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Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 1


• Fundamental Principles
• Bonding in solids
• Polymers
• Liquid Crystals
• Ceramics
• Composites
• Biomaterials
• Thin Films

• Nano materials

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 2

Fundamental Principles of materials

Materials - substances used in the primary production or

manufacturing of a good.

Different substances have different properties because they;

• Contain different elements & different combinations of elements.
• Contain different types of chemical bonds
• Have different sizes of units
• The solid state structure may contain different types of assemblies
e.g., molecular packing arrangement may be different or the
geometry of linkage in an extended 3D structure may vary.

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 3

Material science involves the study of the
relationship between structure and properties of

Classification of materials

Solid materials Advanced materials Nanomaterials

Solid Materials:

1. Metals and alloys

2. Ceramics: A ceramic is an inorganic, non-metallic

solid prepared by the action of heat and subsequent cooling.

3. Polymers: Polymers are substances of high molecular

mass formed by the joining together of monomers with
low molecular mass.

4. Composites: A composite is composed of two (or more)

constituent materials with significantly different
Advanced Materials

Semiconductors: A semiconductor is a material which has

electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and that
of an insulator.

Biomaterials: They can be any type of material that has a

biomedical or biological application.


Nanomaterials are defined as materials with their dimension

in the size range from 1-100 nanometers.
Bonding in Materials

Covalent Metallic Secondary

Ionic Bond
Bond Bond Bonds

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 7

Ionic Bond
The electrostatic attraction between the cation and anion
produced by electron transfer
It is formed between a metal and non-metal, by the transfer
of valance electron from one atom to another
A+ + B - → A+ B- + Lattice energy
electrovalent bond

2 Na(S) + Cl2 (g) → 2 NaCl (S)


Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 8

Properties of ionic compounds

 They are solids at room temperature

 Crystals of ionic solids are hard and brittle.
 They possess high melting points and high boiling points.
 They do not conduct electricity in the solid state. They
are good conductors of electricity when they are in the
molten state or in aqueous solution.
 They are soluble in polar solvents but insoluble in
nonpolar solvents.
 They do not exhibit isomerism.

Covalent Bond
Formed by overlap of atomic orbitals and mutual sharing
of electrons.
Typically formed by two non-metals having similar electro-
negativities and hence the atoms must share the electrons
Ex: H2, O2

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 12

Properties of covalent compounds

 They are gases, liquids or solids at room

 They are soft and much readily broken
 They have low melting points and boiling points
 They are soluble in organic solvents
 They are rigid and directional; causes
 They do not conduct electricity in any state

Metallic bond
 The bonding which holds the metal atoms firmly together
by force of attraction between metal ions & the mobile
 If many metal atoms are brought together, the outer
electrons of each can merge together and overlap.
 Then they are in a position to move around and between
all the atoms.
 A block of metal can be thought of as an array of
positive ions immersed in a sea of delocalized electrons.
Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 14
Metallic bond

Characteristic properties of metals

 They have bright metallic luster

 They are malleable and ductile
 They have high electrical and thermal conductivity
 The melting points vary according to the efficiency of
metallic bonding

Secondary Bonds

Hydrogen Dipole-dipole Dipole-Induced

London Forces
Bonds Bonds dipole Bonds

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 20

Hydrogen Bond
The attractive force which binds hydrogen atom of one molecule
with electronegative atom ( F, N, O) of another molecule of the
same substance

Types of hydrogen bonding

Intermolecular: force of attraction between H atom and
electronegative atom of two different molecule
Ex: p-nitrophenol

Intramolecular: force of attraction between H atom and

electronegative atom present in the same molecule
Ex: o-nitrophenol

Dipole-dipole bonds: The strongest secondary bonding type exists
between adjacent polar molecules.
The associated binding energies are significantly greater than for
bonds involving induced dipoles.
Ex: HCl

An ion-induced dipole attraction is a weak attraction that
results when the approach of an ion induces a dipole in an atom
or in a nonpolar molecule by disturbing the arrangement of
electrons in the nonpolar species.


