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Seasons in the

Causes of Seasons
*Differentiate weather
from climate.
*What are the factors
affecting climate.
*Is it rainy or sunny season:
a. During outing and picnics?
b.During harvest times?
c. During starts of classes in
d.During Christmas?
Activity 1:
Divide the chalkboard in 5 columns, one
column for each formed group in the class.
a. Draw a circle.
b. Divide it by parallel lines and points.
c. Label them as follows:
*Northern hemisphere
*Southern Hemisphere
*North Pole
*South Pole
Activity 2:

a. Examine a globe or world map.

b. Locate Philippines where it lies.
c. Indicate the latitude, either north or south and
longitude, either east or west.
a. How far is the
Philippines from
equator? From
b. What is it
effects on our
*The Philippines has two classified seasons –
wet and dry.
*The Philippine is in the
Tropical Zone. This means
that the solar energy we
receive is more or less the
same all throughout the
year. As a result, we do
not experience the four
*Instead, we have the same summer season
all year round. However, the rainfall varies
in a year. When there is much rainfall, we
call it rainy or wet season. When it seldom
rains, we call it a dry season.
*This difference in rainfall is due to the
monsoon winds called habagat and
amihan. They are directly caused by the
differences in the heating of seas and land
in the region.
The Philippine Monsoon
*The Philippines lies in the trade wind belt.
This suggests that the northeast wind
normally blows over the country. However,
the southeast trade wind can also blow over
out country.
*During the months of November,
December, January, and February, the air
mass coming from Siberia blows towards the
Pacific region of Australia. Siberia is a part of
Asian continent. The Philippines is a part of
the Pacific Region.
*The air mass should be cold and dry because it
comes from an icy continent. As the air mass passes
over the Pacific Ocean, it gains some moisture.
However, it would not have much moisture yet by the
time it reaches the Philippines. So, this air mass does
not bring with it much rain. This cold and not-so-wet
wind that blows over the Philippines from December
to February is called amihan or the northeast
*From June to October the pathway of
monsoon changes. In this period, it is
winter in the southern Hemisphere and
summer in the Northern hemisphere.
*In the of June to October the trade wind
that passes over the Philippines originates
from the cold continent Australia.
As the air mass from Australia travels
towards the Philippines, it passes over the
warm Indian Ocean. The oceans are the
source of air moisture. So warm moisture
from the Indian Ocean combines with the
cold air mass. By the time it reaches our
country, it has become the cold and wet
trade wind. It brings much rain to the
Philippines. This is called habagat or the
southwest monsoon.
*The following factors
influences country’s season:
-country’s location (latitude)
-wind system
-bodies of water
-amount of rainfall
*Countries near the equator including the Philippines
experienced two seasons, the wet (rainy) and dry
(sunny). The reason for the seasons of the Philippines
can be traced to the tilt of the earth’s axis as it revolved
around the sun. It maintains its inclination at 23 ½
degrees on its axis.
*In temperate countries, they experience four seasons
namely: winter, spring, summer and autumn/fall. Each
season lasts for three months. The four seasons are
cause by the tilt of the earth’s axis, as the earth revolves
around the sun.
*Seasons are influence by the country’s location, bodies
of water, wind system and amount of rainfall.
*Give activities you can do during these seasons.
Group them as follows:
Wet Seasons Dry Seasons
Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. What causes the seasons in the Philippines?
a. Earth’s rotation
b. Earth’s revolution
c. Earth’s tilting on its axis
d. All of the above
2. How many seasons do we have in the
a. Only one c. Three
b. Two d. Four
3-4. What are two seasons that we experience in
our country?
a. Dry Season
b. Winter Season
c. Wet Season
d. Spring Season
5. Some factors influence our country’s season.
These factors are _________.
a. latitude c. bodies of water
b. wind System d. amount of rainfall. e.
all of the above
6-7. Which of these factors greatly influence the
country’s seasons because of its effect in the
temperature and rainfall? Choose.
a. Presence of bodies of water.
b. Presence of mountains.
c. Earth’s rotation
d. Earth’s revolution
8. Which is the exact location of the Philippines?
a. 5 to 20 degrees north of equator
b. 30 to 40 degrees north of equator
c. 20 to 60 degrees north of equator
d. 65 to 90 degrees north of equator
9. Why do countries near the equator experience
warm climate?
a. Because the sun’s gravitational pull is strong
b. Because the equator is pointed towards the sun
c. Because the wind in the equator is called
d. Because of the direct heat from the sun
throughout the year
10. Why are months of June to November are wet
seasons? Because of the________.
a. Doldrums c. Ocean currents
b. Northwest monsoon d. Soutwest Monsoon

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