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What are trees to humans-

 Trees are our real friend,without them we lose extraordinary and essential
functions for life on Earth. They services us from water regulation to oxygen and
carbon exchange.There is a very great contribution of trees on human life.
Benefits of planting trees-

 1.They regulates oxygen and nitrogen cycle.

 2.They controls the amount of storm and rainoffs.
 3They reduces the effects of floods and soil erosion
 4.They gives us food ,shelter ,etc.
 5.Many species depends upon trees for their survival.
Grow more trees….

 Growing trees is one of the straight forward brilliant way through which we help our
environment.According to science researches if we grow 1 tree we saves 1 life ,that is really a very
great work .
 Growing a billion trees can save iur earth for many decades.
Best time to grow a tree….
Trees and shrubs can be grown at any time of the year……
Most of the trees grows during the arrival of summer…….
Killing a tree….killing a human-
If trees are killed the a human life is killed.We
can’t even think of life without them .
Without trees our air would get filled with
excessive carbon that is really very harmful
for human.x
Earth without trees…..

 If all trees are cut then followingvdisasters will take place…

 Filthy Air-Air will become fulk of carbon gas.
 Soil erosion-Soil will wile out from one place to another.
 Water wars-Availability of fresh water will become scarce.
 No natural products-Trees gives us all the natural and healthy products and if trees
will end up then ultimately their products will end up.
Lessons taught by them-

 1.We should always be confident of ourselves .

 2.Provide unconditional love to everyone.
 3 .Bigger is not always better.
 4.Beauty exists within ourselves.
 5.We should always live freely.
Thank you…….

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