Example: An ionic compound dissolves in water

Ion-Dipole Interaction

Dipole-induced dipole bonds: Permanent dipole moments exist in
some molecules by virtue of an asymmetrical arrangement of
positively and negatively charged regions; polar molecules will
induce a dipole in adjacent nonpolar molecules, and a bond will
form as a result of attractive forces between the dipole and
induced dipole
Ex: H2O and Ne

H2O and O2

London forces:
Atoms vibrate, at any instant the cloud is likely to be slightly off
center.  This creates an instantaneous dipole

If another atom next to it, this atom will be affected by the instantaneous


One of these dipoles can in turn produce a displacement of the electron

distribution of an adjacent molecule or atom, which induces the second
one also to become a dipole that is then weakly attracted or bonded to the

The 2 dipoles attract one another – producing an attractive interaction

The momentary attraction between the molecules/atoms caused by
instant dipole and induced dipole are called London forces



• Macro molecules formed by linking smaller structural units,

called monomers interconnected by covalent bonds.
n C C C C
H H n
Ethene Polythene

• Degree of polymerization: The number of repeating units

(n) in the chain.

• Functionality: The number of reactive sites or bonding sites.

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 31

Classification of

Response to Properties
Origin Structure Methods of
heat and or
crystallinity Applications

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 32

Linear polymer
Linear polymer

Branched polymer

Cross linked


 Monomers undergo self addition  Monomers undergo intermolecular

condensation with continuous
to each other without loss of by
elimination of by products such as H2O,
NH3, HCl, etc.,
 Unsaturated vinyl compounds
 Monomers containing the functional
undergo addition polymerization groups (-OH, -COOH, -NH2,
 Monomers are linked together ….)undergo this polymerization
through C – C covalent linkages  Covalent linkages are through their
functional groups

Tacticity of Polymers

On one side

Alternating sides

Randomly placed

- Conversion from one stereoisomerism to another is not possible by simple

rotation about single chain bond; bonds must be severed first, then reformed!
Structure and properties of polymers

• Strength

• Plastic deformation

• Crystallinity

• Chemical Resistance

• Elasticity
Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 38
Tensile Strength
This can be discussed based on the forces of attraction
and slipping power

Based on forces of attraction:

Strength of the polymer is mainly determined by the
magnitude and distribution of attractive forces
between the polymer chains

These attractive forces are of two different types

primary or covalent bond

secondary or intermolecular forces

In straight chain and branched chain polymers, the

individual chains are held together by weak
intermolecular force of attraction

In cross-linked polymers, monomeric units are held

together by means of covalent forces

Based on slipping power:
It is defined as the movement of molecules one over
the other
It depends on the shape of the molecule
E.g., polyethylene molecule is simple and uniform
the movement of molecules one over
other is easy i.e., slipping power is high
Hence it has less strength.
In case of poly vinyl chloride (PVC), the bulky
chlorine atoms are present along the chain length
hence movement is restricted
i.e., slipping power is less
Hence PVC has higher strength than PE
Cl Cl Cl Cl

Cl Cl Cl Cl

Cl Cl Cl Cl

Cl Cl Cl Cl
Polystyrene (PS) possess greater strength when
compared to PE and PVC because of the presence of
bulky phenyl group.

In cross linked polymers, all structural units are

connected by strong covalent forces and so the
movement of the intermolecular chains is totally
restricted. Hence they are most strong and tough
Polymers exhibit mechanical strength, heat
resistance and tougher only when chain length is
greater than 150 - 200 atoms in a line.

Polymers of low mol. wt. are soft and gummy.

Thus by controlling the chain length or mol. wt.,
it is possible to vary the physical properties of the
polymer from soft and flexible to hard.
Plastic deformation
When a polymer is subjected to some stress in the
form of heat or pressure or both, permanent
deformation in shape takes place, which is known as
plastic deformation

Slippage is more in case of linear molecules than

cross-linked, because of the presence of only the weak
intermolecular forces
At high pressure and temperature, the weak
van der Waal’s forces between molecules
become more and more weak

Hence linear molecules show greatest degree

of plastic deformation, under pressure

Such type of materials are called thermoplastic

No slippage occurs in case of cross-linked molecules,
because only primary covalent bonds are present
throughout the entire structure.
i.e., plasticity does not increase with rise in
temperature or pressure or both in cross-linked
Such type of polymers are known as
thermosetting polymers

However, when considerable external force or

temperature exceeding the stability of material is
applied, it will result in total destruction

Polymers are part crystalline and part amorphous

An amorphous state is characterized by complete

random arrangement of molecules

crystalline form by regular arrangement of molecules

 A linear polymer will have a high degree of
crystallinity, and be stronger, denser and more rigid.

