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Chapter 4

Database System Architecture &

Database Modeling

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• Identify and describe important entities and
relationships to model data
• Develop data models to represent, organize,
and store data
• Design and use relational databases to organize,
store, and manipulate data

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Data Models
 A collection of tools for describing
 data
 data relationships
 data semantics
 data constraints
 Entity-Relationship model
 Relational model
 Other models:
 object-oriented model
 semi-structured data models
 Older models: network model and hierarchical
Entity-Relationship Model
Example of schema in the entity-relationship model
Entity Relationship Model (Cont.)
 E-R model of real world

 Entities (objects)

• E.g. customers, accounts, bank branch

 Relationships between entities

• E.g. Account A-101 is held by customer Johnson

• Relationship set depositor associates customers with accounts

 Widely used for database design

– Database design in E-R model usually converted to design in the relational

model (coming up next) which is used for storage and processing
Relational Model

• Example of tabular data in the relational model

customer- customer- customer- account-
name street city number
192-83-7465 Johnson Alma A-101
Palo Alto
019-28-3746 Smith North A-215
192-83-7465 Johnson Alma A-201
Palo Alto
321-12-3123 Jones Main A-217
019-28-3746 Smith North A-201
A Sample Relational Database
Instances and Schemas
 Similar to types and variables in programming languages
 Schema – the logical structure of the database
– e.g., the database consists of information about a set of
customers and accounts and the relationship between them
– Analogous to type information of a variable in a program
– Physical schema: database design at the physical level
– Logical schema: database design at the logical level
 Instance – the actual content of the database at a particular point
in time
– Analogous to the value of a variable
 Physical Data Independence – the ability to modify the physical
schema without changing the logical schema
– Applications depend on the logical schema

– In general, the interfaces between the various levels and

components should be well defined so that changes in some
parts do not seriously influence others.
DBMS Architecture
• Many external views
• One conceptual (= logical) schema
• One physical (= internal) schema
– Views describe how users see the data
– Conceptual schema defines logical structure
– Physical schema describes the files and
indexes used
DBMS Architecture
View 1 View 2 View 3


Conceptual Schema


Physical Schema

Database Independence

Linkage to other databases New hardware

New users

New data
Database New storage techniques
user’s view

Change in use Change in technology

New functions
• Logical data independence
– change the logical schema without having to change
external schemas
• Physical data independence
– change the internal schema without having to
change the
logical schema
Change the mapping, not the schema!
Database Language and Interface

• Data Definition Language (DDL)

– Commands for setting up the schema of a database
– The process of designing a schema can be complex,
may use a design methodology and/or tool
• Data Manipulation Language (DML)
– Commands to manipulate data in database:
Retrieve, Insert, Delete, Modify
– Also called “query language”
Classification of Database System

Hierarchical Database Model

• In this model, there is a parent-child relationship. In
this model each entity has only one parent and many
abstract children. There is only one entity in this
model that we call root.
Hierarchical Database Model


Department Infrastructure

Course Teacher Student

Advantages & Disadvantages
• It promotes data sharing.
• There is a parent/child relationship due to which its
concepts are simple
• It provides database security
• It takes one to many relationships
• It is not flexible
• It does not have data definition and data manipulation
Network Database Model

• In a network model, data is organized into

graphs. And it can have more than one parent
• There is more parent/child relation in it. And in
it some entity can access from multiple path. So
it can be conclude that in this model it is
possible to store and access a data as a network.
Network Database Model


Customer Manager Salesman

Order Items
Advantage & Disadvantage
• Its concept is as simple as the hierarchical model.
• There is more than one parent/child relationship
• Data can be accessed easily in it
• It provides data integrity
• It contains data definition language (DDL) and data
manipulation language (DML)
• Its database structure is very complex (difficult) b/c all the
records in it are maintained using pointers
• Changes in its structure require changes in all programs
Relational Database Model

• In this model, data is stored in relations i.e. tables

and each relation has rows and columns. A relational
model is a group of tables in which data and
relationships are specified.
• The data is stored in two dimensional tables, the
tables are also called a relation. And the row of each
table is called a tuple. The tuple represents the entity
and the column of the table represents the attributes.
Relational database model
Table name Column name

Roll no Name Mobile no

1 Abel +251925251…

2 Robel +25191825…

3 Jemal +25191025…

Attribute/column Table Tuple/row

Advantage and Disadvantage
• It is very flexible, it can easily make any kind of change
• The data is kept in tables, so its concept is very simple
• It provides data integrity. That is, no user can access the database
without the owners permission
• It requires powerful hardware computers, storage device and
• It is very easy to use but when a user stores data in it incorrectly
then it becomes very bad DBMS
• This is a very simple model due to its simplicity some users
create their own database causing the problem of data
inconsistency, data duplication
• The full name of the E-R model is the entity-relationship
model. It is a graphical approach to database design. That
is the database is designed by diagram and visual
representation in it.
• It uses entity/relationship to display real world objects
• In the ER-model, an entity is a real-world object.
• The properties of an entity are called attributes.
• The association between entities is called relationships.
- One to one
- One to many
Advantage & Disadvantage
• The E-R model is very simple if we know the
relationship between entities and attributes.
• There is no data manipulation
• Its design is of a high level
• This model is presented as a diagram, with which
we can understand easily.
ER Model

ID Balance
Number Balance

Street City Date

Customer Customer
Account Account
Database Modeling
Data Modeling Terms
• Entity – a class of real world objects having
common attributes (e.g., sites, variables, methods).
• Attribute – A characteristic or property of an entity
(site name, latitude, longitude)
• Relationship – an association between two or
more entities
• Cardinality – the number of entities on either end
of a relationship (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-
to-many, etc.)

