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I|||p|no Va|ues Dynam|cs of

8ehav|our and Leadersh|p towards

undersLand Lhe values of Lhe llllplno
W AllanmenL of oraanlsaLlon's aoals wlLh
emplovees' personal aoals
W lmproves efflclencv
W creaLes a harmonlous relaLlonshlp beLween
companv and emplovees
9rof||e of the I|||p|no Worker
W ;uarLer of Lhe workforce ls 24 vears old and
W MosL of Lhe workers are found ln Lhe nC8 CavlLe
8aLanaas Laauna ;uezon and CenLral Luzon
W 78 of workers are marrled wlLh an averaae of
Lhree klds
W 37 are ln dualcareer famllles where boLh
faLher and moLher work
5ootce Octobet 2007 boteoo of loboot ooJ
mplovmeot 5totlstlcs 2005 wotk Otleototloo
@he Mean|ng of Work for I|||p|nos
W 88 of llllplno's see work as a person's mosL
lmporLanL acLlvlLv
W 73 a [ob ls [usL a wav of earnlna monev
W Work ls prlmarllv seen as a means of meeLlna
baslcs needs and survlval
W venue for lndlvldual arowLh
W 94 need Lo have a [ob Lo fullv develop ones
LalenLs (94)
W 63 eople who do noL work become lazv
5ootce 2004 wotk Otleototloo 5otvev wotlJ voloes
5otvev ootee
@he Mean|ng of Work for I|||p|nos
#wotk ls cote to mv exlsteoce os oo loJlvlJool
becoose l bove testeJ mvself l ttleJ stovloo ot
bome potooo sometbloo wos mlssloo l
wos olwovs o wotkloo wlfe so fot me wotk
ls o veblcle fot folfllmeot lo tetms of toleots
ooJ obllltles comloo oot
locus aroup dlscusslon conducLed bv ersonnel
ManaaemenL AssoclaLlon of Lhe hlllpplnes 2004
one parLlclpanL sLaLed
What I|||p|no Workers |ook for |n a
Factor Rank
Good Pay 1
Job Security 2
A Job that Meets one`s Abilities 3
A iob Respected by People in General 4
A Job in Which You Can Achieve Something 5
A Job That is Interesting 6
Good Hours 7
Not Too Much Pressure 8
An Opportunity to Use Initiative 9
Generous Holidays 10
ource World values urvev
app|ness and 5at|sfact|on
W esplLe Lhelr manv hardshlps Lhe poslLlve splrlL of Lhe llllplno
shlnes Lhrouah
W llllplnos are aenerallv happv wlLh Lhelr slLuaLlon
W level of happlness ls slanlflcanLlv correlaLed wlLh lncome and
saLlsfacLlon wlLh flnanclal condlLlon
W urvevs also reveal happlness ls funcLlon of [ob level
W undersLandable because hlaherlevel [obs ofLen mean areaLer
auLonomv challenae and compensaLlon all facLors LhaL llllplnos
look for ln a [ob
8ased on Work CrlenLaLlon urvev
What |s Important for I|||p|no
lamllv verv slanlflcanL llllplno culLure
W 99 of parLlclpanLs raLed famllv as verv lmporLanL"
W 96 raLed work as verv lmporLanL" ln Lhelr llfe
W 96 raLed rellalon verv lmporLanL" and raLher
W 93 raLed servlce verv lmporLanL" and raLher
lmporLanL" responses comblned
W Lelsure and pollLlcs are leasL lmporLanL Lo llllplno
ource World values urvev
What |s Important for I|||p|no
Common prlorlLles of llllplno workers
W lamllv
W 8elaLlonshlps and frlends
W Work and career
W ersonal developmenL
W plrlLuallLv and healLh
8esearch sLudv conducLed bv Lhe 8esources and
lnner LraLeales for Lxcellence lnc (8lL lnc) for
Lhe ersonnel ManaaemenL AssoclaLlon of Lhe
hlllpplnes (MA)
Work vs Le|sure
llllplnos ln aeneral place a subsLanLlal premlum
on work compared Lo lelsure or recreaLlon
W ALLlLudes Loward lelsure lnfluenced bv
worker's educaLlonal aLLalnmenL and lncome
W Workers wlLh more educaLlon and hlaher
lncome place a hlaher value on lelsure Lhan
Lhose wlLh less educaLlon and lncome
ource World values urvev
ommon 9os|t|ve @ra|ts of 5uccessfu|
I|||p|no 8us|ness Leaders
Trait Median
Finance/Business interest: the interest in commerce or fiscal management) 10.00
Wants to lead: the desire to be in a position to direct or guide others) 9.30
Wants challenge %he willingness to attempt difficult tasks or goals) 9.11
Takes initiative: the tendency to perceive what is necessary to be accomplished and to
proceed on one`s own
Wants Autonomy: the desire to have freedom or independence from authority) 8.85
Optimistic: the tendency to believe that the future will be positive) 8.48
Enthusiastic: the tendency to be eager and excited towards one`s own goals) 8.47
Authoritative:%he desire for decision-making authority and the willingness to accept
decision-making responsibility)
Creative thinking/Experimenting: the tendency to try new things and new ways of
doing things)
@he Va|ue of @ransformat|ona| Leader
@ransformaLlonal leadershlp valuable Lo oraanlsaLlons
W emplovee [ob saLlsfacLlon
W oraanlsaLlon commlLmenL
W LrusL ln leadershlp
AblllLv of a buslness Lo survlve depends on ablllLv of leaders Lo
W Lransform Lhe oraanlsaLlon
W harness emplovee commlLmenL
W LrusL ln adapLlna Lo chanae
I|||p|no emp|oyees tend fear rather than embrace change et
organ|sat|ons cannot successfu||y change |f members res|st |t
ow Do @ransformat|ona| Leader
8ehav|ours Inf|uence Lmp|oyee
LransformaLlonal leader" ls WesLern ln orlaln Lhe
kev elemenLs are slmllar Lo Lhe llllplno concepL of
aabav" (aulde)
!ocano (1999)llllplno leaders are expecLed Lo
behave llke auldes noL auLocraLs
W Confldence of subordlnaLes Lhe leader has Lo
aLLend Lo Lhe needs of hls/her people
W Leader needs Lo clarlfv Lhe vlslon of Lhe companv
eople wlll look up Lo hlm/her for auldance
W Manaaer musL be credlble and a aood role model

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