The more “lumpy” and branched the polymer, the

less dense and less crystalline.

More the crosslinking, more stiffer the polymer.

and, networked polymers are like heavily
crosslinked ones.
Polymers with a long repeating unit or with low
degree of symmetry do not crystallize easily

Isotactic and syndiotactic polymers are

stronger and stiffer due to their regular packing
Which polymer is more likely to crystallize?Can it be decided?

Networked Linear and highly crosslink

Phenol-Formaldehyde cis-isoprene

+ H
+ H2 0

Networked and highly crosslinked structures are

nearly impossible to reorient to favorable alignment.

Not possible to decide which might crystallize.

Both not likely to do so.
Which polymer is more likely to crystallize? Can it be decided?

alternating random
Poly(styrene - ethylene) poly(styrene - ethylene) copolymer

Alternating co-polymer more likely to crystallize

than random ones, as they are always more easily
crystallized as the chains can align more easily.
Which polymer is more likely to crystallize?Can it be decided?
Linear syndiotactic polyvinyl chloride Linear isotactic polystyrene

For linear polymers, crystallization is more easily accomplished as chain

alignment is not prevented.
Crystallization is not favored for polymers that are composed of chemically
complex polymer structures, e.g. polyisoprene.

Linear and syndiotactic polyvinyl chloride is more likely to crystallize.

The phenyl side-group for PS is bulkier than the Cl side-group for PVC.
Generally, syndiotactic and isotactic isomers are equally likely to crystallize.
Chemical Resistance

Chemical resistance of the polymer depends

upon the

chemical nature of monomers and

their molecular arrangement
As a general rule of dissolution,
‘like materials attract’
‘unlike materials repel’
Thus a polymer is more soluble in structurally
similar solvent


Polymers containing polar groups like – OH, - COOH

etc., usually dissolve in polar solvents like water,
ketone, alcohol etc.,

but these are chemically resistant to non-polar solvents

Similarly non-polar groups such as methyl, phenyl
dissolve only in non-polar solvents like benzene,
toluene, etc.,

Polymers of more aliphatic character are more soluble

in aliphatic solvents, hence chemical resistance is
less in aliphatic solvents and more in aromatic solvents

Polymers with more aromatic groups dissolve more in

aromatic solvents, hence chemical resistance is less in
aromatic solvents and more in aliphatic solvents
Polymers containing ester groups (e.g., polyesters)
undergo hydrolysis with strong alkalis at high
temperature implies less chemical resistance in alkalies

Polyamides like nylon containing –NHCO– group can

undergo easily the hydrolysis by strong acid or alkali
Polymers containing residual unsaturation e.g., rubbers
(natural and some synthetic) easily undergo degradative
oxidation in air in presence of light or ozone

Because of the dissolution of polymers in suitable

solvents, there occurs softening, swelling and loss of
strength of polymer material

The tendency of swelling and solubility of polymers

in a particular solvent decreases with increase in
molecular weight
Linear polymers have lower resistivity than
cross linked polymers

Permeability of the solvents in the polymers also

depends on crystallinity

crystalline polymers exhibits higher chemical

resistance than less crystalline polymers because of
denser packing
Elasticity of the polymer is mainly because of the
uncoiling and recoiling of the molecular chains on the
application of force


Returned to
When a polymer is stretched the snarls begin to
disentangle and straighten out

i.e., the orientation of the chains occurs which

in turn enhances the forces of attraction
between the chains and thereby causing the
stiffness of the materials

However when the strain is released snarls return to
their original arrangement

A polymer to show elasticity the individual chains

should not break on prolonged stretching

Breaking takes place when the chains slip over the

other and get separated
So the factors which allows the slippage of the
molecules should be avoided to exhibit an elasticity

The slippage can be avoided by

 introducing cross-linking at suitable molecular

introducing bulky side groups such as aromatic and
cyclic groups on repeating units

introducing polar groups on the chains

A polymer to show elasticity, the structure should be

To get an elastic property, any factor that introduces

crystallinity should be avoided

By introducing a plasticizer the elasticity of polymer

can enhance
Glass Transition Temperature

The glass transition temperature can be defined as

the temperature below which an amorphous
polymer is brittle, hard and glassy and above the
temperature it becomes flexible, soft and rubbery.
Glassy state rubber state
(Hard brittle plastic) (soft flexible)

