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By: 1. Muh.Nur Latief

2. Andi Fauziah Astrid
3. Nur Wahdayani
This study aims to determine the magnitude of the significant influence between student interest
in the Department of Journalism, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, UIN Alauddin Makassar, at the
State High School 1 Pangkep. This research was motivated by high school students of class XII.

This type of research is quantitative research. The subjects of this study were high school students
of class XII. The object of this research is the influence of the interest of SMA Negeri 1 Pangkep students
towards the Department of Journalism, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication. The population in this
study found 125 students. The sample in this study found 95 students were taken using random sampling

Data collection techniques used are questionnaires and documentation. The analysis technique
used is descriptive quantitative using simple linear regression. the results of this study and the analysis
of the data obtained, this shows that the indicators of attention and willingness affect pleasure, this is
proven by the results of t count t table, namely t count 14.823 while t table 0.1689 with a significance of
10% which means Ha is accepted and Ho rejected. So it can be said that there is a significant influence
between high school students' interest in attention and willingness to SMA Negeri 1 Pangkep. This
proves the large influence between variables X and Y variables obtained from the regression results of
0.933 indicating that the influence between attention and will has a very strong influence.

The interest of high school student to continue

their education in college is quite diverse, in line with
this some of them having an ambition going in college
and the others has no interest because they want to
work or even become unemployed. Students
interest in continuing their studies to higher education
clearly seen from the attitude of students who begin to
put focus on their planning to going to college which is
that desire, they are realized by seeking information
about the majority and university. That interest does
not arise spountaneously, but coming from experience,
habits at the time of study and work.
Theoritical Review

This research is using Interest theory where is basically the acceptance of

a relationship between oneself and something outside oneself. Where the
stronger or closer the relationship, the greater the interest. Crow and
Crow in Djaali, 2008 said that interest is related to the style of movement
that encourages a person to face or deal with people, objects, activities,
experiences, which are stimulated by the activity itself.

In the psychological dictionary, Chaplin (1989) states that interest can be

interpreted as follows:
1. An attitude that takes place continuously that gives a pattern to a
person's attention so that he is selective about the object of his
2. A feeling that states that a work activity or object is valuable or
meaningful to the individual.
3. A motivational state or set of motivations that guide behavior in a
particular direction.
Data and Methodology

Type research is Research

quantitative instrument
This study uses primary data and
secondary data. Primary data was 1. Validity test
collected from class XII students of SMAN 2. Reliability test
1 Pangkep (Pangkajene) majoring in
Natural Sciences and Social science . As
for the secondary data, namely the
influence of student interest in the
Department of Journalism, Faculty of
Da'wah and Communication. Using expost
facto method
Result and Discussion

Based on the results of research conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Pangkep (Pangkajene and Islands) by
distributing questionnaires to 95 respondents, most of the respondents gave positive results regarding some of
the statements given.
From the results obtained indicate that the independent variable has an effect on the dependent. This
shows that the indicators of attention and will affect pleasure, this is evidenced by the results of t count t table,
namely t count of 14,823 while t table of 0.1689 with a significant value of 10%, which means Ha is accepted
and Ho is rejected.
Meanwhile, to see how big the influence between variables X and Y variables is obtained from the results
of a regression value of 0.933 which shows that the influence between attention and will on pleasure is very
strong. From the research that has been done, it proves that the Ex Post Fact theory. It is proven by the findings
which show that students of SMA Negeri 1 Pangkep can freely determine what they want in meeting the needs
of students and other effects that will be caused. In this case, the interest of SMA Negeri 1 Pangkep students has
an effect on the existing indicators.
Based on the results of research and data
analysis, the influence of student interest in SMA
Negeri 1 Pangkep in the Department of Journalism,
Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, UIN
Alauddin Makassar, has a significant effect. This
proves the large influence between variables X and
Y variables is obtained from the results of a
regression value of 0.933 which shows that the
influence between attention and will on pleasure is
very strong.
In addition, this shows that from the
calculation results, the t count is 14,823 while the t
table (df = 93) is 0.1689 with a significant level of 1-
%, so it can be concluded that t arithmetic t table
then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. In other
words, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted
and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.

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