team’s high mastery of this unit’s
goals and essential questions.

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Let’s Motor
Project Extension
 Your team (or individuals on your team) may choose to extend the
project beyond the minimum standards presented in the project
scenario with the following examples:
 Developing a single device that can explicitly and quantitatively demonstrate
all goals and essential questions.
 Developing a highly creative device (or devices) that demonstrates the three
goals in a very unique and imaginative way, showing an obvious depth of
research and rigorous mastery of the physics presented in this unit.
 Providing accurate and well-defended examples (defended by ALL team
members) that thoroughly meet the specific requirements of each unit goal
and is presented before the final week of the project.
 Making interesting and mathematically accurate connections between what
is done with this unit and the goals of previous units.
 Formally incorporating components from TCEC’s 3D printer and/or Arduino
Maker Kits into the design (and being able to explain their use per the scope
of this unit).
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Let's Motor!
Unit Overview

 In this unit we will investigate electrostatics, electric circuits, and

magnetism. As with other topics we have studied and will study in
this course, the items in this unit will offer a thorough introduction to
how one can measure through the mathematical language of physics.

 Specific Learning Goals for this unit follow. Essential questions are listed under each
goal and the applicable North Carolina Essential Science Standard is also listed in

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Let's Motor!
Project Goals
 Goal 1: Explain charges and electrostatic systems (Phy 2.3.1 to
 Can I qualitatively explain the fundamental properties of the
interactions of charged objects?
 Am I able to analyze the geometries and magnitudes of electric
 Can I demonstrate how Coulomb’s law relates to the electrostatic
interactions among charged objects?
 Can I describe the mechanisms for producing electrostatic
charges, including charging by friction, conduction, and induction?
 Can I explain how differences in electrostatic potentials relate to
the potential energy of charged objects?
Let's Motor!
Project Goals

 Goal 2: Analyze the nature of moving charges and electric

circuits (Phy 3.1.1 to 3.1.5).

 Can I analyze Ohm’s law in relation to electric circuits?

 Can I differentiate the behavior of moving charges in conductors and
 Am I able to compare the general characteristics of AC and DC
systems without calculations?
 Can I analyze electric systems in terms of their energy and power?
 Can I find current, resistance, and potential differences for
components connected in series and parallel circuits, both
conceptually and mathematically?
Let's Motor!
Project Goals

 Goal 3: Explain the concept of magnetism & magnetic induction

(Phy 3,2,1 to 3.2.3).

 Can I explain the relationship between magnetic domains and

 Can I describe how electric currents produce various magnetic
 Can I explain how transformers and power distributions are
applications of electromagnetism?
Let's Motor!
Big Ideas
 Big Idea: We are all made-up of electric charges.
Every atom in everything we see, including every
atom in us, contains positive and negative
charges that hold them together with a force
similar to that of gravity, but only much, much
 In this unit, we will study these charges and how
they move, as is the case of electric current
flowing through circuits in things we use on a daily
basis, such as cell phones, electric lights, and the
device you are using to read this now!
 Finally, we will study magnetism, a phenomenon
that has been studied since antiquity and its
relationship to electricity. Electric motors, for
example, operate on the principle that a moving
magnetic field can create an electric current.
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PBL Steps & Resources
 The project steps for this and all PBL projects for this class
are found in the “Generic PBL Guidelines - Physics”
document on the Google Classroom Website. Use this
document early and often!

 Overview:
 Team Formation & Entry Event
 Develop a Project Story-Board & Contract (including team roles)
 Develop a Know-Need to Know Log
 Develop the Project Timeline
 Do Type I & Type II Scaffolding as you develop your PBL
 Finalize Your Product, Do a Mock Presentation, & complete
your Lab
 Verify everything is ready for the Final Presentation and that
your Unit Portfolio is complete.

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PBL Steps & Resources
 PBL Documents: All PBL documents needed for this
project (rubrics, KNTK, task plan, etc.) are included in
the PBL Working Dossier on the Google Classroom.
Other documents that may be needed can be found on
the Google Classroom website under the “About” tab
(PBL Documents & Rubrics Tab).

 Scaffolding Activities: Activities you and your

teammates will need in order to master the goals for
this project are found under the Type I and Type II
folders in the Google Classroom website for this unit.

 Tutorials: An extensive set of tutorials for the topics

addressed in this unit is found on the Google
Classroom website for this unit.
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Let’s Motor!
Project Timeline:

Refer to the My Homework App for the latest information regarding

project milestones & due dates.

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