In the glassy state of the polymer, there is neither
molecular motion nor segmental motion. When
all chain motions are not possible, the rigid solid
results. On heating beyond Tg segmental motion
becomes possible but molecular mobility is
disallowed. Hence flexible

Factors affecting glass transition Temperature

A polymer having regular chain geometry show

high glass transition temperature, the bulky groups
on chain increases the Tg of the polymer

polyethylene has Tg -110oC.

nylon 6 has Tg- 50oC

crystalline polymers have higher Tg than

amorphous polymers
plasticizers reduce the Tg of the polymer by
reducing the cohesive forces of attraction between
the polymers. e.g., dibutyl phthalate, diacetyl
phthalate etc.,

This helps in choosing the right processing temperature

It is a measure of flexibility of a polymer and also gives
the idea of the thermal expansion, heat capacity,
electrical and mechanical properties of the polymer
Molecular weight of polymers

When a polymer is synthesized, a number of

polymer chains start growing at any instant, but
all of them do not get terminated after growing to
the same size. The chain termination is a random
process and hence, each polymer molecule formed
can have a different number of monomer units and
thus different molecular weights

Molecular weight of polymers
Number – average molecular weight
• Number fraction
• Lower value
• Determined by colligative
Weight – average molecular weight
• Weight fraction
• Higher value
• Determined by ultracentrifugation & light scattering expts

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 71


Affects the mechanical, solution & melt properties

of the polymer.

Numerical Problems

• Calculate the number average and weight average

molecular weight of a polymer sample in which 40 %
molecules have molecular mass of 25000, 20 % have
molecular mass of 30000 and rest have molecular mass
of 55000.

• A polymer sample contains 1,2,3 and 4 molecules

having molecular weight 105, 2 105 , 3  105 &
4  105 respectively. Calculate the number average
and weight average molecular weight of the polymer.
A polypropylene [-CH2–CH(CH3)-] sample
contains the following composition.
Degree of polymerization 400 800 600
% composition 25 35 40
Calculate Mn & Mw of polypropylene sample
by neglecting the end groups. Given that atomic
masses of C = 12 and H = 1 amu.

• Ratio of Mw to Mn is known as the polydispersity
index (PI)

a measure of the molecular-mass distribution

PI = 1 indicates Mw = Mn, i.e. all molecules

have equal length (monodisperse)

PI = 1 is possible for natural proteins whereas

synthetic polymers have 1.5 < PI < 5
Liquid Crystals

Arrangement of molecules in different states

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 76
Liquids and gases
Liquids and gases
(uniform properties in all
(uniform properties in all

Liquid Crystals
Liquid Crystals
have orientational order
have orientational order
LCs - Classification
Based on the response to temperature or concentration
 Thermotropic LCs
 Lyotropic LCs

Based on the shape

 Calamitic LCs
 Discotic LCs
 Polycatenar LCs
 Bent (Banana ) LCs

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 78

LCs – Mol. Structures and examples

LCs – Mol. Structures and examples
Rʹ A L B Rʺ

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 80
The general molecular formulae of Calamitic LCs

LCs – Mol. Structures and examples

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 82

LCs – Mol. Structures and examples

3,1-polycatenary mesogen
2,2-polycatenary mesogen

3,2-polycatenary mesogen 3,3-polycatenary mesogen (Phasmidic)

(Forked hemiphasmidic)

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 83

LCs – Mol. Structures and examples

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 84

Lyotropic LCs
 Form anisotropic aggregates when combined with a
 Phase behavior dependent on concentration & polarity
of the solvent
 Molecules are usually amphiphilic, having non-polar,
hydrophobic ‘tails’ at one end & with a polar,
hydrophilic ‘head’ at the other end.

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 85

Based on the phase structures
 Nematics
 smectics
 columnar
 cubic



Smectic A Smectic C

Smectic B


LCs - Properties
The LC molecules must satisfy the following properties for

 LC behaviour should be at room temperature & the entire

temperature range of the device operation
 Chemically, electrochemically, photochemically &
thermally stable
 Permanent electric dipole
 Should possess easily polarizable substituents

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 92

LCs - Applications

1. Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs)

2. LC Thermometers

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 93

Chiral nematic molecules

Electric field off Electric field on

LC Thermometers

Chiral nematic LCs reflect light and the color

reflected is dependent upon temperature.


