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Department : Medical Analysis

Section Title

Introduction to Mental
Health Awareness

presentation Subject
Agreen Mohammed Azad | Eman jihad anwar | Iman kakarash mawlood |
Hann Hewa Hussein | Dunya juma Ahmad | Areen Nazir Malla
Definitions of mental health
“Good mental health means being generally able to think, feel and
react in the ways that you need and want to live your life. But if you go
through a period of poor mental health you might find the ways you're
frequently thinking, feeling or reacting become difficult, or even
impossible, to cope with. This can feel just as bad as a physical
illness, or even worse.”

Mental wellbeing describes your mental state - how you are

.feeling and how well you can cope with day-to-day life
What does good mental health look like?

If you have good mental wellbeing, you are able to:

• Recognise the good in yourself, such as your

positive attributes and achievements you have
• Feel and express a range of emotions.
• Feel engaged with the world around you.
• Live and work productively.
• Cope with the stresses of daily life and manage
times of change and uncertainty.
Types of mental health problems

• Anxiety
• Depression
• Eating problems
• Schizophrenia
• Phobias
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
• Bipolar disorder
• Personality disorders
What are mental health problems?
• Mental health problems can affect any of us irrespective of
age, personality or background.
• They include a wide range of experiences and can affect the
way people think, feel or behave.
• They can appear as a result of experiences in both our
personal and working lives – or they can come about without
any easily identifiable cause.
• Some problems may be mild or moderate while others may
take on a more severe form, affecting a person’s ability to
cope with day-to-day living.
Mental wellbeing is just as
important as physical wellbeing,
and you need to maintain both in
order to stay fit and healthy

How you can look after your wellbeing

Talk about the way you feel
Identify your triggers
Do something you enjoy
Take time to relax
Make a plan to stay well – Wellness Action Plan
Think about what helps you if you start feeling overwhelmed
Be kind to yourself – we are all human!

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