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Data Modeling Exercise
• Consider:
– What is the “entity”?
– What are the “attributes”
of the entity?

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Data Modeling Exercise
• What is the entity?
• What are the attributes?

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Data Modeling Exercise
• What is the entity?
• What are the attributes?

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Data Modeling Exercise
• What are the relationships?

Grows In

Apple Apple Tree Orchard

Grows On

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What about the business rules?
Data Model Requirements
• What is the information/data domain that you
are modeling?
• What are the 20 queries that you want to do?
– e.g., “Give me simultaneous observations of
turbidity and TSS collected during the spring
snowmelt period so I can develop a regression in R.”
• What software do you want (have) to use?
• How do you want to share the data?

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Data Model Design
• Our focus – relational data model
• Three stages:
– Conceptual data model
– Logical data model
– Physical data model

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Conceptual Data Model
(The Information Model)
• High-level description of the data domain
• Does not constrain how that description is
mapped to an actual implementation in
• There may be many mappings
– Relational database
– Object model
– XML schema, etc.

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Apple/Tree/Orchard Conceptual Model

Grows In

Apple Apple Tree Orchard

Grows On
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Defining Entities and Relationships
• Instead of beginning with this:

• Sometimes its easier to write statements:

– Many TimeSeries are measured at a Site.
– Each TimeSeries contains one or more DataValues.
• The nouns become entities and the verbs
become relationships.
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Logical Data Model
• Technology independent
• Contains more detail than the Conceptual Data Model
• Considered by many to be just an expanded conceptual
data model
• Defines
– Entities AND their attributes
– Relationships AND cardinality
– Constraints
• Generally completed as a documented Entity
Relationship (ER) Model or diagram

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Example: ODM Logical Data Model ER Diagram

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Entity Relationship Diagram
• Documentation of the structure of the data
• Used to communicate the design
• Serve as the basis for data model

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Entity Relationship Diagram
(Relation Database Context)

• Entities effectively become tables

• Attributes describe entities and become fields
(columns) in tables
• Relationships link tables on a common attribute
or “key” and become formal constraints (part of
the business rules)

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ER Diagram Entity Notation

Entity Name

Attributes Data Type

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ER Diagram Relationship Notation
• Multiple notation systems are used
• Each software program is a little different
• Most common is “Crows Foot”
Crows Foot Alternative
0 .. *
1 .. *
1 .. 1
0 .. 1
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Relationship Cardinality and Participation

• Cardinality: maximum number of times an instance in

one entity can be associated with instances in the
related entity
• Participation: minimum number of times an instance
in one entity can be associated with instances in the
related entity

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• Maximum number of times an instance of an entity can
be associated with instances of a related entity
• Can ONLY have values of 1 or many
• Located closest to the entity in Crows Foot notation

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• Minimum number of times an instance in one entity can be
associated with instances in the related entity
• Indicates whether an instance of an entity MUST participate in
the relationship
• Can ONLY have the values of 0 or 1

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Mapping Cardinality and Participation

Apple Grows_on AppleTree

A1 R1
A2 R2

A3 R3 T2

A4 R4
A5 R5

A6 R6

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Reading Cardinality and Participation

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Relationship Examples

Left to Right: A site has 0 or more time series of data.

Right to Left: A time series is measured at 1 and only 1 site.

Left to Right: A variable has 0 or more time series of data.

Right to Left: A time series can have 1 and only 1 variable.

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Relationship Examples

Left to Right: A TimeSeries has 1 or more Observations.

Right to Left: An Observation belongs to 1 and only 1

Left to Right: An Observation has 0 or more Qualifiers.

Right to Left: A Qualifier describes 0 or more Observations.

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Primary and Foreign Keys
• Each row in a table should have an attribute that is a
persistent, unique identifier – the “Primary Key”
• Primary key in “parent” table
• Foreign key in “child” table

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Primary and Foreign Key Example
OrchardID OwnerName Area_acres
1 John Appleseed 5.5 Orchards
2 Daryl Appleseed 15

AppleTreeID Species Size DatePlanted OrchardID

Apple 1 Honeycrisp 5 4/15/2010 1

Trees 2 Honeycrisp 6 4/15/2010 1

3 Honeycrisp 3 4/15/2010 1
AppleID Color Weight AppleTreeID
1 Green 200 2
2 Green 180 2 Apples
3 Green 195 2

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Primary and Foreign Keys
• Usually consist of integer values
• MUST be the same data type in parent and child

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Creating an ER Diagram Using
MySQL Workbench

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• Data model design is a 3 step process –
conceptual, logical, physical
• Conceptual and logical data models can be
expressed using Entity Relationship (ER)
• ER diagrams capture the entities, attributes, and
relationships to model your information domain
• ER diagrams are a powerful way to document the
design of your data model
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Steps in Data Model Design
1. Identify entities
2. Identify relationships among entities
3. Determine the cardinality and participation of
4. Designate keys / identifiers for entities
5. List attributes of entities
6. Identify constraints and business rules

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• Work alone or in groups of 2-3
• Use MySQL Workbench to begin creating an
Entity Relationship diagram
– Identify entities
– Specify attributes
– Create relationships

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