The chemical combination of different metallic and non-

metallic elements (mostly silicates and metal oxides)
gives rise to ceramic materials with a variety of

Used to indicate refractories, glass, enamels, porcelain,

bricks and abrasive materials.

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 100

Classification of ceramic materials
On the basis of application

1. Glasses
2. Clay products
3. Refractories
 Acid
 Neutral
 Basic
4. Abrasive materials
5. Cements
6. Advanced ceramics

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 101

Clay products

Clay is a fine  grained soil that combines one or more

 clay minerals with traces of metal oxides and organic matter.

Clay is the principal component of the white wares  and

structural clay products.
Structural clay products include building bricks, tiles.

In the white ware ceramics group are porcelain, pottery, china

and sanitary ware.

Feldspar and quartz may be added which influence the
changes that occur during firing.

Fire clays are hydrated aluminosilicates of composition



A refractory material is one that retains its strength
at high temperatures

The oxides of aluminium, silicon and magnesium are the

most important materials used in the manufacture of

Acid refractories
consist of mostly acidic materials like alumina (Al2O3) and
silica (SiO2). They include substances such as silica,
alumina, and fire clay brick refractories

Basic refractories
The refractories that are rich in periclase, or magnesia (MgO)
are termed basic; they may also contain calcium, chromium,
and iron compounds.

Neutral refractories
Used in areas where slags and atmosphere are either acidic
or basic and are chemically stable to both acids and bases.
The common examples of these materials are chromia
(Cr2O3) and carbon.


1. In refractories
 Strength
 load bearing capacity
 resistance to attack by corrosive materials
 Non porous

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 107

Abrasive materials
Being hard and tough are used to cut, grind and polish
other softer materials.
Diamond, SiC, Tungsten carbide are common examples

Advanced ceramics
Many of our modern technologies use advanced ceramics
because of their unique mechanical, chemical, electrical
magnetic and optical properties and property
combinations. Examples: ceramic ball bearings,
piezoelectric ceramics.
A material possessing adhesive and cohesive properties, and capable of
bonding materials like stones, bricks & building blocks

Cement Mixture of lime stone and clay

Heated to 1500°C-

Granular substance

Clinker (combination of calcium,

silicate, alumina and iron oxide)
Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 109
Glass ceramic materials

 high mechanical strength

 low coefficient of thermal expansion
 high temperature capabilities
 good dielectric properties
 good biological compatibility
 ease of fabrication

A hard, brittle, noncrystalline, super cooled
liquid of infinite viscosity more or less
transparent substance produced by fusion of
many metallic silicates  like Na, K & Ca,
along with soda and lime.

Main ingredients
1. Limestone (CaCO3), CaCO3

2. Soda ash (Na2CO3), and

3. Sand/Silica (SiO2)
4. Cullets (broken glass material)
Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 111
Mechanical properties of Ceramics

At low temperature, ceramics are brittle while

close to its melting temperature, non-crystalline
ceramics becomes ductile

Brittle fracture

When the tensile load is applied on crystalline or

non-crystalline ceramics, fracture takes place,
before any deformation sets-in

Compressive strength is higher than tensile strength

Fracture toughness is the ability of the ceramics to
resist the fracture and is directly proportional to
applied stress and length of the crack.

Flaws in the ceramics behaves like stress

magnifiers and forms the cracks which sequentially
leads to fracture.

Flexural or fracture strength σfs
Example: The maximum tensile stress value that can
be sustained before the beam or rod fails is its
flexural strength

fracture strength is directly proportional to load at
fracture and indirectly proportional to the thickness
of the material

Elastic behavior

Elastic deformation is reversible deformation, while

plastic deformation is permanent deformation.

In reversible deformation, the material comes to

its original configuration, (shape and size), when
load/force are released

Elastic deformation can be due to tension /
compression / shear force.

The elastic modulus, like fracture strength, is

directly proportional to load at fracture and
indirectly proportional to the thickness of the


Sandwich composite


Composite material- material system composed of two or

more macro constituents that differ in shape and chemical

A composite is composed of two (or more) individual

materials which come from the categories namely
metals, ceramics and polymers.

Usually one phase (the matrix) is continuous and

completely surrounds the other (the dispersed phase).

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 120

Aerospace, under water and transport applications. Other
applications involve automotive, home appliance, sporting
goods and industries.
Properties with examples
Wood consists of strong and flexible cellulose fibres
surrounded and held together by a stiffer material called
Adding significant amounts of carbon black to natural
rubber increases its strength drastically

fiberglass, in which small glass fibres are embedded within

a polymeric material (epoxy or polyester) 121
The properties of composites are a function of
the properties of the constituent phases,
their relative amounts
the geometry of the dispersed phase.

Properties of composite materials are determined by three

i) The materials used as component phases in the composite.
ii) The geometric shapes of the constituents and the resulting
strength of the composite system.
iii) The manner in which the phases interact with one

Many composite materials are composed of two phases
 matrix phase and dispersed phase.

It is a continuous phase in composite which completely surrounds the
other phase (or dispersed phase)
Ex: metal (MMC), polymer (PMC), ceramic (CMC)

Function of matrix phase:

 Binds dispersed phase
 Acts as medium to transport and distribute the load to dispersed
 Protect the dispersed phase from chemical action and keep in
proper position and orientation along the direction of applied load

Dispersed phase or reinforcing phase
It is a discontinuous phase that is surrounded by the matrix
It is the structural constituent which determines the internal
structure of the composite

Ex: fibers (glass or carbon), particulates (small pieces of solid


Function of dispersed phase:

 To enhance matrix properties
 Increases the strength, used at elevated temperature

Advantages Drawbacks
• Strong and stiff, yet very • More expensive than
light in weight conventional materials
• Better fatigue properties • Manufacturing methods
• Can be designed such that for shaping composite
they do not corrode materials are often slow
• Possible to achieve • polymer based composites
combinations of subject to attack by
properties not attainable chemicals or solvents
with metals, ceramics, • anisotropic
polymers alone

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 125

Classification of Composites

According to the matrix material and the

reinforcement geometry (particles, fibres, layers)

• Particle reinforced
Composites • Fiber reinforced
• Structural

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 126

Particle reinforced
Properties are isotropic
The dispersed phase for particle reinforced composites is
equiaxed (i.e. particle dimensions are approximately the
same in all directions).

Large particle reinforced composites
• The particulate phase is harder and stiffer than the matrix.
• The matrix transfers some of the applied stress to the
particles, which bear the friction of the load.
 Particles can have quite a variety of geometries, but they
should be of approximately the same dimension in all
 Particle size is large and present in large conc.

Example: concrete, which is composed of cement (the

matrix), and sand and gravel (the particulates).
i) Dispersion strengthened

 strengthening materials which are very small and hard

(usually less than 0.1 µm) are uniformly dispersed within
the matrix phase
 The matrix bears the major portion of an applied load
and the small dispersed particles hinder the motion of
 Thus plastic deformation is restricted and hardness and
strength increases
 Particle size is small and present in small conc.
 The dispersed phase may be metallic or nonmetallic
 Example :thoria (ThO2) dispersed Ni-alloys (TD Ni-
alloys) with high-temperature strength; 130
Fiber-reinforced composites

Dispersed phase : fiber (long length to diameter ratio)

Matrix phase: metal, polymer or ceramic
 The primary functions of the matrix are to Transfer stresses
between the reinforcing fibers (hold fibers together)
 To protect the fibers from mechanical and/or environmental

Fibre phase: 
            On the basis of diameter and character fibres are grouped into
three different classifications as 

 Thin single crystals that have large length to
diameter ratios (lower than fiber) 
 Possess high strength due to its small size that have
extremely high degree of crystallinity   
 they are very expensive and difficult to incorporate
into matrix. 
 Ex: graphite, silicon carbide, silicon nitride.  

Silicon carbide whiskers 132

Fibers : They are either polycrystalline or amorphous and
have small diameters (ex: like glass, ceramic)
High length to diameter ratio
The stiff reinforcing fibers are responsible for carrying load
and ductility, toughened

Glass fiber and glass fiber mat carbon fiber mat

Wires: Fine wires have relatively large diameters. 
Typical material include steel, molybdenum,
Ex: wire mesh

The strength of fiber-reinforced composite depends
on fiber orientation and its concentration
a) Parallel alignment of the longitudinal axis of the
fibers in a single direction
b) Totally random alignment

Structural composites
It is composed of both homogenous and composite materials. 
The properties depend on properties of constituent materials and on
the geometrical design of various structural elements

Laminar composites:
 It is made of two dimensional sheets or panels that have a
preferred high strength direction  
 Layers are stacked and subsequently cemented together such that
the orientation of high strength direction varies with each
successive layer. Ex: Ply wood

Sandwich panels
Consists of two strong outer sheets, or faces separated by a
layer of less dense material or core which has lower stiffness
and lower strength
Faces or skin: Laminates of glass or carbon fiber-
reinforced thermoplastics or mainly thermoset polymers 

 like polyvinylchloride, polyurethane, polyethylene 
or polystyrene, synthetic rubber

Foam 137

Combination of two material- reinforcing material usually in the

form of fiber, sheet or particles,
Matrix is made of polymeric material

Materials used :Fiber- glass, carbon

Matrix: thermoplastic (polyolefines, vinylic polymers) and
thermosetting resins (polyester and epoxides)

Advantages of polymer composites:
-Light weight.
-High strength to weight ratio.
-More durable than conventional materials like steel and
-Good corrosion resistance.
-High fatigue strength.
-High temperature resistance.

-Composites of phenolic resins and nylon are used in heat
shields for space crafts.
-Are used in automotive and railway applications.
-As structural material in construction industries.
Examples of polymer composites
Fibre glass or glass-reinforced plastic (GRP)
Matrix: Made by reacting a polyester with carbon-carbon double bonds
in its backbone and styrene- a mix of the styrene and polyester
Fibre: glass fibre

Ex: Used in car engines components, aeroplane parts and boat hulls
Kevlar composites

• Kevlar is an aromatic polyamide. Chemically it is poly(para

• Matrix: Kevlar
• Fibres: carbon fibre or glass fibre as reinforcing agent.

In Kevlar aramid ring provides thermal stability and para-structure

provides high strength.

-Light weight, high strength, thermally stable
-Resistant to impact and abrasion damage. It can be used as
protective layer on graphite laminates.
-Can be mixed with graphite to provide damage resistance and to
prevent failure.


Kevlar composites are more sensitive to the environment than


Carbon fibre composites

• Carbon fibre is a fibre containing at least 90% carbon

• Obtained by controlled pyrolysis of appropriate fibres.
• Fibre precursors are used to produce carbon fibres of different
morphologies & characteristics.
Precursors; e.g. polyacrylonitrile, cellulosic fibres or phenolic fibres.
• Matrix material: epoxy resin, phenolics, polyester
or polyvinyls.

Composite sandwich structure panel used for testing at NASA

Classification based on materials used
Polymeric Biomaterials

Metallic Biomaterials

Ceramic Biomaterials

 Composite Biomaterials

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 145


“Any material, natural or man-made, that comprises whole or part of

a living structure or biomedical device which performs, augments, or
replaces a natural function”

can be
metals, ceramics, polymers, glasses, carbons,
composite materials


(a) Based on materials used

(b) Based on the interaction with biological system

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 146

Characteristics of Biomaterials

1. Biocompatibility:
• Biocompatible materials are more readily integrated into the
body without inflammatory signs.

2. Physical requirement:
• Tubing (replace a defective blood vessel) must be flexible and
must not collapse under bending or other distortions

3. Chemical requirement:
• “medical grade”, approved for use in any particular medical
Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 147
Biomaterial applications
Vascular grafting:
• Tube-shaped synthetic material surgically implanted in the veins
and arteries are known as Vascular grafts

Artificial tissue:
• lab-grown tissues can be used to replace grafts

Hip replacement:
• provides joint mobility and structural support
• stable under considerable load, have high fatigue resistance,
abrasion resistance and biocompatibility
Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 148
Advantages & disadvantages
Materials Advantages Disadvantages Examples
Polymers: Resilient Not strong, Deform Sutures, blood
Nylon , Silicones Easy to fabricate with time, May vessels, hip socket, ear,
Teflon degrade nose, other
Dacron   soft tissues
Metals Strong, May corrode, Dense Joint replacement,
Titanium tough   bone plates and
Stainless steels Ductile screws, dental
Co-Cr alloys root implants
Ceramics Biocompatible Brittle, Difficult to Dental; hip socket
Aluminum oxide Inert, Strong in make, Not resilient
Carbon compression  
Composites Strong, tailor-made Difficult to make Joint implants;
Carbon-carbon heart valves

Films with thickness ranging from 0.1µm to about

Chemically stable in the environment where it is used
Adhere well to the substrate
Uniform thickness
Chemically pure or of controlled chemical composition
Low density of imperfections
Optical or magnetic properties, insulator or semiconductor
as required for particular applications 152
• Bonding forces - primary chemical in nature
• Bond energies - 250 to 400 kJ/mol
 van der Waals and electrostatic forces also
 Bond energies - 50-100 kJ/mol

Techniques of deposition
 physical vapor deposition (PVD)
 chemical vapor deposition (CVD)

Physical Vapor deposition

• Methods
Thin films, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 154
Vacuum deposition

Eg. Optical lenses coated with inorganic materials such as MgF2, Al2O3 and SiO2.

Importance of vacuum environment 155

Advantages Disadvantages
•PVD coatings harder & more corrosion  Line of sight
resistant technique
•Coatings have high temperature & good  High capital cost
impact strength, excellent abrasion resistance  Some processes
and are so durable operate at high
•Able to utilize several types of inorganic and vacuums &
organic coating materials on diverse group of
 Requires appropriate
substrates using a wide variety of finishes. cooling systems
•Environmentally friendly than traditional  The rate of coating
coating processes deposition quite slow
•Possible to change the target material from
which the sputtered atoms arise without
disturbing the system so that multilayer films
can be formed.
Thin films, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 156
Chemical Vapour Deposition

Main components of CVD equipment

 Chemical vapour precursor supply system
 CVD reactor
 Effluent gas handling system

Process principles & deposition mechanism

Thin films, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 157

Simplified CVD setup

Examples TiBr4(g) + 2H2(g)  Ti(s) + 4HBr(g)

SiCl4(g) + 2H2(g)  Si(s) + 4HCl(g)
Advantages Drawbacks
• produces highly dense and pure • Chemical and safety hazards
materials caused by the use of toxic,
• uniform films with good corrosive, flammable and/or
reproducibility and adhesion explosive precursor gases
• good throwing power • Difficult to deposit
• control over crystal structure, multicomponent materials
surface morphology and orientation with well controlled
of the products stoichiometry using
• Deposition rate can be adjusted multisource precursors
• Reasonable processing cost • High fabrication cost
• use a wide range of chemical
• Relatively low deposition
Thin films, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 159
Comparison between PVD and CVD

Features PVD CVD

  Vacuum sputtering  
Mechanism of Thermal Momentum Chemical reaction
deposition energy transfer
Deposition rate High Low except for Moderate
pure metals
Deposited species Atoms & ions Atoms & ions Precursor molecules
dissociate into atoms

Energy of Low (0.1-0.5 Can be high ( 1- Low; can be high with

deposited species eV) 100 eV) plasma-assisted CVD

Throwing power Poor Poor Good

Thin films, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 160


• dimensions - 1 to 100 nm

• Large surface area to volume

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 161


Based on
• origin
Natural nanomaterials
Artificial nanomaterials
Zero dimensional (all the dimensions are within the nanoscale range )
1 dimensional (two dimensions are at nanoscale range, other dimension is not.)
2 dimensional (one dimension is at nanoscale range, other two dimensions are
3 dimensional (not confined to the nanoscale in any dimension)

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 162

Preparation of nano-materials

• Bottom up
 Chemical synthesis (sol-gel process)

• Top down
 Ball milling

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 163

Chemical Synthesis

 Sol-gel method

• Preparation of a precursor solution (metal in polymer)

• Deposition of the sol onto a substrate: (spraying, dipping or
• Formation of gel: (heating the sol at a low temperature or
allowing it to stand for certain duration)
• Drying process
• Heat Treatment

Ball milling

• small balls are allowed to rotate around the inside of a drum

and drop with gravity force on to a solid enclosed in the drum

• can be readily implemented commercially

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 165

Self test

• How do you define a liquid crystal? Classify the liquid

crystals based on shape of molecules.
• Describe the working of a liquid crystal display system.
• Explain CVD method using a schematic diagram.
• Discuss the three characteristic features of biomaterials.
• What are the disadvantages of PVD.
• List the advantages of cement as a construction
• Mention the applications of polymer composites.

Modern Materials, Dept. of Chemistry, MIT 166

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